The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors; Or, Christianity Before Christ. Graves Kersey
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СКАЧАТЬ wise man corrects his own errors by observing those of others.

      27. He who rules his temper conquers his greatest enemy.

      28. The wise man governs his passions, but the fool obeys them.

      29. Be at war with men's vices, but at peace with their persons.

      30. There should be no disagreement between your lives and your doctrine.

      31. Spend every day as though it were the last.

      32. Lead not one life in public and another in private.

      33. Anger in trying to torture others punishes itself.

      34. A disgraceful death is honorable when you die in a good cause.

      35. By growing familiar with vices, we learn to tolerate them easily.

      36. We must master our evil propensities, or they will master us.

      37. He who has conquered his propensities rules over a kingdom.

      38. Protect, love and assist others, if you would serve God.

      39. From thought springs the will, and from the will action, true or false, just or unjust.

      40. As the sandal tree perfumes the axe which fells it, so the good man sheds fragrance on his enemies.

      41. Spend a portion of each day in pious devotion.

      42. To love the virtues of others is to brighten your own.

      43. He who gives to the needy loses nothing himself.

      44. A good, wise and benevolent man cannot be rich.

      45. Much riches is a curse to the possessor.

      46. The wounds of the soul are more important than those of the body.

      47. The virtuous man is like the banyan tree, which shelters and protects all around it.

      48. Money does not satisfy the love of gain, but only stimulates it.

      49. Your greatest enemy is in your own bosom.

      50. To flee when charged is to confess your guilt.

      51. The wounds of conscience leave a scar.

      Compare these fifty-one precepts of Chrishna with the forty-two precepts of Christ, and you must confess they suffer nothing by the comparison. If we had space we would like to quote also from the Vedas. We will merely cite a few examples relative to woman.

      1. He who is cursed by woman is cursed by God.

      2. God will punish him who laughs at woman's sufferings.

      3. When woman is honored, God is honored.

      4. The virtuous woman will have but one husband, and the right-minded man but one wife.

      5. It is the highest crime to take advantage of the weakness of woman.

      6. Woman should be loved, respected and protected by husbands, fathers and brothers, etc. (For more, see Chapter on Bibles.)

      Before we close this chapter we must anticipate and answer an objection. It will be said that the reported amours of Chrishna and his reencounter with Cansa constitute a criticism on his character. If so, we will point to Christ's fight or angry combat with the money-changers in the temple as an offset to it And then it should be remembered that Chrishna's disciples claim that these stories are mere fable, or allegorical, and are not found in the most approved or canonical writings.


      How many Gods who figured in Hindoo history suffered death upon the cross as atoning offerings for the sins of mankind is a point not clearly established by their sacred books. But the death of the God above named, known as Sakia, Budha Sakia, or Sakia Muni, is distinctly referred to by several writers, both oriental and Christian, though there appears to be in Budhist countries different accounts of the death of the famous and extensively worshiped sin-atoning Saviors.

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