Plays: Lady Frederick, The Explorer, A Man of Honour. Maugham William Somerset
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СКАЧАТЬ got the confounded bills. I was too late.

Lady Frederick

      Did you try?


      Oh – yes, I thought it would interest Charlie to know how extremely needful it was for you to marry him.

Lady Frederick

      Then who on earth has got them?


      I haven't an idea, but they must make you very uncomfortable. Three thousand five hundred, eh?

Lady Frederick

      Don't say it all at once. It sounds so much.


      You wouldn't like to exchange those letters of Mereston's for seven thousand pounds, would you?

Lady Frederick

      [Laughing.] No.


      Ah… By the way, d'you mind if I tell Charlie the full story of your – relations with me?

Lady Frederick

      Why should I? It's not I who'll look ridiculous.


      Thanks. I may avail myself of your permission.

Lady Frederick

      I daresay you've noticed that Charlie has a very keen sense of humour.


      If you're going to be disagreeable to me I shall go. [He stops.] I say, are you quite sure there's nothing else that can be brought up against you?

Lady Frederick

      [Laughing.] Quite sure, thanks.


      My sister's very jubilant to-day. What about the Bellingham affair?

Lady Frederick

      Merely scandal, my friend.


      Well, look out. She's a woman, and she'll stick at nothing.

Lady Frederick

      I wonder why you warn me.


      For the sake of old times, my dear.

Lady Frederick

      You're growing sentimental, Paradine. It's the punishment which the gods inflict on a cynic when he grows old.


      It may be, but for the life of me I can't forget that once —

Lady Frederick

      [Interrupting.] My dear friend, don't rake up my lamentable past.


      I don't think I've met any one so entirely devoid of sentiment as you are.

Lady Frederick

      Let us agree that I have every vice under the sun and have done with it.

[A Servant comes in.]Servant

      Madame Claude wishes to see your ladyship.

Lady Frederick

      Oh, my dressmaker.


      Another bill?

Lady Frederick

      That's the worst of Monte. One meets as many creditors as in Bond Street. Say I'm engaged.


      Madame Claude says she will wait till miladi is free.


      You make a mistake. One should always be polite to people whose bills one can't pay.

Lady Frederick

      Show her in.


      Yes, miladi.

[Exit Servant.Fouldes

      Is it a big one?

Lady Frederick

      Oh, no; only seven hundred pounds.


      By Jove.

Lady Frederick

      My dear friend, one must dress. I can't go about in fig-leaves.


      One can dress simply.

Lady Frederick

      I do. That's why it costs so much.


      You know, you're devilish extravagant.

Lady Frederick

      I'm not. I'm content with the barest necessities of existence.


      You've got a maid.

Lady Frederick

      Of course I've got a maid. I was never taught to dress myself.


      And you've got a footman.

Lady Frederick

      I've always had a footman. And my mother always had a footman. I couldn't live a day without him.


      What does he do for you?

Lady Frederick

      He inspires confidence in tradesmen.


      And you have the most expensive suite of rooms in the hotel.

Lady Frederick

      I'm in such a dreadful mess. If I hadn't got nice rooms I should brood over it.


      Then, as if that weren't enough, you fling your money away at the tables.

Lady Frederick

      When you're as poor as I am, a few louis more or less can make absolutely no difference.


      [With a laugh.] You're quite incorrigible.

Lady Frederick

      It's really not my fault. I do try to be economical, but money slips through my fingers like water. I can't help it.


      You want a sensible sort of a man to look after you.

Lady Frederick

      I want a very rich sort of a man to look after me.


      If you were my wife, I should advertise in the papers that I wasn't responsible for your debts.

Lady Frederick

      If you were my husband, I'd advertise immediately underneath that I wasn't responsible for your manners.


      I wonder why you're so reckless.

Lady Frederick

      When my husband was alive I was so utterly wretched. And afterwards, when I looked forward to a little happiness, my boy died. Then I didn't care any more. I did everything I could to stupefy myself. I squandered money as other women take morphia – that's all.


      It's the same dear scatter-brained, good-hearted Betsy that I used to know.

Lady Frederick

      You're the only person who calls me Betsy now. To all the others I'm only Elizabeth.


      Look here, what are you going to do with this dressmaker?

Lady Frederick

      I don't know. I always trust to the inspiration of the moment.


      She'll СКАЧАТЬ