A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs. H Bohni
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Название: A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs

Автор: H Bohni

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ qu’une brebis galeuse pour gâter tout le troupeau. One scabby sheep is enough to spoil the whole flock.

      Il ne faut rien dérober que la bourse d’un avocat. One may steal nothing save a lawyer’s purse.

      Il ne perdra pas l’avoine faute de brailler. He will not lose his oats for want of braying.

      Il ne se garde pas bien qui ne se garde toujours. He does not guard himself well who is not always on his guard.

      Il n’est banquet que d’homme chiche. No feast like a miser’s.

      Il n’est chasse que de vieux chiens. There is no hunting but with old hounds.

      Il n’est cheval qui n’ait sa tare. ’Tis a good horse that has no fault.

      Il n’est orgueil que de pauvre enrichi. There is no pride like that of a beggar grown rich.

      Il n’est pas échappé qui traîne son lien. He is not escaped who drags his chain.

      Il n’est pas si diable qu’il est noir. He is not so much of a devil as he is black.

      Il n’est pire eau que l’eau qui dort. There is no worse water than that which sleeps.

      Il n’est pire sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre. None so deaf as he that won’t hear.

      Il n’est point de belles prisons ni de laides amours. Never seemed a prison fair or mistress foul.

      Il n’est que d’avoir la clef des champs. There’s nothing like having the key of the fields.

      Il n’est que d’être crotté pour affronter le bourbier. There’s nothing like being bespattered for making a man defy the gutter.

      Il n’est rien si bien fait où l’on ne trouve à redire. There is nothing so well done but may be mended.

      Il n’est secret que de rien dire. The only way to keep a secret is to say nothing.

      Il n’est si bon charretier qui ne verse. The best driver will sometimes upset.

      Il n’est si grand dépit que de pauvre orgueilleux. There is no spite like that of a proud beggar.

      Il n’est si petite chapelle qui n’ait son saint. There is no chapel so small but has its saint.

      Il n’est si riche festin, où il n’y ait quelqu’un qui mal dîne. There never was a banquet so sumptuous but some one dined ill at it.

      Il n’y a cheval si bien ferré qui ne glisse. Be a horse ever so well shod, he may slip.

      Il n’y a cheval si bon qui ne bronche. It is a good horse that never stumbles.

      Il n’y a ni rime ni raison. There’s neither rhyme nor reason.

      Il n’y a pas de gens plus affairés que ceux qui ne font rien. None so busy as those who do nothing.

      Il n’y a pas de miroir au monde qui ait jamais dit à une femme qu’elle était laide. There never was a looking-glass that told a woman she was ugly.

      Il n’y a pas de sots métiers, il n’y a que de sottes gens. There are no foolish trades, there are only foolish people.

      Il n’y a plus d’enfans. There are no children now-a-days.

      Il n’y a point d’amour sans jalousie. There is no love without jealousy.

      Il n’y a point de héros pour son valet de chambre. No man is a hero in the eyes of his valet.

      Il n’y a point de petit ennemi. There is no such thing as an insignificant enemy.

      Il n’y a que la première bouteille qui est chère. It is only the first bottle that is dear.

      Il n’y a que le premier pas qui coûte. The first step is all the difficulty.

      Il n’y a que les bons marchés qui ruinent. It is only good bargains that ruin.

      Il n’y a que les honteux qui perdent. It is only the bashful that lose.

      Il n’y a qu’heur et malheur en ce monde. All is luck or ill luck in this world.

      Il n’y a rien de fait tant qu’il reste à faire. Nothing is done while something remains undone.

      Il n’y a rien si hardi que la chemise d’un meunier. Nothing so bold as a miller’s shirt (because it takes a thief by the throat every morning).

      Il n’y a sauce que d’appétit. No sauce like appetite.

      Il n’y a si bel acquêt que le don. No purchase like a gift.

      Il n’y a si bonne compagnie qui ne se quitte, comme disait le roi Dagobert à ses chiens. The best company must part, as King Dagobert said to his hounds.

      Il n’y a si grand jour qui ne vienne pas a vêpres. No day so long but has its evening.

      Il n’y a si méchant pot qui ne trouve son couvercle. There is no pot so bad but finds its cover.

      Il n’y a si petit buisson qui n’ait son ombre. There is no bush so small but casts its shadow.

      Il n’y eut jamais bon marché de peaux de lions. Lion-skins were never had cheap.

      Il porte le deuil de sa blanchisseuse. He wears the mourning of his washerwoman.

      Il porte le feu et l’eau. He carries fire and water.

      Il ressemble à chat brûlé, il vaut mieux qu’il ne se prise. He is like a singed cat, better than he looks.

      Il se ruine à promettre, et s’acquitte à ne rien donner. He ruins himself in promises, and clears himself by giving nothing.

      Il tombe sur le dos et se casse le nez. He falls on his back and breaks his nose.

      Il vaut mieux avoir affaire à Dieu qu’à ses saints. It is better to have to do with God than with his saints.

      Il vaut mieux être fou avec tous que sage tout seul. Better be mad with all the world than wise alone.

      Il vaut mieux être le premier de sa race que le dernier. It is better to be the first of one’s race than the last (meanest).]

      Il vaut mieux être marteau qu’enclume. It is better to be the hammer than the anvil.

      Il vaut mieux faire envie que pitié. Better to be envied than pitied.

      Il vaut mieux plier que rompre. It is better to bend than break.

      Il vaut mieux trébucher une fois que toujours chanceler. Better to stumble once than be always tottering.

      Il y a des calomnies contre lesquelles l’innocence même perd courage. There are calumnies against which even innocence loses courage.