Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova
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Название: Conversation with Lucifer

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ complete and more distorted.

      These are merely different types of perception of Divine Light. You have all collectively introduced many mutually accepted distorting programs into your mind that you use. They are like decoders or language translation programs. You can choose to stop using these programs. One way to do this is to question everything, which means considering the possibility of multiple solutions and perceptions of various facts and situations that you find undeniable. Perception through the mind and through the heart are essentially different qualities of wave reception, different receivers of Divine Light. But some of you have heart receivers that are also quite distorted; they have forgotten what love and joy are, and for them, violence has become a way of life and a mode of perception. If you perceive the world only through the heart or only through the mind, you get an incomplete picture of perception. And beyond the mind and heart, you have many other varieties of perception.

      We have debated a lot about free will. Does it exist or not? One position is that we choose everything in our lives ourselves. Another is that the choice was initially made by some higher deity for us, and our task is to accept and submit to this choice, assuming from the start that all of this is done for our benefit. What is benefit? The best path for our development.

      But we have already discussed that there are no best or worst paths of development; there are simply different directions of movement and changes in your portion of the awareness of Divine Light. Is the path of water better than the path of air? The worst path could be conditionally recognized as the slowing of development, because stopping development entirely is impossible. But since time does not exist, the speed of development is not an essential quality or condition.

      However, it is believed that there are common development plans for the Universe, and I exist only within their frameworks and cannot violate them, as that would disrupt the plan of the Universe. It’s like if my liver cell suddenly decided to become a lung cell or live its own separate life.

      If a liver cell chooses to become a lung cell, it will become one. Why do you think you have less freedom of choice than a liver cell?

      You said that I choose how my cells will develop.

      I spoke about co-creation. You choose together. But right now, the process of your interaction, your joint choice, is not conscious for you; it’s automatic.

      For me? Are you saying that for the liver cell it is conscious?

      More than it is for you. Don’t your cells send you different signals, such as pain?

      But if all my organs are working normally, I don’t hear the signals.

      Exactly, you don’t hear them. But let’s return to the Universe. Who do you think determines its development plans?


      But for God, everything is a new experience. How can you plan something new if its characteristics and new parameters are unknown? It’s like asking scientists to invent something new, without knowing what it should be.

      Are you saying there are no plans for the Universe?

      God has no plans. He simply exists, and we exist as parts of Him. And as His parts, He accepts any development plans for His parts, which is independent creation. Why would He allocate parts of Himself within Himself if they acted only according to His plan?

      But the system of the Universe is quite stable and harmonious. If there is no common plan, how does it exist without falling apart?

      Everything interacts and finds ways to interact because there is no other option. You cannot destroy life and the Universe itself. You cannot eliminate God within you, or destroy God altogether. You cannot stop the process of creation within you. Therefore, in this regard, you have no choice. God and forms of His perception will always exist, or at least as long as God has decided so. But in all other matters, it is you who chooses how and what to create, whether to create according to existing templates and creation programs or to create your own program and templates of creation. Right now, you are creating this text, which somewhat differs from the common templates of world perception, and in this way, you are creating your world and your boundaries of interaction with other forms of perceiving Divine Light.

      Wait, but I can’t create everything and everyone. If I am a part of someone, can I choose something different from that of whom I am a part?

      Let's imagine an infinite matryoshka doll, for the sake of simplicity. Suppose you are the smallest matryoshka, although infinity exists in all "directions." You can create within yourself and manifest another part inside of you, or you can interact with the matryoshka that is outside of you. You cannot interact with the largest matryoshka, at least not directly. You can interact with it indirectly through a certain number of other matryoshka forms, passing your creative impulses through them. In this way, your freedom lies within your internal creation, while outside of you, you create within the framework of interaction with the matryoshka that communicates with you.

      If the smallest matryoshka is you, then all the others are forms of your perception of the world, the boundaries of your reality. But at a certain point, you realize that beyond the boundaries of you as the smallest matryoshka, there is a space of perception, and you are one with it. You begin to dissolve your form to interact with this space. Since you can only create within yourself (and this is a certain limitation of freedom of choice), you cannot create outside your own space. However, you can expand your boundaries, extend your internal space. You can start merging with the space external to you and unite with it in your creation.

      At a certain stage of this merging, you realize that the space you are connecting with is also you, in the sense that your small matryoshka was created from it. Then you are free to choose: whether to remain a separate matryoshka or to dissolve your boundaries and merge into a larger matryoshka. Or to remain an independent matryoshka and expand yourself through your internal space and creations within you. And so, infinitely, in both directions. Because by disidentifying with your matryoshka, you find yourself once again as a matryoshka, only larger, and the process repeats.

      Are you talking about the development of the human body?

      I am talking about the process of the Spirit's descent and ascent. And matryoshkas are a very primitive representation, as the process is not only infinite but also multidimensional, that is, infinite-dimensional.

      Does that mean I'm always acting within certain boundaries?

      Yes, until you become the creator of those boundaries.

      What does that mean?

      It means that the true gift of love to each of its parts, given by the Original God, is that each of us can become an independent creator not only of the forms of our world but also of the laws of our world's development, building our own universe.

      How is that possible? Is it when one uncovers all the matryoshkas and reunites with the Original God?

      It is when one creates within oneself one's own universe and the laws of its existence. Each of you holds the potential to be a creator of universes.

      But if that's the case, anyone can create who knows what!

      Many do create. You just haven't encountered these worlds and universes yet, but echoes of their existence are present in your memory and in the information that comes to humanity.