Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova
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Название: Conversation with Lucifer

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ you imagine that? Now try to imagine further that, as the light exits through each hole in each of your inner globes, it also creates a structure of seven spheres within which the light wanders, extending infinitely.

      That sounds overwhelming. So, what am I?

      You are a part of the Divine Light, refracted in a certain way, determined by all your parts. And in this sense, since all parts of yourself are separated and refract light differently, you cannot influence their choice or the quality of their refraction. But all of this is you. It’s your choice, just as the choices of parts of yourself. Similarly, the Original God's choice is the sum of the choices of its parts.

      Then we will never reach the concept of death.

      I'm trying to explain. Why can the Spirit leave the body? Why does the Divine Light stop emanating from the body, one part of the Divine lamp? And then the body disintegrates, decays, and now the exit of the Divine Light occurs through the next globe-body.

      It leads to the conclusion: is it because, for some reason, this first globe-body stops refracting the Divine Light? Its openings get clogged or overgrown?

      Yes, you've understood. This is why God stops receiving the experience of perception through this body.

      Isn't it the other way around? God stops receiving the experience of perception through this body because it dies and disintegrates?

      No, because then the question arises: why would God stop the continuation of His experience of perception through this body in such a way? If He has no preference in receiving experience, and all His manifestation is the receiving of the experience of perception?

      This is your choice. At some stage of your experience, you decide that you no longer want to perceive through your physical body. Your "holes" for the Divine Light to pass through get clogged or overgrown simply because you choose it. You choose old age, frailty, death. You grow tired of existing in your body, and your perception stops being pure in the sense of immediacy and joy of perception. You lose the desire to create and grow.

      But some of you cease this experience of perception because you choose to return or continue to perceive the world and the Divine Light through your other globes-bodies. And then the Light of God passes less and less directly through the physical body’s light globe. This globe-body begins to decay precisely because it does not transmit (or transmits to a lesser extent) the Divine Light through itself.

      All diseases that arise in the physical body do so precisely because your globe-body does not transmit the Divine Light through itself. Become radiant lamps, and your body will live forever, for as long as you choose to let the Divine Light pass through it.

      Wait, but if we fully accept the Divine Light in its pure form, won't our physical bodies be unable to withstand it? They say we can't see angels; their light is too dazzling for us and could burn us.

      Yes, that’s exactly why you perceive God’s Light filtered through numerous filter-holes.

      So, my death is only possible if I destroy all my light globes-bodies and return back to His center?

      No, because then you will remain yourself, that is, some part of God, passed through all filters of perception.

      Then what is death?

      There is no death. Think about it. Even if all parts of God decided to stop gaining their experience, to stop creating, the experience they have already gained as parts of God, as God's eyes, wouldn't disappear, because nothing can vanish; everything can only transform.

      And what will become of all of us, as parts of God, if all parts of God decide to stop gaining experience, to stop creating?

      I don’t know. Do you?

      No, after all, I am also a ray of God, one of the first.

      So, if a person is full of plans and energy, wants to create and continue to gain experience through their physical body, do they not age or die?

      Yes. But they must also be confident that they won't age or die. You yourself activate all the mechanisms of aging and wear in your physical body.

      Can the wear and tear of the physical body be avoided?

      Of course. All the programs are embedded in you. All cells can be renewed, and up to a certain point, they grow and renew themselves. But you are the ones who activate the mechanisms that either slow down or speed up this cell renewal process.

      Should I command my body to constantly renew its cells?

      You should do this every second, reaffirming your choice. But you allow many virus-programs of your consciousness, brought in by the general development of your society, to break and halt these programs. By listening to advertisements for medicines, stories about diseases and aging, you let information enter you. Any information is energy that begins to work within you.

      But then, should one completely isolate oneself from society?

      Yes. That is exactly what those among you who are immortal in your world do. They isolate themselves from society, from the matrix-like perception, or have very little contact with it.

      Does that mean that as long as I live in society, I will still age and get sick?

      No, not necessarily. You can choose not to perceive this information, to block its development within you. But this is more difficult because the virus is constantly mutating. Just like more powerful viruses are always found in your computers, no matter what software protection is in place.

      Who creates these viruses?

      Those who want to use them for their purposes, those who perceive the world this way, and this is their creation in that sense, their way of perceiving, their choice. You can choose not to accept this every day. That is why many of you have come to the understanding that external sources of information, such as television and news, should be isolated. This is how you can cleanse your perception of externally imposed programs.

      So, is it impossible for an immortal person to live in the city?

      How do you imagine that? They simply wouldn’t be allowed to. People would ask why they aren’t aging, they would impose their perception programs, and so on. Sooner or later, an informational virus will break through their confidence that they are not aging, and they will activate their own aging and death mechanisms.

      Are there many immortals among us?

      You are all immortal. There are quite a few who have chosen immortal existence in a physical body.

      I have another question that troubles me. In the picture you’ve painted, everything is so beautiful, the rays of Divine Light travel through prisms of perception. But there are various teachings among us that say there are entities above or among us that literally feed on our awareness. For example, in the teachings of North American Indians, they are called flyers. In Christianity, they are referred to as demons, creatures, entities. What is this? Is Divine Light refracted in this way? Are we someone's food?

      You also feed. Why do you eat?

      To live, for СКАЧАТЬ