Learn to Speak. Заговори на английском по методу Г.Г.Оллендорфа. Татьяна Кубатина
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Теплый








      Берег (реки)







      Фермерские поля холодные? – Они не холодные; они теплые и зеленые.

      Река бурная, берега обрывистые.

      EXERCISE 12

      Are the fields green? – No, they are not green, but they are yellow and blue.

      Which fields are green? – Our neighbor’s are green, but my father’s are also green.

      Do you have the hay of the orchards? – No, I do not have it.

      What sidewalks do you have in your gardens? – I have good sidewalks and good paths.

      Your torrent is rapid, and your banks are steep.

      The pond is large and deep, and the ditch is wide and long.

      Is the sand in your kitchen-garden good? – It is not good, but it is not bad.

      Which rocks do you have? – I have the blue rocks, the yellow rocks, and the black rocks.

      Are your father’s fields cold? – They are not cold, but they are warm and green.

      Do you have the trees of the groves? – I do not have the trees of the groves, but I have the trees of the parks.

      Which ribbon do you have? – I have your husband’s ribbon.

      Which ribbon is it? – It is the yellow and green ribbon in the path of my father’s garden.

      Are the paths wide? – They are wide and large.

      Which hat do you have? – I have your father’s vermilion paper hat.

      Работая над данным пособием, я обнаружила, что автор оригинального метода исключил, не использовал в своем пособии местоимение 3-го лица, ед. числа, жен. рода. Ни SHE, ни HER в уроках не использовались. Я скорректировала этот момент и включила

      местоимения жен. рода в данное пособие.

      LESSON 13

















      The author

      The watchmaker

      The admiral

      The goldsmith

      The editor

      The volume

      The pencil

      The lake

      The gulf

      The nest

      The hair

      The horsehair

      The marsh

      The country

      The body

      The nose

      The palace

      The arm

      The back

      Do we have ours? – No, we have theirs.

      Do you have my red shoes? – I have your white shoes.

      Do the merchants have their books? – They don’t (do not have).

      УРОК 13























