Learn to Speak. Заговори на английском по методу Г.Г.Оллендорфа. Татьяна Кубатина
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Attentive











      Artless (natural and simple)


      The fine horses

      Does this merchant have a pretty wife? – No, his wife is not pretty, but his daughter is vey pretty.

      Does this man have his servant’s handsome wooden basket? – This man does not have, but this woman has.

      Is this man active? – No, but his daughter is active.

      Is this boy artless? – No, but this pretty little girl is very artless.

      УРОК 16















      Родной Массивный Мстительный Бесхитростный Отличительный Прекрасные лошади

      У этого торговца хорошенькая жена? – Нет, жена у него некрасивая, но дочь у него очень хорошенькая.

      Есть ли у этого человека красивая деревянная корзина его слуги? – У этого мужчины нет, а у этой женщины есть.

      Активен ли этот человек? – Нет, но его дочь активна. Этот мальчик бесхитростен? – Нет, но эта хорошенькая маленькая девочка очень бесхитростна.

      EXERCISE 16

      Is this horse active? – No, it is not active.

      Does this instructive man have his author’s good little book? – Yes, he has it.

      What good do you have? – I have these good candles and these candlesticks.

      Do you have my dog’s silver string? – No, I do not have it.

      Does this man have a beautiful wife? – No, his wife is not beautiful, but his daughter is very beautiful, and his son is very brave and wise.

      Does the captain have his new black hat? – Yes, he has, and he also has his white one.

      Is this little boy lively? – No, he is not, but his little sister is very lively.

      Do you have the new milk? – No, I do not have it, but my wife has.

      What pretty does your wife have? – She has good sons and beautiful daughters.

      Does our cousin’s son-in-law have the beautiful white and black horses? – He does not have them, but our neighbor’s son has them.

      Do you have the good new cheese or the bad old cheese? – I have the good old cheese.

      LESSON 17

      That or The one


      The boot

      That which

      Those which

      The letter

      The margin

      The wick

      The candle

      The taper

      The tablecloth

      The spoon

      The saltcellar

      The dishes and plates

      The porcelain

      The pitcher-jar

      The spit

      The key

      The basket

      The cord

      The packthread

      The washbasin

      Does the shoemaker have the mason’s new shoe? – He has the captain’s.

      Does he have your father’s boot? – No, he does not (doesn’t) have my father’s, but he has my sister’s.

      Does the gardener have the author’s instructive book? – No, he has the colonel’s.

      Do you have the horses which my father has, or those which my uncle has? – I have those which your cousin has.

      УРОК 17

      То или Один


      Сапог, ботинок

      Тот, который

      Те, которые


      Запас, поля



