Learn to Speak. Заговори на английском по методу Г.Г.Оллендорфа. Татьяна Кубатина
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СКАЧАТЬ book does the lawyer have? – The good lawyer has the white book, and the bad lawyer has the black book.

      The cat is black, and the dog is also black.

      Where is the tailor’s black coat? – It is on the floor.

      Where is your brother’s dog? – It is in the garden.

      Is he in the garden? – He is not (isn’t) in the garden.

      Is he on the roof?

      УРОК 11


      Я (есть)

      Ты (есть)

      Он (есть)

      Она (есть)

      Мы (есть)

      Вы (есть)

      Они (есть)








      Синий, голубой




      Киноварь (минерал красного цвета (сернистая ртуть). Сырье для получения ртути. Краска из этого минерала.








      Я большой, а брат маленький.

      У соседа шапка большая? – Она не большая.

      Какая книга у юриста? – У хорошего юриста есть белая книга, а у плохого юриста – черная.

      Кошка черная, и собака тоже черная.

      Где черное пальто портного? – Оно лежит на полу.

      Где собака твоего брата? – Она в саду.

      Он в саду? – Его нет в саду.

      Он на крыше?

      EXERCISE 11

      What book do you have? – I have the great black book of my father.

      Where is your dog? – He is in my neighbor’s garden.

      Where is our cat? – Our cat is in our father’s pretty garden.

      What cat does the merchant have? – he has the old neighbor’s yellow cat.

      Which ribbon do you have? – I have the good red ribbon.

      Do you have the white horse? – No, I do not have white horse, but I have the gray horse and the black horse.

      Do you have the strong green tea? – No, I do not have it, but I have the good black tea.

      What book does the merchant have? – The good old merchant has the red book, and the bad young merchant has the blue book.

      Which bread do you have? – I have your brother’s white bread.

      Does your husband have my father’s red wine? – No, he does not have it, but he has his son’s green cat.

      Which rice do you have? – We have the old merchant’s rice.

      Is it good? – I is good and white.

      Is your dog black? – My dog is black, and my cat is also black.

      LESSON 12

      The road

      The path

      The sidewalk

      The cape

      The top

      The rock

      Of the

      Of the park

      Of the grove

      Of the orchard


      The field

      The field are green.



      The sand

      The kitchen-garden

      The river

      The torrent

      The pond

      The ditch

      The shore

      The bank







      Are the countrymen’s fields cold? – They are not cold; they are warm and green.

      The river is rapid, and the banks are steep.

      УРОК 12





