Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God. Artur Zadikyan
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Название: Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God

Автор: Artur Zadikyan

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ you well. I know you're gonna be great. That's not what I'm asking.

      She kept demanding answers while the dynamic force pressed her into the chair.

      – Ruthra!

      – Now.

      – Where are we going?

      – I'll just take you for a ride for now.

      – All right, well, I hope I get through to you.

      – Buckle up, we're gonna do a couple turns.

      – I'm scared.

      – Don't be afraid, I'm with you.

      She smiled, but clearly didn't know what movie it was from. Yes, times, times… In fact, we change time, not time us.

      Rutra took the highway along the sea and drove. He didn't only break the rules of the road from time to time. YatSan was squealing – from pleasure, from the scenery, and from a slight fear....

      Ruthra leaned back a little in his chair as he watched, sitting relaxed. He didn't notice Iulia putting her left arm around his shoulders and her right arm around him, nuzzling him. Waking up a little, Ruthra noticed. He liked it, because he could interpret this action himself as he wished, and then carry out further actions at will. Moreover, he had already anticipated the events on the screen and subconsciously knew the reasons why YatSan was behaving the way he did when he woke up in the clone. That's the kind of bastard he was. As he said, he was a creature of God, and everything created by God is perfect and beautiful.

      The city Rutra couldn't identify. Perhaps it existed only in YatSan's imagination. The street was beautiful, running along the sea or bay, buried in greenery. Perhaps it was spring or early fall, people were dressed for the season, the beach was empty; the terrain had elevated…

      Ruthra turned off the embankment and sped down the busy street, the music playing loudly in the car, only occasionally drowned out by YatSan's squeals. Rutra zigzagged and labyrinthed through the cars, moving between the lanes with an arrow, and then he came to an intersection, turned around with a skid and a slip, and sped back down the oncoming lane.

      – Rutra, stop it. Ruthra, I don't want to anymore. Oh my god. Ahhhh," YatSan squealed, and that turned him on even more. – Rutra, please stop. I'm scared," she yelled, but he just smiled.

      After another skid-and-turn turn, YatSan squealed:

      – I knew you were crazy, but not to this extent.

      – Not to that extent? Then look," Ruthra said, and as the car sped off like a rocket, he fired a real flare in the direction of travel.

      She flew out and turned into a mini meteorite, which, crashing into the atmosphere from outer space, gives us the hope of the fulfillment of the wish we made while doing so. YatSan watched the scene with fright and excitement. Rutra took out a shiny thing that looked like a sci-fi weapon from the movies and shot a stream of sparkling rays into the sky, where they lit up and turned into the inscription, "YatSan, I love you!" It was marvelous. She watched with bated breath, her eyes glistening even more, and involuntarily a small crystal, no less shiny than the one on her finger, rolled down her cheek. YatSan looked up at the sky and watched the blurring letters, glancing occasionally at Ruthra. He put his hand on her thigh and occasionally made deliberately sharp lunges of the machine to the right, as if inertially running his naughty fingers over the "start" button, which was known to many as point K. Rutra was a master of such acupressure, and further acupuncture as well. The mythical G-spot, which women in the realm of bliss so often made men look for and which they could not find because the ladies secretly changed its position, was like a wandering fire of passion, jumping from the earlobe, the curves of the neck to the labyrinths of the navel and heels. Point K, on the other hand, had a precise location. So, having given a signal to this point, which even the promiscuous ladies responded to the memory of fingerprints that opened their "safe", among whom Casanova was especially remembered, although Don Juan and even the Marquis de Sade were pleasant memories, Rutra beckoned to YatSan with the signal of a wet lock pick, which was getting rough from brandy, especially for the age of the mistress of the "vase", where the petal of the blazing flower was hidden.

      Of course, such comments were born in Rutra's mind as he looked at the screen, from the passionate thoughts that YatSan had in her mind on that very screen. What was going on in Yiulia's head, Rutra didn't want to check, he just needed to feel it. She was not a timid lady, if not a determined one. Ruthra was silent, he liked it.

      On the screen, however, the characters pulled into a quiet neighborhood to a beautiful mansion. Rutra pulled out a fancy, rhinestone-studded "queen" mask.

      – We're gonna be a mystery. We're playing mafia. Put it on.

      – What about you?

      – I'll walk you out.

      He helped YatSan put on the mask, stepped out, opened the door, and led her inside. Inside, they were greeted by a large hallway, more like a reception hall, with rounded side staircases leading up to the second level; Ruthra bypassed them and led YatSan into the next hall. Here was a huge pool, arranged like the baths of the Shahinshahs. There was melodious music playing, loud enough to muffle the sounds of bubbling, artificial geysers and the gurgling jets of a fountain that flowed with burgundy water like dragon's blood. It was young wine. It was young wine that Ruthra loved, for it was the only wine that gave "lifeblood," while aged wine was honored only by the cooper and the oenologist.

      – When can I see it?

      – Wait. First the nectar for uterine rabies.

      – What?!

      – For bliss, then," Ruthra said with a laugh.

      Lifting the mask slightly to free her mouth and keep her eyelids open, Ruthra put the wine glass to her lips.

      – Take a sip, hold it in your mouth.

      Then Ruthra put the glass away and licked YatSan's lips. A trembling shiver ran through her. YatSan couldn't say anything, even if she wanted to, because there was wine in her mouth. Ruthra pressed his lips to her passion-charged scarlet lips and took in the sweet-sweet drink. He deftly undid the straps around her shoulders and, while she cried out from behind her falling dress as he kissed her, whispered in her ear, "There's water in there," pulled back the mask, and pushed YatSan into the pool. As she squealed as she plunged in, he instantly threw off everything, revealing what Adam had covered with a fig leaf.

      In the old days, when he had to teach the fighters in a southern country how to undress quickly during the burning of a match so that the Mujahideen would not notice the light, he shared with them a little secret: to prepare the invisible parts of the clothes for the process in advance, for example, to undo some buttons, loosen the belt, the laces on the boots. And then Ruthra, having done this trick while YatSan was recovering from the stress, held her by the hips, lifting her up so that her breasts were at his eye level. YatSan wanted to hit him, more out of classic genre than true desire, but the pleasure she began to feel exceeded all expectations. She felt like a skilled taster determining the flavor of her succulent fruit, and judging by the way he was passionately digging into it, it wasn't just tasting: he was hungry. Ruthra was only able to tear himself away from this exciting activity because he was anticipating even sweeter temptations. He held YatSan's graceful body with one hand and her firm buttocks with the other and laid her on the edge of the pool. YatSan only managed to moan languidly and sweetly "ah-ah-ah". And then… history is silent.

      Ruthra couldn't adequately assess what was happening on the screen any further. СКАЧАТЬ