Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God. Artur Zadikyan
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Название: Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God

Автор: Artur Zadikyan

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      – It has to be hidden," whispered the luminary of science to Ruthra.

      – No. Shock is shock. But it's all natural, no tricks," Ruthra said flatly.

      – I don't get it, who am I supposed to be?

      The clone opened his eyes and looked around at those standing near the rig. Andrian approached.

      – Well, hello there. How you feeling?

      – This is awful. Can someone help me up?

      Clone or no clone, YatSan was herself. A little arrogant and haughty. Ruthra gave her a hand, helping her up.

      – What's this one doing here? Or do you want me to go crazy for sure? – She said, pointing at the real YatSan's body.

      – This is your real body," Ruthra explained to her bluntly.

      – Yeah, right away. That's how I believed you," YatSan replied with a smirk.

      – You shouldn't have told her," the scientist's opinion was unchanged. – It is wrong from the point of view of psychological burden," explained the colleague.

      – It's okay. We're gonna make this quick and direct. Let's go to the training room now and deal with this situation. Close her up for now. Is the body functioning normally? – he addressed the lab staff.

      – Everything is within normal limits," he was told.

      – Then we went. YatSan, congratulations," Ruthra said and walked forward toward the exit.

      The others parted, letting YatSan, who was being scrutinized for some reason, pass, and trying not to show it, shunned a bit. The psychological factor was still being felt significantly.

      Chapter 2: The Illusion and Reality of Our Lives

      Already at the table, in the circle of the group, Ruthra turned to YatSan.

      – YatSan, please tell me, what do you remember before you came out, or rather, came up out of the rig?

      – Before virtual reality or in it?

      – Have you been in virtual reality?

      – You don't think so? Was it a natural reality?

      – What is it? Describe the event.

      – Rutra, what are you talking about? Are you making fun of me?

      – YatSan, please describe the events.

      – What?!

      – The ones you remember.

      – Don't you remember? Need I remind you?

      – I might remember. But that's not the point. The point right now is what you remember. I need to know the last thing you remember before you woke up in the rig.

      – Rutra, is it always like this with you and everyone?

      She spoke resentfully and angrily. Ruthra realized the confusion of the situation. Perhaps she had amnesia. He walked over to her, ducked down to her ear, and said:

      – Can I talk to you for a minute?

      YatSan silently obeyed. Rutra took her aside from everyone and whispered.

      – What you're trying to say, I don't understand. Maybe you only remember the events on the ship, or rather, in the helicopter?

      – What, did you think I was a naive little girl? Why did you bring that up? Or do you think if I fall for you, it's the end of the world?

      – What's wrong? Can you tell me? What are you talking about?

      – You little bitch. So you don't remember what happened.

      – Oh, wait. You should probably show me the tape.

      – Did you record that, too?

      – Wait, girlfriend, calm down. Sit down, have some coffee. We'll get to the bottom of this… Keep her busy and we'll see what was going on in her head.

      – You look at what's going on in your head first.

      – Okay, honey, I'll look. Just don't yell.

      Ruthra waved to his scientist friend, went to the hardware screen of the rig.

      – It can translate directly into the brain," said the "luminary of science," referring to Irene.

      – No, I don't want to. Come here, on the screen.

      – Can I join you? – I heard it from behind.

      It was Julia.

      – You'd better ask your friend what's wrong with her.

      – A friend's clone," she made an ironic remark.

      – What clone? Forget the clone! It's YatSan.

      – Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just not really.

      – Okay," Ruthra waved his hand, signifying both an end to the argument and permission to be present.

      – What are we watching? – Irene asked.

      – Is there a lot of it? – Ruthra asked a counter-question.

      – Three days had passed in her conscious images. All the imagined scenes, all the fantasies of the body she was looking for, that is, the work of the brain in that body, passed into this brain by the most persistent sensations. That is, if she clearly visualized something, imagined something, wanted to "animate" these scenes, to make them real in that body, then in this she had it all laid down to her as a real event… or events.

      – It's interesting to see what she's imagining," Iulia said with a slyness in her voice, but without losing her joking tone.

      – You should ask her yourself.

      – I asked, that's why I'm here.

      – Come on, what did she tell you?

      – Yeah, now.

      – Madame Iulia, don't you think…

      – Thank you, Rutra Tigrovich, for reminding me. And someone said friends, friends.

      – IuLia, you should also understand correctly, the model of relationships that I proposed, which has developed – it is sincere. Just don't forget about the case and the relationships in the project. Maybe by violating these principles you are abusing friendship? Don't you think so?

      – Okay, what do you want? You want me to tell you all the woman's secrets?

      – What do you mean?

      – In the box, as you like to say.

      – Just tell it like СКАЧАТЬ