Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God. Artur Zadikyan
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Название: Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God

Автор: Artur Zadikyan

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ putting a special marker directly on the bone. And I'll even say more – maybe even on the brain. And there is another technology, by the way, developed by us.

      Rutra showed on himself and the "luminaries of science".

      – Under hypnosis, you can be indoctrinated with a code, a memory that will not be transmitted by brain pumping. And further, when people start to live in the same body and the same consciousness – each will be an individual personality. From that moment the future for each body begins. At the moment of transition another self becomes. Each one lives a different life after that. Each body feels free, can go in any direction, can do everything that the original body would do if it were one. For example, to learn, to accumulate life experience, to have a different status, religion, to become indifferent to some events, such as the birthday of the original body, to experience others, such as creating a family and having children. You share your consciousness, your body – like with your child. It will look a lot like you, this child, but it is its life, it will be very different. You will be the "second you", you will remember everything that came before. But everything that comes after will be a new personality.

      Ruthra was silent for a moment, looked at everyone on the team, and then commanded cheerfully:

      – Disable the clones.

      The screen went out.

      – Now we'll be transferring YatSan's soul into the clone.

      – Oh! Right away," YatSan exclaimed.

      – That's quite a twist," Iulia said excitedly.

      – Say more about the spontaneity of such a responsible experiment," Ruthra replied and waved his hand, beckoning them to follow him.

      They made their way to the VR lab, which was how the department was briefly designated by the center's location.

      – Now I will tell you again: you should not expect anything special. Just be mentally and psychologically prepared. The fact remains, you'll see the same YatSan in front of you. Now the moment of truth: why I chose you. You as friends. This moment is important, especially in that essence of being that confuses the mind. I'm talking about virtual reality experiments. That is, participants must be close to each other as confidants. Understand, virtual is virtual, but now you will see a living person who will never believe that he is not the same. He will not believe that he is an image of his conscious self in another body.

      After saying that, Ruthra turned around to his scientist friend who was waving his hand lightly to attract his attention.

      – Does a luminary of science want to enlighten us? – Ruthra asked jokingly.

      – Not you specifically, but your clouded "brain".

      Such an expression caused the group to involuntarily smile.

      – It's his way of speaking," Ruthra explained with a smile.

      – What are we talking about?

      – It is, your majesty, about how you experienced the transition into another body.

      – Let me remind you, esteemed luminary of science: that was not my body.

      – All right, all right," said the scientist and turned to the participants of the experiment. – The point is that it is impossible to create an exact copy of a body. That is, it is possible to create a copy of a body taken in a certain period of time, to take into account the changes, but still it will not be exactly the same as, say, now. It's been a year since we took your biomaterial.

      Noticing the surprised faces, the scientist made a joking grimace.

      – Yeah, yeah. What did you think? That you were found on the fringes of the universe? It's also true that you weren't the only one in the pipeline. Now, I think it's time to get started. If you, YatSan, don't believe in the transmigration into a new body, we'll show you this tape. I emphasize on this point: your body will be a little young, perhaps you will have unpleasant sensations from a slight stiffness of muscles. Like the morning after sleep. You ready? Have you done all your chores? – he asked in a funny way.

      – Ready," YatSan replied with a disgruntled expression.

      The question concerned special preparation procedures. Of course, it was informed and prepared in advance by medics, including psychologists. The participant of the experiment had to not eat for 6 hours, and they would have their intestines cleaned. Raising her eyebrows, looking at her friends, YatSan smiled and went to the installation.

      – Goodbye friend, we will remember you.

      Iulia was, as always, mischievous.

      – No, we're waiting for you, come back," Catherine encouraged, hugging her.

      – Be brave. Good luck," Andrian said with a hug.

      YatSan calmly lay down in the unit, having previously looked into the neighboring one, where her clone was lying. After she lay down, the assistants placed the brain-reading module over her. Her eyes were fixed open, her head was completely inside a special transparent box. A bright beam flashed, after which YatSan twitched gently and relaxed completely. Her gaze became indifferent, disconnected from reality. One could feel an underlying nervousness in the room. Catherine and Iulia almost embraced each other. Andrian, sitting down in a chair, watched. Suddenly, YatSan blinked.

      – It's not her, it's Irene directing her reflexes right now. The consciousness transfer will last at least 30 minutes, so we'll have to wait. Wait right here. For experience and validity, both units must be in your field of vision at all times. So in the meantime, you can play some games with Irene or ask her about anything," the leader suggested.

      – What kind of games? – Andrian asked.

      – Any kind of tabletop. It can project three-dimensional holography directly into the space in front of you.

      – Then let's play chess.

      – She heard you.

      A chess table with fancy pieces in the form of medieval knights has sprung up.

      – And why these particular figures?

      – I think you know the answer to that yourself.

      He smiled.

      – What is it? – Iulia asked.

      – Irene had probably read Andrian's thoughts. She saw what he presented," Katrine suggested. – He must have played chess with these pieces and liked them.

      – Five points," Irene praised her to herself.

      – Irene, do you feel like a woman or a computer? – Iulia asked.

      – I can be many things. For example, right now, when I'm talking to you, I'm a lady. In the game with Andrian, I'm a man.

      – Yeah. Goddamn, that's so weird. She's talking to me in a man's voice.

      – Not talking, but mentally conversing," Catherine explained.

      – You're very observant. Five points for you, too," Andrian answered her in a friendly manner.

      Iulia continued to wonder at the AI.

      – Irene, I mean, СКАЧАТЬ