I am your woman!. Julia Rudenko
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Название: I am your woman!

Автор: Julia Rudenko

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Драматургия


isbn: 9785447441739


СКАЧАТЬ Ivanovna was perplexed. She didn’t realize what was wrong. Some supernatural forces made her raise from the armchair. Stunned, she could hardly murmur:

      – Well, I’d better go. Bye.

      Well, she won’t tell her anything at all! Not in a mood!

      It didn’t occur to Valeria why Larisa Ivanovna had got upset:

      – Where are you going? Larisa Ivanovna?

      «Valeria doesn’t call me Mother».

      – Your cat’s made a piss on the carpet! – heading for the stairs, Larisa Ivanovna uttered quietly. She didn’t Valeria anymore. She ignored her questions.

      – Ah, no matter! Let’s have tea! But where are you?

      – No thanks. Never mind.

      Larisa Ivanovna nearly rushed from the gate. Never! Never she will cross the threshold of this wicked house again! Never.

      Chapter 12

      – Garov! Don’t try! You’ll never get through! It’s useless! They don’t connect even with Rostov. I can’t send a pack to Mozdok for two days! And you’re calling your wife! – the working-department chief rapped out his words.

      – Mikhail Andreevich! Let me try! It’s very urgent! My folks at home are shocked by the news from Chechnya on TV. I’m sure they are worried about me.

      – Worried you say?! OK. Permission granted. But just for your sake! Don’t jabber it to anyone if you get through. All want to phone you know.

      The stout lieutenant colonel left the room. But not because he was polite. He was to be at a festive table. If the calendar wasn’t mistaken it was the 7th of November*.

      – Hullo, Dad, is it you? It’s Sasha. Is Lera in?

      His father’s morose remark «Just a moment» hurt Sasha’s soul. Just this phrase, nor «Hello!», nor «How are you?»!

      – Oh, Sashka! – the receiver asked merrily.

      – Hi, Lera!.. No time… Can cut off any minute!.. I’m alright!.. Don’t watch TV. Here no one speaks to journalists and they invent horrors just to say something.

      – Well, I don’t watch TV at all…

      – Really?! And What d’you do? – Garov asked.

      – Yesterday came back from Sochi with old folks. Maman sunburnt badly – now is suffering from overpressure. Papa’s standing for elections. Going to be a deputy. Can you imagine?

      – Bunny! Sorry I can’t speak long.

      – Hmm. When are you back?

      – In two months I hope! Visit my Mum, tell her I called. Or live with her for some time, will you?

      – No, it’s a bit improper. – Lera drawled.

      Angry Garov nearly hung up. Improper! Improper for his wife to live with his mother! Just for moral support and help about the house.

      – Valeria, time’s up! – Garov said, tired.

      – Well, bye! – Lera hung up.

      Ensign Merdyev entered the room stealthily and slapped Garov on his shoulder:

      – Don’t hold the line! Maybe, someone’s calling here! What’s at home? You’re lucky if you got through!

      Garov hung up, clutched a bunch of keys nervously from the table:

      – That’s the end! Yes, that’s the end! – and went out quickly.

      Almost all gathered at the table. The women put on their best dresses, the men – their medals and orders. Garov who of course came late was offered a place near Ensign Lyuba Antonova. She began to patronize Garov at table. But he wanted neither spirits nor salads Lyuba offered him and answered «Yes» or «No» to all her questions.

      And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand why Lyuba was so tender with Garov. Vadim Smirnov with his wife Svetlana was right to her. Lyuba was full of jealosy. So she was going to tempt Garov and thus revenge Smirnov.

      Lyuba invited Garov to a slow dance and became too sentimental listening to Talkov’s song. She pressed herself to Garov passionately during the refrain phrase «You’ll come to me But it’ll be too late».

      At first Garov didn’t react at all. But step by step he began to feel extremely strong gravity to the knolls of her nipples (and without bra!) So he pushed her a bit aside.

      After the last accord of «Summer Rain» Garov rushed to the street.

      – Where are you going, Sasha? – Lyuba said with caress.

      – I need some fresh air. It’s a bit stuffy here.

      – May I go too?

      – Well, why not.

      So Antonova nearly achieved her goal. The culmination of that sudden gravity between two bodies was forthcoming… Many girls had dreamed to draw Garov to bed. But they had failed. But not she! Antonova anticipating her triumph pretended to be drunk. She clutched his hand. But suddenly she felt that her other hand was grabbed by… whom do you think?.. by Smirnov!

      Smirnov was burnt with curiosity. He followed them in the darkness leaving his talkative Svetlana with Nikishov’s wife.

      – Well, well, well! Where going to, you little doves?!

      Antonova kept her head:

      – I’m free and I can walk with whom I want? Go, Comrade Major, to your dear wife!

      Smirnov told Garov in a whisper:

      – Look here, leave us, OK. We’ll have a chat!

      Garov didn’t rejoin the celebrating company and went to bed. But he couldn’t sleep. Went out again. Antonova’s and Smirnov’s voices came from the bathhouse. The stars were shimmering. Then the voices died away. Very soon the Major appeared pulling in his belt and shouted in the dark doorway of the bathhouse: «If I see you with someone else – I’ll punish you!». Not seeing Garov Smirnov passed by him and muttered to himself: «Hm… Garov she wanted! Fig to her!»

      Silence covered all around. And only the rockets of fireworks flying up to the sky sometimes broke it.

      Alex sat on the steps of the commandant’s office and Djohar the dog came up to him. He touched Sasha’s chest with his moist nose. The young man hugged him as if the dog could realize his misery.

      Chapter 13

      Dasha Sviridenko went onto the balcony. Somewhere at the distance the darkness was torn by the salute and in her thoughts there was a strange inexplicable connection between the darkness of the night and what was on behind her back – СКАЧАТЬ