I am your woman!. Julia Rudenko
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Название: I am your woman!

Автор: Julia Rudenko

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Драматургия


isbn: 9785447441739


СКАЧАТЬ That bloody Malcovich, damn it! «Carrying arms to the commandant’s office!» – He dared say so in the militia! Couldn’t invent anything better? «Smirnov, do come and help me, please! I beg you! Save me! I’ll remember it forever! If we sell the arms we’ll share the money fifty-fifty». Fico to him! And if I don’t go what’s then?!

      – Don’t worry, Major! Is it impossible to say in court Malcovich was really transporting the arms to us?!

      – So you’ll tell it, won’t you?! Right? Bloody genius you are! The cleverest man I’ve ever seen! Don’t be silly! – Smirnov was walking to and fro, took things and put them back. He couldn’t concentrate. At last he sat by Garov with his hands upon his knees. – OK. Perhaps you are right. You will go to Mozdoc. Tomorrow.

      It was a turning point in Garov’s life. MALCOVICH NEVER FORGOT THOSE WHO ONCE HELPED HIM…

      Malcovich and Garov came back from Mozdok to the Northern airport together. Malcovich’s joy was exuberant. Garov was happy too that their affair came off.

      Their optimism was quite contagious. A bottle of Stolichnaya appeared by itself on the table in the commandant’s office. Then came red caviar, balyk (salted fish) and lard. Svetlana laid the table with great energy. She cut the bread, then found wineglasses somewhere – perhaps, asked the hostel lodgers.

      So the whole company sat at a festive table. Of course, one of the toasts was in honour of the deceased soldiers and officers. Then kept silent in respect. Then talked a bit.

      Two officers’ wives, or the dekabrists’ wives as they were called here, came on the sly from the hostel and joined the company.

      Malcovich was eloquent and fascinated everybody. Another bottle of vodka came, then a third one. And at 3 – «the dekabrists» themselves…

      Then it turned out one of the officer’s wives was absent. And Malcovich vanished too. So her husband – company lieutenant Puzanov – went to his room in the hostel so that to tell his beloved wife – a blonde with the looks of Monroe – that he’d arrived. But He didn’t find her in bed sleeping sweetly. Puzanov decided to rejoin the company.

      On his way he wanted to piss. At first he was about to do it outdoors but then changed his mind and turned right in the long corridor…

      Then he wished he had left the hostel!

      But the devil or so made him enter the john with the letter «M» on the door. Opening that damned door he saw a broad man’s back that enclosed the window. Two naked legs embraced the back. The broad-backed man was breathing frequently. His trousers fell lower and lower for he was moving in rhythm.

      Puzanov got interested in all this. He wasn’t modest or tactful at all. He didn’t leave the john., but entered the cabin and made a piss. Then he heard the woman’s orgastic moan. Puzanov was amused with it. He went out of the cabin in high spirits. Puzanov was going to tell those at the festive table about the picant scene.

      The door slammed behind his back… And Puzanov stood petrified.

      A handbag! A handbag lay on the floor! No woman in the hostel had it but his wife! He had bought it for her in a boutique in St.Petersburg! Oh, shit! So it was she – there, in the john, on the dirty window-sill, with naked legs around the broad back!

      Puzanov was struck by cruel truth. «Bloody bitch!» – he thought. «Bitch!» – he said aloud. «Bitch!» – he cried at the top of his voice. Puzanov opened the john door, came up to his wife who was dressing. And not seeing Malcovich Puzanov said to her face: «You bitch!» Then he turned on his heels and rushed to the commandant’s office.

      The next morning everybody knew about the night event. Puzanov complained his friend Nikishov. Then Nikishov was discussing with Ryzhov with great gusto what Puzanov had to do, then told carelessly to his wife about the whole affair, but ordered her strictly not to divulge the secret. She swore on her honour but to be friends with Verka is much more important.

      So it began. The rumours spread around. Verka told Tan’ka, Tan’ka told her husband… The Puzanovs were quite encircled with gossips. But Puzanov didn’t put up with the role of a cuckolded. Once he gave a lift to the commandant’s secretary – a long-legged Oksana… He took her right in the car, summersaulting, for five times or a bit more. Again he told Nikishov – now about his success. Nikishov – to Ryzhov. Rumours again. But the Puzanovs didn’t divorce.

      Chapter 9

      Dasha recovered of a heart-rending woman’s shriek next door. Looked around. On the cot near her there lay a man.Some ugly yellow liquid was pouring down in the pipe coming out of his blankets right into the bucket. Dasha touched carefully her belly under the blanket. It was even again! A cold hot-water bottle below. But higher?! Nor bandage, nor plaster. How were they taking her baby out? Oh, god! What’s with him? With her son? Or daughter? She was afraid to ask anyone. Truly, there was no one to ask.

      It was dark outside – so it was night. It began dripping under the bed. Dasha managed only to lift her blanket a bit. As she saw there was also a pipe descending from her body into the bucket as that from the man nearby.

      Then a nurse with a syringe in her hand entered the ward. She rolled back the brim of Dasha’s blanket and rubbed her leg a little higher the knee with a piece of cotton wool. Then she made an injection. Dasha gave a short cry.

      The nurse went out. Dasha had no time to ask about her baby. It was the anaesthesiologist who told Dasha about her child. He came to see his patient in the morning. Before Dasha saw her baby, red and wrinkled, the obstetrician started massaging her breasts. Her cold hands went lower and lower, and she crumpled so strong as if she wasn’t a human being at all but just a big piece of dough. And it was a bit humiliating. Indeed, Dasha felt herself a sort of dough, an orange being squeezed. It hurt very much, but she had no desire to cry. She restrained herself.

      – Put on a gown and go to the maternity section, – the nurse said when leaving.

      On her way out of the reanimation Dasha touched the lower part of her belly. The ex-class-mate didn’t cheat her: the surgeon made a tiny horizontal cut.

      The space that drew her together with her husband, mum, girl-friends widened immensely when she put her baby – that clod of blankets and diapers – closer to her bright-red nipples. The child sucked them greedily, sipped milk stronger and stronger. At last he was sate.

      «My darling! I don’t let anyone offend you».

      A cockroach ran across the bed near Dasha. So she didn’t switch off the light so that the insects didn’t alarm her baby.

      Chapter 10

      It seemed Malcovich would be always lucky. Next morning he, Smirnov and Garov managed to sell the arms. Smirnov striked it off the register as unfit. Malcovich promised his friends to open an account in a bank for each of them and put a biggish sum to each.

      – Garik, do you have children?

      – No, just married.

      – Where’s your wife? Why didn’t you take her here?

      – To this rat-place?! Besides, she can’t leave her job —she won’t find any then, – said Sasha sorrowfully.