I am your woman!. Julia Rudenko
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Название: I am your woman!

Автор: Julia Rudenko

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Драматургия


isbn: 9785447441739


СКАЧАТЬ anyone inside could answer, he pushed the handle and opened the door.

      There was nobody inside. Smirnov came up to the window and opened it. Then he got out of the window. High and dense grass hid him up to the waist. Smirnov walked for five meters, then he bent and put his hands on the dusty road. Smirnov thrust his hands into his wet hair, tousled and sleeked it slightly.

      – Now it’s alright! – he thought. Smirnov scrutinized his camouflage uniform slowly and rubbed the trousers with his dusty hands.

      Major Smirnov bent around the two-storey hostel and went impetuously towards the commandant’s office. Ten meters near it, a lonely figure of private Glushko, scrawny and small.

      The major cried:

      – Private Glushko! Doing nothing as usual?! Go and put yourself in order at once! Wash! Wash and press your outfit! Clean your gun! Be ready by tomorrow! You’ll go with me, to follow the column to Khankala!

      – Me… to Khankala?! – Glushko gasped.

      While the soldier was trying to understand what to do first, Major Smirnov entered the commandant’s office, round and low.

      – Wow! Svetlana? It’s you! Or am I dreaming? Where from? With whom are our children?

      *Svetka – diminutive and familiar for Svetlana.

      Chapter 4

      Hardly had Malcovich passed Mozdok in his Buick when he was stopped. With their AKMs atilt two patrol soldiers came to the car at the distance of a stretched arm:

      – Get off!

      Malcovich was about to show them his inefficacious certificate of the navy captain, but those guys didn’t let him do so. Drawing a bead on him at once, one of them repeated:

      – Get off!

      «Oh, God, for what sins? Do help me, please!» – Malcovich thought.

      – Hands on the hood! Feet astride! – one of the soldiers started probing Andrei’s jacket.

      He took out his passport, certificate and wallet:

      – Andrei Andreievich Malcovich. Born in 1966 in Volgograd. Single. No children. – the soldier read aloud the passport data.

      Then opened the military certificate, but read it to himself. After thinking a bit the soldier said:

      – Comrade Captain, excuse us for the delay. You may be free!

      «Good heavens! They could have let me go before! Thanks, God!» – Malcovich thought.

      And then when Malcovich sat behind the wheel and turned the ignition key the second soldier offered him as if reluctantly:

      – Do you mind opening the trunk? Just a formality. Just to be sure. And you may go further.

      Malcovich left his fingers on the key for a while. Slowly, with dignity he turned his head towards the car-window and asked:

      – What?

      – Open the trunk I said! – repeated the patrol soldier.

      «Good Lord! What bad have I done?!» – a desperate thought flashed by in Andrei’s head.

      Humming the tune of «There is an isle of Bad Luck in the ocean», Andrei switched off the ignition, put out the key, opened the door and said rapidly:

      – Well, kids! Let’s arrange it! I’ll pay! 500 to each! I’m in a hurry you know! They stop and check me at every post! I’m exhausted to open and close it all the time! One and the same everywhere! I’ve lost half an hour here. I was to be in Vedeno yesterday. So what shall we do? – Malcovich tried to take out his wallet. The second patrol soldier got on the alert.

      – Take off your money! Open!

      Malcovich heaved a sigh and started opening the trunk… Yawning the patrol soldier wanted to close his mouth with his hand to be decent, but suddenly whistled out and cried to his friend:

      – Oh, Vasya! Here’s an arsenal! Guns of all kinds! Just look!

      While the patrol soldier was going to Andrei’s car, thoughts were whirling around in his head. Andrei was unable to concentrate on anything.

      – OK, I’ll tell you though I mustn’t. These arms are for the commandant’s office of the Northern airport. You know our guys are killed and the Chechens «re grabbing our arms as a trophy. The detachment commanders are in trouble. The office lacks a whale of arms! But it’s useless to explain to those fat-assed generals in Moscow and Rostov that we are losing arms in battle. In battle I say! So I’m going to save my old friends – to refill the arsenal to cut it short!

      – This tale will be good for your lawyer, Captain! In court! And then we are surprised why the militants have Russian arms! – said that Vasya and spit scornfully on the move. He convoyed Malcovich to the post cabin, to call the militia from Mozdok, «for detaining an offender».

      Chapter 5

      Nevertheless Lieutenant Garov, 23 years of age, left his native stanitsa. «Maybe, my wife will understand me, – he thought sitting on a pile of rolled canvas tents near a porthole of the plane „Rostov – Grozny“, – Anyway, other officers’ wives share life with their husbands. They have to travel with them and put up with their duties, don’t they?».

      – Oh, young lieutenant! Flying for the first time? – a tender-hearted old man near him cried out.

      – Yes, first, – Alex nodded.

      – Want some water? I have some mineral water left. Have a drink?!

      – No, thanks. I have myself. – Alex shouted in response and half closed his eyes as if he were dosing…

      When in that Lera’s Opel he took her passionately, even violently he couldn’t imagine he would be her first man. Just think: a young lady drives along the deserted highway, then picks up a stranger and – what’s more! – is ready to give in to him… Alex wouldn’t have remembered her the next morning if he hadn’t discovered some blood on his trunks taking a shower and hadn’t compared this with Lera’s cry «Oh, it hurts!» when she lost her virginity.

      – Mum! Do you know the Lavrovs?

      – Of course I know! Everybody knows them! He is a market director, and she is the Chief public prosecutor.

      – Oh, God! What I’ve done!

      – What’s wrong, my boy? – Mother didn’t hear her son’s exclamation for the water was running in the shower cabin.

      – Nothing special!.. Mum, I’m hungry! Awfully hungry!

      The next evening he was waiting for Lera near the kindergarten. When she appeared the last beam of sunset fell right on his face. So he screwed his eyes a bit:

      – Hello!

      Suddenly СКАЧАТЬ