I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire. Boris Borisovich Shabrin
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Название: I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire

Автор: Boris Borisovich Shabrin

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006094703


СКАЧАТЬ by those who have the courage and vision to lead us forward.

      PART 3: The Story of Vlad Tepes (Dracula)

      – What was your role in Romanian history, and how do you feel about your legacy?

      – Have you had any significant interactions with other historical figures, such as other vampires or political leaders?

      Chapter 1: Witnessing Grand Historical Events

      The Order of the Dragon

      Origins of the Order of the Dragon

      Fose: Dracula, can you tell us about the origins of the Order of the Dragon?

      Dracula: Ah, the Order of the Dragon, a topic that is shrouded in mystery and secrecy. The origins of this secret society date back to the 14th century when Hungary was under threat from the Ottoman Empire. I was one of the founding members of the order, and I can tell you that its formation was not a straightforward process.

      The purpose of the Order of the Dragon was to defend Christianity against the Ottoman Empire. We were a group of knights who were committed to protecting our faith and our people. Our meetings were held in secret, and only those who were deemed trustworthy were allowed to attend. The order’s mission was critical, and we took it very seriously.

      The symbolism behind the order’s name and emblem is also significant. The dragon was chosen as the order’s symbol because it represented the power and strength of our mission. We believed that we were the protectors of our people, and the dragon was a representation of that strength.

      As for the name, it was chosen because of its connection to Saint George, the patron saint of soldiers. Saint George was known for slaying a dragon, and we believed that we were following in his footsteps by slaying the Ottoman Empire.

      Our early meetings were filled with discussions about strategy and tactics. We spent hours analyzing the enemy’s weaknesses and planning our next moves. It was a time of great turmoil, and we knew that our actions could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

      Dracula’s role in the Order

      Fose: Dracula, can you tell us about your role in the Order of the Dragon?

      Dracula: As a member of the royal family, I was already positioned to be a powerful figure in society, but my membership in the order elevated my status even further.

      But, of course, I was not blind to the benefits that came with my position. I used my influence within the order to increase my power and wealth. I commissioned magnificent buildings and sponsored the arts. My legacy is still felt in the stunning architecture of many of the buildings in this country.

      Fose: Can you speak more about your responsibilities within the organization?

      Dracula: As a member of the order, it was my duty to uphold its values and defend the Christian faith. I led troops into battle against the Ottomans, and I helped to train new members. I was also involved in the financial management of the organization, ensuring that our resources were used to their fullest potential.

      But my influence extended beyond the day-to-day operations of the order. My reputation and power meant that I had a say in the political affairs of the region. I was a trusted advisor to the king and played a role in shaping the policies of the day.

      Fose: It sounds like you had a lot of power and influence.

      Dracula: Indeed. And with power comes responsibility. I take pride in the fact that I used my position to better the lives of my people. The order was more than just a means to an end for me. It was a way to serve my country and my faith.

      But let us not forget the darker aspects of my legacy. The tales of my brutality and cruelty have been greatly exaggerated, but it is true that I was not afraid to use force to maintain my power. I was a product of my time and place, and I did what was necessary to protect my people.

      The Order’s military campaigns

      Fose: Dracula, during your tenure as the leader of the Order of the Dragon, there were many military campaigns that took place. Can you describe the tactics that were employed during these battles?

      Dracula: The military campaigns were quite extensive and varied in their nature. We faced many foes, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. It was crucial to employ tactics that could take advantage of our enemies’ vulnerabilities while simultaneously neutralizing their strengths.

      Fose: Can you provide some specific examples of tactics that were employed during these campaigns?

      Dracula: Certainly. One tactic that was often employed was the use of ambushes. By hiding our forces and waiting for our enemies to pass, we were able to catch them off guard and strike them when they least expected it. We also made use of diversionary tactics, such as feigning retreat, to lure our enemies into a trap.

      Fose: It sounds like your military strategies were quite sophisticated. Were there any particular campaigns that you are particularly proud of?

      Dracula: Yes, there were a few campaigns that I feel were particularly successful. One that comes to mind is the Battle of Targoviste. During this battle, we faced an enemy force that was much larger than our own. However, through the use of deception and careful planning, we were able to emerge victorious.

      Fose: That sounds like a remarkable achievement. Were there any campaigns that you felt were less successful?

      Dracula: Of course. There were always battles that did not go as planned. However, even in defeat, we learned valuable lessons that helped us to improve our tactics and strategies in future battles.

      Fose: It seems like the Order of the Dragon was quite successful in their military campaigns under your leadership. Do you have any advice for aspiring military strategists?

      Dracula: My advice would be to always be adaptable and flexible in your tactics. The battlefield is always changing, and it’s important to be able to adjust your strategies on the fly. It’s also crucial to know your enemy and to understand their strengths and weaknesses. By exploiting their weaknesses and neutralizing their strengths, you can emerge victorious even against a much larger force.

      The Order’s legacy

      Fose: Dracula, can you enlighten us on the legacy of the Order of the Dragon? It’s intriguing to see how its influence can still be felt centuries later.

      Dracula: Its values and principles have been carried forward by subsequent generations, shaping the very fabric of Romania and Eastern Europe. It’s fascinating how something that no longer exists can still hold such power.

      The Order was founded in the late 14th century by Sigismund of Luxembourg. Its purpose was to defend the Christian faith and protect the Hungarian Empire against the Ottoman Turks. Members were required to take an oath to defend the cross and fight against the enemies of Christianity.

      As a member myself, I can tell you that the Order had a significant impact on my life and career. It shaped my beliefs and values, instilling in me a fierce loyalty to my country and people. The Order СКАЧАТЬ