I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire. Boris Borisovich Shabrin
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Название: I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire

Автор: Boris Borisovich Shabrin

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006094703


СКАЧАТЬ the very bottom of the hierarchy were the Thralls. These were humans who had been captured and turned into vampires against their will. They were considered to be little more than slaves, existing solely to serve the needs of their vampire masters.

      Within this hierarchy, there was a strict code of conduct that all vampires were expected to follow. Any violation of this code was met with swift and brutal punishment, usually at the hands of the Lieutenants or Foot Soldiers.

      But despite the strict hierarchy and harsh punishments, there was also a sense of camaraderie and loyalty among the vampires within this structure. They saw themselves as a family, bound together by their shared blood and their loyalty to the Master.

      The Master

      Fose: Dracula, you mentioned the all-powerful Master in the vampire hierarchy you described earlier. Could you tell us more about the role of the Master and their characteristics?

      Dracula: Certainly, Fose. The role of the Master is central to any vampire hierarchy. They are the ultimate authority, the one who makes all the important decisions and holds the power of life and death over all those beneath them.

      The Master is always the oldest and most powerful vampire in their domain, possessing both immense physical strength and formidable magical abilities. They have lived for centuries, accumulating knowledge, power, and wealth beyond anything that a mortal could ever imagine.

      The Master is not just a leader, but also a mentor and protector to their subordinates. They are responsible for guiding and training the Lieutenants, Foot Soldiers, and Thralls to ensure that they remain loyal and effective in their roles. The Master must also be vigilant in protecting their domain against external threats, such as vampire hunters or rival vampire clans.

      However, the Master is not invincible. There are always those who would challenge their authority and seek to overthrow them. For this reason, the Master must be ever-vigilant and ready to defend themselves and their domain against any who would threaten them.

      But despite their fearsome reputation and the awe that they inspire among their subordinates, the Master is not without compassion. They understand the loneliness and isolation that comes with immortality and often seek out companionship among their own kind. They may also take on human lovers or companions, although these relationships are always fraught with danger and often end in tragedy.

      In short, the Master is the ultimate embodiment of vampire power and authority. They are both feared and revered, respected and despised. But regardless of how they are viewed by others, they remain the undisputed ruler of their domain, and all must bow before them or face the consequences.


      Fose: Thank you for explaining the role of the Master in the vampire hierarchy, Dracula. Could you tell us more about the Lieutenants, the second tier of the vampire hierarchy?

      Dracula: Of course, Fose. Lieutenants are the second most powerful members of the vampire hierarchy, directly below the Master. They are the Master’s right-hand vampires, tasked with carrying out their orders and enforcing their will upon the subordinates.

      A Lieutenant’s primary responsibility is to oversee a particular area or region within the vampire domain, acting as the Master’s representative in that area. They are responsible for managing and directing the Foot Soldiers and Thralls within their jurisdiction, as well as reporting back to the Master on any issues or threats that arise.

      Lieutenants are also responsible for recruiting new members into the vampire clan. They must carefully select and groom potential candidates, testing their loyalty and ensuring that they possess the necessary skills and temperament to serve the Master and the vampire hierarchy.

      Like the Master, Lieutenants possess great physical strength and magical abilities. They are also typically several centuries old, having accrued vast amounts of knowledge and experience over their long lives. As such, they are respected and feared by those beneath them in the hierarchy.

      However, despite their power and authority, Lieutenants are not immune to the political maneuverings and power struggles that can occur within vampire society. They must constantly navigate the complex web of alliances, rivalries, and loyalties that exist among their fellow vampires, always mindful of the potential threats to their position and authority.

      In conclusion, the role of the Lieutenant is critical to the functioning of the vampire hierarchy. They serve as the Master’s enforcers, recruiters, and representatives, ensuring that the vampire clan remains strong and unified under the Master’s leadership.


      Fose: Dracula, could you tell us more about the lowest tier of the vampire hierarchy, the Thralls?

      Dracula: Oh, the Thralls? Yes, of course, Fose. Let me tell you all about these pitiful creatures.

      Thralls are the lowest-ranking members of the vampire hierarchy, little more than mindless slaves. They are humans who have been bitten by vampires and turned into thralls through a process known as blood bonding. The vampires use this process to create a bond of loyalty with their thralls, ensuring that they will serve them without question.

      Thralls are completely subservient to their vampire masters, obeying their every command and whim. They have no free will or autonomy, and are often used as cannon fodder in battles or as disposable pawns in political power struggles.

      Their physical abilities are enhanced by the vampire blood flowing through their veins, but their mental faculties are severely diminished. They are unable to resist the will of their vampire masters, no matter how cruel or inhumane their commands may be.

      In short, Thralls are little more than expendable minions, valued only for their ability to carry out the orders of their vampire overlords. They are the lowest of the low in the vampire hierarchy, existing solely to serve the whims of those above them.

      I must say, it is truly a tragic existence, to be little more than a mindless puppet, controlled by a bloodthirsty vampire. But I suppose there are those who are willing to trade their free will and dignity for the promise of immortality and power. Such is the folly of humanity.

      The Role of Bloodlines in Vampire Hierarchies

      Fose: Can you explain the role of bloodlines in vampire hierarchies, Dracula?

      Dracula: Ah, bloodlines. Such a fascinating topic. Blood is the essence of our being, the source of our power. The purity of one’s bloodline is a significant factor in determining one’s place in the vampire hierarchy.

      You see, vampires are not created equal. Some are born into noble, ancient bloodlines, while others are turned from mere mortals. The former are revered, almost worshipped, for their ancient lineage and the power that comes with it. They are the rulers of the vampire world, the aristocracy, if you will.

      But bloodlines are not just about age and power. They are also about purity. A pure bloodline, one that has not been tainted by human or other non-vampire blood, is considered the purest and most powerful of all. Those born into these lines are destined for greatness, destined to lead.

      However, not all vampires are fortunate enough to be born into pure bloodlines. Those turned from humans or other non-vampires are considered impure, lesser beings. They are relegated to lower positions in the hierarchy and are often treated with disdain and contempt by those born into pure bloodlines.