Fragile Paradise. Liliia Urazgulova
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Название: Fragile Paradise

Автор: Liliia Urazgulova

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006085077


СКАЧАТЬ but only left a note with kind words and sincere gratitude for the warm welcome. He decided to walk to his daughter’s store. His gait gave the impression that he was late for something, but he always walked quickly. Having reached the store, he stood indecisively, wondering whether he should talk about Vanessa’s condition. At that moment, Olivia left the store and, seeing her father, shouted to him, but he did not pay attention. Now he was absorbed in his thoughts. She came up and touched his shoulder, he flinched and turned around. Not expecting to see his daughter at all, he was at a loss.

      “Olivia,” he said his daughter’s name in confusion.

      – Dad! Are you here again? – the daughter’s tone was dissatisfied, and this was understandable. It seemed to her that her father did not trust her at all, and she did not fail to tell him about it.

      “I get the impression that you don’t trust me at all.” By the way, I have already achieved some success.

      Her father interrupted her:

      – That’s not why I’m here. Another reason. And I know how you are doing.

      – I wonder where this comes from?

      – Not about that now. This is my last visit here, we are leaving very soon. And no one will stop you from living your rich and interesting life. And if you are still worried about your parents, then I decided to show your mother to a psychotherapist,” Ludovic suddenly blurted out, and then fell silent, realizing that he had said something that perhaps should not have been said.

      – Mom? To a psychotherapist? – the daughter asked, not particularly alarmed. Louis was surprised by Olivia’s cold tone, because it was the first time he had seen such indifference on her part.

      – I see you are not interested in this, I will not detain you. I understand that I was not the best example of how to treat her, however, I realized my mistakes and changed my attitude towards her. I know I can’t ask you this. But we are leaving soon, and I don’t know how soon you will visit us there. I ask you to come with me and spend time together. Inessa will arrive.

      – Let Inessa say goodbye to her, I don’t want to see her, everything will be fine with her, especially if you’re so worried. But I have my own life and affairs that cannot wait.

      Louis knew this would happen, but did not say anything. He could not blame her, knowing full well that it was her mother who was to blame for Olivia becoming like this. Vanessa, being married and having a child, did not give up her passion – traveling. Having barely given birth and having stayed at home with her husband and child for three months, she found a nanny for Olivia and flew away. Louis was not at home at that time, otherwise he would have stopped her, but he never imagined that Vanessa would do this to a little man who needed the love and care of his family. After some time, this began to bother her, but in the process of studying the history of a particular place, this quickly passed. Six months later, she returned home for a while, Olivia was already a year old then, and, seeing that she was not attracted to her, Vanessa, after just two months, flew off on a trip around the world, which lasted somewhat longer than planned. This was due to her irrepressible curiosity and excitement. It was they who led us into the impenetrable jungles of the dark continent. But family life and the presence of a child could not hold her back for long. A month later, a friend invited her to relax on the Cote d’Azur, and she decided that after an active holiday it was time to lie on the beaches.

      Louis greeted his wife somewhat coolly, but was glad that she had returned. Little Olivia, seeing Vanessa, hid behind her father, and, hugging his legs, raised her head and asked in a shy whisper:

      – Dad, who is this?

      – Olivia, it’s your mom, go to your room. Louise, take her upstairs.

      The housekeeper approached them and, taking the baby by the hand, led her upstairs. The girl looked around, as if trying to remember her mother.

      – You were late that time.

      – And it’s true, I’ve been gone for a long time, Olivia doesn’t even recognize me.

      Louis responded to this with a question:

      – Should she?

      “I don’t think I should, I’m tired from the road, I need to take a bath and unpack my things.”

      – How long will this last? Go, Louise has already prepared your room. Come down for dinner, I have to work.

      – Okay, see you at dinner.

      Vanessa went up to her room and lay down on the bed, she was in a state of absolute happiness that was difficult to hide, and even the cold reception of her family could not spoil it. After changing into a robe, she went to the bathroom. After taking a bath and drying her hair, she put on her cotton suit and went downstairs, grabbing her diary, which contained a tiny box decorated with roses. Having gone down, she asked Louise where her husband was.

      – Monsieur left not so long ago.

      – So the office is free, that’s good. I’ll be in the library.

      With these words, she went into the library, and while she was alone, she decided to quickly do her job.

      It was time for dinner and they gathered at the table. Louis asked Vanessa about her travels and what interesting things she saw.

      – How were your travels? Which countries have you visited?

      – We managed to visit many countries. It went well, how could it have been any other way? – she answered, smiling. Suddenly she felt a surge of tenderness and took Olivia’s small hand in hers.

      – Mother! – the daughter was not delighted with this gesture and pulled out her palm, looked at her father, and he realized that she wanted to leave the table. Louis did not interfere with this, despite the fact that they did not even finish dinner. Olivia ran upstairs, followed by Louise, but the girl closed the door and the housekeeper realized that she should not disturb her. Having locked herself in the room from everyone, she began to cry, but she did not need to be calmed down, she was not accustomed to this. She was not accustomed to using pain and tears to attract the attention of adults. There was silence in the dining room at this time. And Louis decided that it was time for them to go to their rooms.

      – I think it’s time for us to go to bed. Today was a hard day for me, I think it’s not easier for you. I’ll go to Olivia myself, and you go to your room and don’t even think about going to her.

      The husband made it clear that he would sleep in his room, and Vanessa in hers. Louis had long distanced himself from his wife, but before he had not shown it so clearly, but now it was visible to the naked eye. He rose from the table, thanked Louise and headed towards the office to prepare documents for the transaction. Vanessa finished her favorite tea and followed Louis. Entering the office, she found him at his desk, deep in thought. He held a Rubik’s cube in his hands and spun it, thinking about something. Hearing the door open, he raised his brown eyes in surprise, clearly not expecting to see Vanessa at such a time.

      – Is there something you wanted to discuss? Or do you need money? – he pointed to the sofa with his hand, “take a seat,” his tone betrayed dissatisfaction.

      – No you are not right. Now I didn’t СКАЧАТЬ