The Science of Reading. Группа авторов
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Название: The Science of Reading

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9781119705130


СКАЧАТЬ the analysis of morphological information plays a vital role. In terms of time course, early processing is characterized by segmentation of printed words into their likely morphemic constituents; hence, masked morphological priming reflects segmentation based on the mere appearance of morphological structure, irrespective of the lexical status of the stimulus and the semantic relationship of the stimulus to its stem. Later processing is characterized by activation of semantic information; hence, morphological priming using fully visible primes reflects meaningful relationships between prime and target.

      Lavric and colleagues (2012) tested this account by studying brain potentials as participants made lexical decisions to morphologically complex words (e.g., darkness), pseudo‐morphological words (e.g., corner), and nonmorphological stimuli (e.g., brothel). Results revealed that within the first 190 milliseconds, neural responses to stimuli in the two morphologically structured conditions were similar, and both differed significantly from neural responses to stimuli in the nonmorphological condition. Evidence of semantic involvement was observed 60 to 70 milliseconds later, when neural responses to stimuli in the pseudo‐morphological condition diverged from those in the other two conditions (Lavric, Elchlepp, & Rastle, 2012). The authors suggested that this second phase of recognition is suggestive of some type of process to repair the incorrect segmentation (e.g., corner is not “someone who corns”). These findings support a hierarchical model in which morphological decomposition is based initially on an orthographic analysis of morphemes, and is only later constrained by semantic information (see also Whiting, Shtyrov, & Marslen‐Wilson, 2014, for similar results using MEG methods). Conversely, these findings would appear to rule out any account in which the analysis of morphological information arises subsequent to lexical identification, such as the supra‐lexical model (Giraudo & Grainger, 2000).

Schematic illustration of theory of morphological decomposition based on classical localist approach. Schematic illustration of a theory of morphological processing based on a distributed-connectionist approach.

      More recently, researchers have begun to use alternative computational approaches to understand morphological processing. Naïve discriminative learning models simulate the relationship between orthographic patterns and aspects of meaning (e.g., grammatical class) and propose that these relationships may explain some morphological effects (Baayen et al., 2011). Similarly, distributional semantic models suggest that the functions of morphemes and the constraints that govern their combination with stems may be captured through large‐scale analysis of text (Marelli & Baroni, 2015). Like distributed‐connectionist models, these approaches to morphological processing eschew the notion of explicit morpheme representations, and instead ascribe morphemic effects to overlap in orthographic and meaning representations. Thus, these models may also struggle to account for morpho‐orthographic segmentation effects. However, proponents of these models emphasize that there is considerable heterogeneity amongst morphologically structured words that are not clearly related to their stems. Some of the words used in the relevant experiments (e.g., Rastle et al., 2004) have a subtle relationship to their stems; for example, an initiative that is fruitless might be described as one that didn’t bear any fruit. Likewise, while the word cryptic is unrelated in meaning to crypt, the suffix ‐ic functions in the appropriate manner grammatically (i.e., forming adjectives from nouns). However, evidence that genuinely pseudo‐morphological words such as corner are segmented (e.g., Longtin et al., 2003) would seem to pose a challenge for these models.

      Evidence from skilled adult readers suggests that they have acquired morphological knowledge that is applied to any morphologically structured stimulus, irrespective of its lexical status. One question that arises immediately is why readers СКАЧАТЬ