A Companion to the Hellenistic and Roman Near East. Группа авторов
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Название: A Companion to the Hellenistic and Roman Near East

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: История


isbn: 9781119037422


СКАЧАТЬ veterans in the Roman Near East (Ehrenwerte Männer. Veteranen im römischen Nahen Osten der Kaiserzeit, Berlin 2015).

      Eris B. Williams Reed is Senior Teaching Fellow in Roman History and Epigraphy at the University of Warwick. Her doctoral research, completed at Durham University, focused on the relationship between water and religious life in the Roman Near East. Her next project investigates the interactions between the region’s environments and their religious communities, with the aim of recalibrating these interactions as part of the diversity of religious experience in the Roman Empire. She is also interested in exploring aspects of the Roman world through the lens of modern environmental concepts, such as ecological grief and ecocide.


       Ted Kaizer

      The lands of the Near East – including Syria and the Lebanon, Eastern Turkey, Iraq, Israel and the Palestinian territories, Jordan and parts of Saudi Arabia – can no longer be considered by ancient historians as some sort of exotic “appendix” to the classical world. Their exploration, gathering speed throughout the last century, is continuing to produce major results. The findings of the legendary missions from what is now long ago will forever form the foundations of our current research: the excavations and surveys conducted under the French Mandate (Gelin 2002), by leading names such as Daniel Schlumberger, Henri Seyrig, or the Russian-born Georges Tchalenko; the evocative campaigns by German scholars (Wilhelm 1998) such as Walter Andrae, Otto Puchstein, or Theodor Wiegand; the Princeton archaeological expeditions to Syria of 1904–1905 and 1909; and the discoveries made at Dura-Europos by the joint mission of Yale University and the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in Paris, under the scientific co-directorship of Franz Cumont and, especially, Mikhaïl Rostovtzeff. As one of the longest running series of annual campaigns special mention may also be made of the Polish mission at Palmyra, commenced by Kazimierz Michałowski in the late 1950s and led by Michał Gawlikowski from 1973 until the outbreak of the recent civil war.

      According to its nature, Blackwell’s Companion to the Hellenistic and Roman Near East will function as a reference work which cannot of course claim comprehensiveness. Neither does it aim at definitiveness; it rather makes clear the state of knowledge at present, pays attention to the imbalance in spread of evidence in general and to the nature of the sources bearing on specific questions and issues in particular, and points toward possible directions for further exploration. No doubt other editors would have chosen to lay accents slightly differently in their choice of chapters, but the current division of this volume adheres to general usefulness and accessibility in terms of the teaching of the subject matter, while also responding to some of the most exciting СКАЧАТЬ