A Companion to the Hellenistic and Roman Near East. Группа авторов
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Название: A Companion to the Hellenistic and Roman Near East

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: История


isbn: 9781119037422


СКАЧАТЬ (2019); and has published widely on numismatics, monetary history, and ancient sites in the Near East. He is currently principal investigator on a European Research Council Advanced Grant Rome and the Coinages of the Mediterranean.

      Kimberley Czajkowski is a Senior Lecturer in Ancient History at the University of Edinburgh. Her research primarily focuses on the legal history of the Roman Near East, though she also has broader interests in the history of the Jewish people, Roman law, and ‘Romanization’. She is the author of Localized Law: the Babatha and Salome Komaise Archives (2017) and co-editor of Law in the Roman Provinces (2020).

      Lucinda Dirven is Professor by Special Appointment of Ancient Religions at the Radboud University, Nijmegen. She studied art history and history of religions and comparative religion at the University of Leiden, where she obtained her PhD which was published in 1999 as The Palmyrenes of Dura-Europos. A Case Study of Religious Interaction (Brill). Her research concentrates on the Roman and Parthian Near East (especially Dura, Hatra, and Palmyra) on the one hand and the religious influences of these regions on the Roman West on the other hand. Currently, she is finishing a catalog on the sculptures from Hatra and is preparing the final report on the mithraeum of Dura-Europos, together with Matthew McCarty (University of British Columbia).

      Peter M. Edwell is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Ancient History at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. He researches and teaches on the relationship between the Roman and Sasanian empires and in the area of Late Antiquity more broadly. He is the author of Between Rome and Persia (2008) and Rome and Persia at War (2020), both published by Routledge. He is also part of the project Crises of Leadership in the Eastern Roman Empire funded by the Australian Research Council.

      Yaron Z. Eliav is Associate Professor of the Rabbinic literature and Jewish history of late antiquity at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is the author of God’s Mountain: the Temple Mount in Time, Space, and Memory (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005; soft-cover 2008) and co-editor of various volumes including The Sculptural Environment of the Roman Near East: Reflections on Culture, Ideology, and Power (Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion 9; Peeters, 2008). His documentary for the college classroom, Paul in Athens, came out in 2018, and is available on YouTube. Currently, he is working on his new book, A Jew in the Roman Bathhouse: The Poetics of Cultural Interaction in the Roman Mediterranean.

      Alison C. Ewins is a PhD student at Durham University. Her thesis investigates ‘Religious Terminology in the Local Cult Centres of the Roman Near East’.

      Margherita Facella is Associate Professor of Greek History at the University of Pisa. Her research focuses on the Hellenistic and Roman Near East, in particular on Commagene, where she participates at the excavations and surveys conducted by the Forschungsstelle Asia Minor (University of Münster). She is author of La dinastia degli Orontidi nella Commagene ellenistico-romana (2006) and co-editor of Lokale identität im Römischen Nahen Osten: Kontexte und Perspektiven (2009) and Kingdoms and Principalities in the Roman Near East (2010).

      Pierre-Louis Gatier is a researcher in the ancient history, archaeology, and epigraphy of the Near East posted at the CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) in Lyon (France). “Coordinator” until 2017 of the IGLS program, he is the author of Inscriptions de la Jordanie, 2, Région centrale (Inscriptions of Jordan, 2, Central region) (1986), published in the IGLS series, and has also edited or co-edited numerous books. He contributes to the Bulletin épigraphique and L’Année épigraphique, and is currently working on the Gerasa corpus and on a catalog of the Hellenistic and Roman weights from Syria.

      Michał Gawlikowski is Professor emeritus of Warsaw University, where he taught the archaeology of the Near East and Aramaic epigraphy. He was also Director of the Polish Center of Mediterranean Archaeology (Warsaw/Cairo) from 1991 to 2005 and excavated several sites in the Near East, Palmyra (1973–2011) and Hawarte (1998–2009) in Syria, Gerasa in Jordan (1982–1984), and Hatra in Iraq (1990).

      David F. Graf is Professor at the University of Miami. He is the author of Rome and its Arabian Frontier from the Nabataeans to the Saracens (1997) and director of the Hellenistic Petra Project. He has been conducting field work in Jordan since 1978. He has been a Fulbright Scholar in Saudi Arabia (2003), and recently the Seymour Gitin Distinguished Professor at the Albright Institute for Archaeological Research in Jerusalem (2017). He is a Member of the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton.

      Johannes H. Haubold is Professor of Classics at Princeton University. He is the author of Greece and Mesopotamia: Dialogues in Literature (Cambridge University Press, 2013), and has co-edited, with G. Lanfranchi, R. Rollinger, and J. Steele, The World of Berossos (Harrassowitz, 2013) and, with J. Steele and K. Stevens, Keeping Watch in Babylon: the Astronomical Diaries in Context (Brill, 2019).

      C.T. Robert Hayward was Professor of Hebrew in the Department of Theology and Religion, University of Durham, from 1995 to 2015. He was President of the British Society for Old Testament Study in 2006. His publications include studies of the ancient Bible Versions and Jewish Bible interpretation during Second Temple and Early Rabbinic times, often with reference to the Church Fathers, especially St. Jerome. He taught Hebrew, Aramaic, and Syriac, and continues to publish work on the Aramaic Targums, Early Rabbinic Texts, and writings of the Second Temple Period.

      John F. Healey is Professor Emeritus in the University of Manchester and a Fellow of the British Academy. He is the author of The Nabataean Tomb Inscriptions of Mada’in Salih (Oxford University Press, 1993), The Religion of the Nabataeans (Brill, 2001), Aramaic Inscriptions and Documents of the Roman Period (Oxford University Press, 2009), and, with H.J.W. Drijvers, The Old Syriac Inscriptions of Edessa and Osrhoene (Brill, 1999). A collection of his articles was published as Law and Religion between Petra and Edessa (Ashgate, 2011). His current research includes work on new inscriptions from Edessa and Harran, on the Syriac script, and on Syriac legal texts.

      Jan Willem van Henten is Professor of Religion, in particular Ancient Judaism and Ancient Christianity, at the University of Amsterdam. He is also extra-ordinary Professor of Old and New Testament at Stellenbosch. He is the author of Martyrdom and Noble Death (2002; with Friedrich Avemarie) and co-editor of Martyrdom: Canonisation, Contestation and Afterlives (2020; with Ihab Saloul). His commentary on Josephus, Antiquities 15, was published in 2014 in the Flavius Josephus: Translation and Commentary series (edited by Steve Mason). He is preparing a commentary on 2 Maccabees for the Anchor Yale Bible series.

      Benjamin Isaac is Lessing Professor of Ancient History Emeritus at Tel Aviv University and a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, of the American Philosophical Society, and of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. He is also an Israel Prize Laureate. He has held visiting appointments at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (twice), Dumbarton Oaks, Harvard University, the National Humanities Center, the Collège de France, All Souls College Oxford, Churchill College Cambridge, and Macquarie University. His books include: The Limits of Empire: The Roman СКАЧАТЬ