A Companion to the Hellenistic and Roman Near East. Группа авторов
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Название: A Companion to the Hellenistic and Roman Near East

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: История


isbn: 9781119037422


СКАЧАТЬ Roman Rule (Leiden, 1998), The Invention of Racism in Antiquity (Princeton, 2004), Empire and Ideology in the Graeco-Roman World: Selected Papers (Cambridge, 2017). He is one of the editors of the Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae (Volume 5 is now in print).

      Lidewijde de Jong is Associate Professor in Archaeology at the University of Groningen. She has published widely on the Roman cemeteries and funerary customs in the Near East, and is the author of The Archaeology of Death in Roman Syria (Cambridge University Press, 2017). Her research focuses on the dynamics of ancient empires and identity formation, and extends to the era of the Hellenistic-Seleucid kings, preceding Roman control, and the period after Rome was replaced by Byzantine and Early Islamic rulers. Her current fieldwork is carried out in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and Pisidia in central Turkey.

      Ted Kaizer is Professor in Roman Culture and History at Durham University. He is the author of The Religious Life of Palmyra (2002) and has edited or co-edited various volumes on the social and religious history of the Roman Near East. He is currently working on a monograph on religious life in Dura-Europos and has written the historiographical introductions for two volumes on Dura in the Bibliotheca Cumontiana, Scripta Minora VII (2020) and Scripta Maiora XI (forthcoming 2022).

      David L. Kennedy is Emeritus Professor of Roman Archaeology and History and Senior Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia. He has worked extensively in the Middle East including on programs of Aerial Archaeology in Jordan (1997–2017) and Saudi Arabia (2018–2020). He is the author, most recently, of The Roman Army in Jordan, 2nd ed. (2004) and Gerasa and the Decapolis (2007) and co-author (with R.H. Bewley) of Ancient Jordan from the Air (2004) and an iBook, Kites in ‘Arabia’ (with P. Houghton and R.E. Banks) (2014). He is currently researching books on The Hinterland of Philadelphia and East of Jordan: 19th Century Travel and Travellers in Jordan.

      Andreas J.M. Kropp is Assistant Professor at the Department of Classics and Archaeology, University of Nottingham. He has done extensive fieldwork in Petra, Baalbek, and the Hauran. His research focuses on Roman Near Eastern coins, client kings, and cult images. He is the author of Images and monuments of Near Eastern dynasts, 100 BC–AD 100 (2013).

      Achim Lichtenberger is Professor of Classical Archaeology at the University of Münster. He has published on the Hellenistic and Roman Near East including Die Baupolitik Herodes des Großen (1999) and Kulte und Kultur der Dekapolis (2003), as well as on Roman Imperial representation, Severus Pius Augustus (2011).

      Jane L. Lightfoot is Professor of Greek Literature and Charlton Fellow and Tutor in Classical Languages and Literature in New College, Oxford. She has published editions and commentaries with Oxford University Press on Parthenius of Nicaea (1999), Lucian’s On the Syrian Goddess (2003), the Sibylline Oracles (2007), Dionysius the Peregete’s Description of the Known World (2014), and pseudo-Manetho’s Apotelesmatica (2020), and a Loeb selection of Hellenistic poets (2008). Her articles, reviews, and chapters follow her wide interests across the prose and poetry of the Hellenistic period and later antiquity.

      Michael C.A. Macdonald, D.Litt is a Fellow of the British Academy, Honorary Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford and a Research Associate of the Oriental Institute, University of Oxford. He has worked for the last 45 years on the languages, scripts, inscriptions, and rock art of Arabia, Jordan, and southern Syria and has led, and continues to lead, numerous epigraphic surveys in the region. He has also written extensively on the history of the nomads, and ancient literacy. Between 2013 and 2017, he directed the AHRC-funded project to create the Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia (OCIANA), and continues to update it. He has published numerous articles as well as Literacy and Identity in Pre-Islamic Arabia (Variorum, 2009) and has edited several collections of articles.

      Gillian Ramsey is Assistant Professor in Classics at Campion College at the University of Regina, Canada. She has published on the Seleucid empire, its royalty and administration, and Hellenistic women’s history, most recently on the queens Apame and Stratonike for Women and Monarchy in the Ancient Mediterranean (2020), and is currently researching the social and cultural history of the Hellenistic world.

      Alberto Rigolio is Assistant Professor of Classics at Durham University. He is the author of Christians in Conversation: a Guide to Late Antique Dialogues in Greek and Syriac (Oxford 2019), and he is currently working on a monograph on early Syriac culture and literature.

      Kai Ruffing is Professor of Ancient History at the University of Kassel. His research focuses on ancient economic history, the contacts between the Mediterranean world and the East, and ancient historiography. His recent books include Das Weltreich der Perser. Rezeption – Aneigung – Verargumentierung, Wiesbaden 2019 (CleO 23) (co-edited with Robert Rollinger and Louisa Thomas), Antike Wirtschaft und ihre kulturelle Prägung – The Cultural Shaping of the Ancient Economy, Wiesbaden 2016 (Philippika 98) (co-edited with Kerstin Droß-Krüpe and Sabine Föllinger), and Wirtschaft in der griechisch-römischen Antike, Darmstadt 2012.

      Maurice Sartre is Professor (emeritus) of Ancient History at the University of Tours. He studied at the University of Lyon and has been a collaborator on the project “Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie” since 1969 in the Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée (HiSoMA unit) for South Syria (volumes 13–16, with Annie Sartre-Fauriat). He has published books and articles about the political, social, and cultural history of the Eastern Mediterranean (L’Orient romain, 1991; Histoires grecques, 2006) and especially Syria (D’Alexandre à Zénobie, 2nd ed., 2003; Engl. tr. The Middle East under Rome, 2005). He was editor in chief of Syria from 1997 to 2018.

      Michael Sommer teaches ancient history at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. His areas of research include the cultural history of the Hellenistic and Roman Near East, cross-Mediterranean history, and the Roman Empire. Among his recent publications are Die Soldatenkaiser (Darmstadt, 2020), Palmyra. A History (London, 2018), Roms orientalische Steppengrenze, 2nd ed. (Stuttgart, 2018). With Tassilo Schmitt he is the editor of Von Hannibal zu Hitler. “Rom und Karthago” 1943 und die deutsche Altertumswissenschaft im Nationalsozialismus (Darmstadt, 2019).

      Oliver Stoll holds the Chair for Ancient History at the University of Passau. After studying at the universities of Mainz and Freiburg, he gained his PhD in Classical Archaeology in 1992 (Die Skulpturenausstattung römischer Militäranlagen an Rhein und Donau, 2. Bde) and his Habilitation in Ancient History in 2001 (Zwischen Integration und Angrenzung. Die Religion des Römischen Heeres im Nahen Osten), both at Mainz. He was research assistant and research fellow at the universities of Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Mainz, and Bamberg and also Fellow (Scholarship) of the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum in Mainz (RGZM). Research interests: military history of the ancient world, economic and social history, history of technology and religions; СКАЧАТЬ