The Fire Bible. The Highlander or the notes of a Madman. Dunkin Mach Cloud
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СКАЧАТЬ to him, and he …

      Grimacing in annoyance, the Highlander almost spat. After all, he was taught to be a Man. Just think, “… I am sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon …”. This is not an excuse. He did not justify himself. Therefore, Vina settled Forever. He knew.

      The sharp whistle of a whip broke the oppressive silence of the tent. The leaked eye of the nuker hung lonely, sliding down the sleeve of the dusty dressing gown. A dirty red groove, dotted with crimson buds of blood, stretched along a wide crimson scar that cut through the messenger’s smoky, pockmarked face. From dirty ear to runny beard. The messenger rode in with bad news. And now, bustlingly crawling towards the exit, he shuddered in fright from the noise of dishes and food scattering around the tent.

      Batu, with his face dark with anger, was now striking with a whip on the backs of the Astrologer and the Adviser, huddled in the corner (They warned him at the beginning of the March – Their Ariy * Uastyrdzhi ** will be with them! It was not the same!!).

      Damned Alans!! Already what a tumen of his Invincible has laid down their heads! He was stuck in this Battle, as in a filthy swamp, where even a lasso cannot reach a lonely bent birch tree, rustling with rare foliage. But at the beginning of the Battle, greenery covered all the branches.

      Batu has lost track of Time. How long will this continue?! He gave a sharp kick to his beloved dog and ran out of the tent.

      In the center of the Battle, in the clouds of smoke creeping below, the Banner fluttered. The leopard on the banner was no longer as Merry as when It began. Bloody stars scattered across the broad chest. The snow-white skin with dark large peas no longer sparkled in the sun. An ash bloom on it, and peas are like burns from embers flying from a dying nomad fire, or …

      Even the Weapon inherited from Grandfather does not help. It pierces the damask chain mail right through – only a torn funnel on the back of the Warrior. But another Warrior steps into the gap. The Charges are running out, and They are all patching up and patching holes, as in a broken dam.

      Grandfather was always secretive. Genghis Khan, even to him, his beloved grandson (a descendant of the Great Mughals – Grandfather loved to repeat), did not reveal the Mystery of where he got his Weapon. And I didn’t say where to get the charges either!

      Well, where else can we get them? But they thought that three campaigns would be enough. The bookkeepers are bad! This Nightmare began from the Seas.

      Already the Mountains have stood behind the backs of the Warriors, try it – go around them from the flanks! This is not the Steppe for you, where the Invincible streams flowed around the islands of Warriors with battle Banners fluttering in the wind.

      Bars * bent heavily on the banner. There is no longer that grace. Sharp eyes look anxiously at the right flank. Not! The Wolf is still standing on its paws! * Wool flies in tufts. The Pack beats in a fierce grin. It has always helped. The Wolf Warriors fight shoulder to shoulder. But where did you get from the circle of others, Mad Wolves? Will be lost! And there is. Dogs crumpled them. A horseshoe of gray bristling nape rested against the Mountains. They will not be bypassed either.

      The wind blew the banner, Bars turned to the left. Heavy blows of the Bear. Dogs scatter, screeching. Their lifeless carcasses lie in heaps. And the Bear keeps giving blows to the right and to the left. Blood floods my face. All do not care! Only for a moment he looked up at Bars, and, smiling, continues to beat the Dogs. Bars smiled back. You can safely turn your chest. The flanks are reliable. Just why is the Bear alone? Again, probably, others are sleeping, but their paws are sucking!

      Unbeknownst to the Bear was overpowered by the Dogs. The Cubs are pitifully huddling to the cooled body, snarling from the pressing Dogs. They will not give Mama, while they are alive, to be torn apart. The most playful, clubfoot rubbing, waddling on short legs, runs to other dens. Will have time to wake up the sloth! Then hold on, Dogs! The leopard smiles, it is He who is destined to fight alone. You can’t change nature. Calm Bars. They are all of the same Blood. Can’t beat the Dogs. And here, in the Mountains, he is invincible. This is his House.

      Carried him not easy to visit. I succumbed to the persuasion of the Wolf to visit the Bear. You see, I wanted to walk along the plains!

      Well, we took a walk and hunted together. It’s time and honor to know! All would be for him, a dog, to flirt with females. That’s the way he is. “… Walk, walk like that! Love, love so! Shoot, shoot like that!.. “And when the Dogs began to avalanche, how could he have left the Brothers alone at Disassembly?! He also wants to have fun!

      The Dogs pushed them far away. There was nothing to drink so much. Oh, and He spent a stormy night before that!

      Smiling playfully, Bars turns to face the Dogs. Lazily cast muscles roll under the skin. Although not so refined, a little spoiled, but, nevertheless, its own. The dust will crumble, the wounds will heal until the next Sweet Night. Fortunately, soon.

      Baty spat evil. No, this terrible dream will not end. It’s time to unwrap the rest of the Pack. The eagle on the mountain looks contemptuously after the chain crawling away into the distance. Whining, raising rare dust, Pack. It will take long for them to lick their wounds.

                                                 * * *

      The Highlander looks sadly at the screen. Explosions are thundering, and the dry clatter of bursts of evil tears the silence of the Night. Frozen in Sorrow at their Mother’s Blood. Both Chechen and Russian. Do not look up at each other. The Hearts of Mothers do not need words. Their grief is One.

      Is it for this that they gave Life to their Chicks in agony, did not sleep enough themselves, so that now they could sit, embracing and Silence.

      Warriors lie nearby. Strong, beautiful, brave. Death reconciled Them.

      Their Souls look at each other in surprise: – We have overeat! On the “cams” – where else has not gone! Let the bloody yushka go to each other! But to take away the Friend from the Friend of Life?!

      When did you manage to forget – “… You and I are of One Blood!..”? Who plunged Reason into the Darkness?!

      The heart of the Highlander breaks with pain. What are you guys doing, Bastards?! Knock out the last Male Warriors! Who will then become breast at the Native Threshold, when the Dogs will again go like a dark stream?! Who will bring the trunk to feed the hungry children, protect the Mother, Sister, Daughter, Beloved?! With what eyes can these Mothers look into them, burned out by tears?!

      Are the Bears sleeping again?! There is no Akela, so where the devil wears this Mowgli?! Where is that Virgin that will throw a handkerchief between the Bloods, ** so that they become brothers again?! Kaa, the gut is long!! What did you teach your Disciples?! Is it possible that Leopard is again Alone to disentangle the porridge brewed on Greed, Blood, Anger and Envy?!

      Tearing, choking in a scream, a voice wheezes from the speakers: “… There is a hunt for Wolves, There is a hunt … For gray predators, Mature and Puppies …” Frenzied rushed for the Flags. No, he is not our Pack. Jackals behind flags. When did the Wolf make friends with the Jackals?! Broke the Raging Tradition. He knows the punishment. “… The Beaters are shouting, And the Dogs are barking until they Vomit BLOOD on the snow and red spots of Flags …”

      Pensive Highlander, the Bazaar is on the screen. Smart Bears, * Wolves, Snakes * argue who is Right. Gathered them Kaa for the Council. It seems that everyone is СКАЧАТЬ