The Fire Bible. The Highlander or the notes of a Madman. Dunkin Mach Cloud
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СКАЧАТЬ law is harsh. But he is the Law. 25 years. The Highlander does not remember how Mother, having wrapped him in swaddling clothes, went with him to the Father in Prison while the trial was going on. And then – Him to the North, Mother and baby follow Him, to the North.

      And what a Dzhigit was a Father! The First Guy in the Village! Of His Trinity of Best Friends, one later became the Minister of Commerce of the Republic. The other is the President of the Republic. And the Father among them was always the First! To each his own!

      Mum. A doctor from God. Zemsky Doctor. She healed the whole Person (and not in parts – as it is now Accepted, Only Is it Right?!). And, first of all, she began to heal the Soul! And it helped! Throughout Her remaining Life (Bright Memory of Her), People from all villages went to Her for treatment, although She had long moved to the city. And she worked in the city Hospital. She also worked in the North as a Doctor. And she treated everyone.

      Then, when the Highlander grew up, She took him to Grandma. She herself returned to the Father. Because she loved him. And He Loved Her.

      Grandma, Uncles, Aunts, Relatives replaced the Highlander’s Parents (although Relatives, but can anyone Replace Parents?!). They doted on him. And the Highlander grew up mischievous and cheerful – all in the Father. And curious. Sometimes, on rare visits, the Mother took him to the Father. It was hard for the Father there. But he didn’t show it either. The same Joker and Balagur. Only gray hair pierced the temples, but wrinkles appeared, and sometimes the look is sadder.

      He misses without Children (By that time, the Highlander already had a Brother – he was born in the North. Northerner!). Broad-boned, fathoms in the shoulders – even though he is a year and a half. He eats up all the “supplement” in the kindergarten (he also “grabs” the sluggish neighbors on the table. But it doesn’t offend in vain. On the contrary, he will give pranksters once in the forehead – quieter than water in the kindergarten). Also all in the Father. (The Highlander’s bone is thinner, more intelligent – Mom’s Breed). And by the nature of both – in the Father. Then my brother “moved” to Babushka in the village (It’s good to have a house in the village!).

      So they grew up. Moderately mischievous. Among the guys on the street were not the last. The elder did not give the younger one an insult. And that one is not made with a finger. Slightly grown up – Anyone could Wipe his nose. Only the Elder is a little bit with the Fool. I re-read all the books in rural libraries, he sits in bookstores – he reads books (there is nothing to buy). But, otherwise, everything is fine.

      Run, jump, fight – there is no equal. It’s useless to play alchiki * with him: from ten steps it hits. The fisherman is an avid one. He doesn’t like hunting, although he shoots at the first grade. He doesn’t like killing. He looks at his blood calmly. From a stranger – falls into a swoon (Fell! Now already – No!).

      At school – in the best, in sports – in the “teams”, at the institute – in the first. And he chose Beauty for himself (already in the fifth grade) – everyone is envy! (So They Walk Nearby Throughout Life To This Day).

      Everything is thanks to the Parents!

      Blessed memory to you – to everyone who no longer exists.

      You live exactly as long as you are remembered. Your Souls Live In Us, in Your Grandchildren (Granddaughters), Great-grandchildren (Great-Granddaughters) … When Your Memory Is Erased – This is a Tragedy!

      Poor Ivan – Not Remembering Kinship! He is an Orphan. And His Share is Orphan! There is no one to ask the Council, cry in a vest, snuggle up to the Mother’s Breast!

      Many summers to you – Living Parents!

      There is no Greater Happiness for You than Seeing Your Children, Grandchildren, Great-grandchildren … Happy. If You Raised Them Correctly (the merit of “building a house and planting a tree…” is not great), Then They Must Be Happier, Smarter, Happier, better than us – Parents. No one has yet been able to repay our Duty to Them in full to our Parents. This does not have to be done! This is the Relay! Now You are becoming a Parent. Your Task is to Give Your Children no less than your Parents gave you. This is the Law of Life. And further. Children must know their Pedigree!

      That is why the proverb: “… An Apple from an Apple Tree Falls Not Far” (although there are Exceptions. As a rule – not from That Apple Tree, the Apple is!).

      Low Bow to You – Elders!

      You have done the most important thing – you have given us life! There are no Bad Parents! There are – erring! Sooner or Late They See. And I will not wish the Torment of Repentant Parents to anyone, not even the Worst Enemies. (Is it Enemies?! Why are they harmful?! They just, like “Postman Pechkin” ** There was no Lisapeda! And so – Quite Normal Guys!)

      Let’s live in peace! … Little Raccoons! Don’t make scary faces! Smile! And everything will work out for you! Well, and we … “… Dirt Tanks Are Not Afraid!”! Ahtung! Panzer! But … Niht Schissen, comrade! Hitler Kaput! Defenders of the Fatherland on the Threshold!

      We are the Vanguard of the “Golden Age!” It is a pity that We did not arrive without Losses in Their Rows.

      And Eternal Memory To Them!

      Afterword by the Author

      Salma! You are the Great Artist! (I even Know – in Whom). Your Finest Hour – Ahead! Happiness and good luck to you.

      The next obligatory chapter I will devote to Catherine Zeta-Jones – Actress, Star, Beauty.

      Chapter IV. Where are you, my beloved …

      This chapter of the Blessed Memory of our Beloved Sister First Reader, Chapter IV of NATASHA KOYAWA-KIRAKOZOVA “… Where are you, my Beloved? How I loved you …”(Russian folk song)

      I dedicate


      Chapter IV

      Hunting for Wolves …

      …or for the Spirits of the Mountains and Valleys …

      The noise of the streams in the shower room merrily lay on the softly humming tune. In fact, he liked to sing louder, but the HOUSE slept, breathing WARMTH and COMFORT. To break this HARMONY it was not at all to his soul. Smiling, he quietly deduced:

      “… The highland guy sings about the One Girl, and in Whom he is in love – guess! Instead of the name Milo, it sounds under the Moon – Do-la-lay, Do-la-lay, lay-lay!..”

      Thoughts cheerfully jumped from one to the other. At first, asleep, slower, then faster and faster. For some time now, he began to notice himself, while with surprise, then more and more fun, that watching how Thoughts Live gives him more and more Pleasure.

      Either they frolicked like playful kittens, then they wrapped you comfortably like Grandma’s downy shawl, and the SOUL was getting warm. A light breeze of Sadness ran across his forehead for a moment. Then he never managed to get Home. The grandmother was buried without him. Guilt’s load has lived with him ever since.

      And the father?! Vina quietly, so as not to disturb the Others living in the СКАЧАТЬ