The Fire Bible. The Highlander or the notes of a Madman. Dunkin Mach Cloud
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СКАЧАТЬ re Bible

      The Highlander or the notes of a Madman

      Dunkin Mach Cloud

      © Dunkin Mach Cloud, 2021

      ISBN 978-5-0055-0411-1

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      Dear Readers!

      In my unfinished book, which will contain 98 Chapters by the number of Ossetian Toasts, I try to sing the Hymn to the Heavenly Gift of Heaven – Love and its Main Carrier – the Woman Reigning and in the HOLY TRINITY.

      Here I describe real Events from the Moment of Creation by the HOLY TRINITY of the Universe, Other Worlds and, MOST IMPORTANT, the Earth, Some Unsuccessful Experiments on its Arrangement, conducted by the Male Team of the HOLY TRINITY. I trace the history of the appearance on Earth of the First People in Image and Likeness – Adam, Lilith and Eve, who gave rise to the White Race of Mankind, their Path to resettlement and development of the Earth after the Flood together with Noah.

      There are True Scenes of History of the Earth for Thousand Years up to These Days and Uncompromising Struggle of the Forces of Light against the Forces of Darkness, which plunged Then the Earth into the Darkness and Madness, against the CHAOS (Satan), HIS Vain Efforts to fight DIVINE SPARK in people’s souls and the Main Carrier of DIVINE Light, that is the Great Tartary, Cradle of Humankind, then Rus’, and finally Russia. It’s the Earth’s Soul, its Spiritual Backbone, which numerous Satan’s servants and henchmen, including today’s two-legged coronaviruses, have been trying to pull out for many times without any result, though they leaned the people of Russia down to the ground, but in a little while the Tidal Wave of Popular Indignation Will Wipe off all this scum from the face of the Earth.

      Rus’ got through everything, stood up, became stronger after all these trials.

      Now we live During the Cosmic-Scale Events Established by the HOLY TRINITY in THEIR Matrix. The DIVINE Providence can’t be Changed by Anyone.

      The Earth is Finishing its Transition into the New Earth and the New World. The Firstborn of the Age of Aquarius, the Era of Earth’s Blossom and Prosperity of Humankind, the Golden Age Has Come into its Own. The Wonderful Tomorrow is Around the Corner, and we Will Finally Meet our Star Brothers from the Galactic Fleet of the Forces of Light, who are Now Fighting a Successful War against the Aliens, represented by the Gray and Reptilians hostile to people, in the Cosmos, on the Ground and under the Ground. We are close to Our Victory.

      Only people Pure in Mind and Heart Will Go to the New Wonderful World. The Baddies, who have a Countless Number of Sins, will stay on the Old Earth in the Third-Density Condition. For them It will be the Apocalypse. They will be allowed to the New World only through the Purification by the Fires of Heaven.

      Hence, the title of the book is Fire Bible. It’s the Bible that Will Further Unite All the World Religions into Originally the Only One Faith from the Star Birthplace of the Humankind that is the Planetary System around the Altair Star in the Aquila Constellation.

      Everything I’ve written here is already included into my book or will be included soon. At the beginning, many people will consider this book to be just dreams of a simpleton from a village. What can you expect of a Crazy one, who is nevertheless the First of the contemporary people on the Earth who have Seen through the HOLY TRINITY’S Matrix of the Planet’s Development?

      Scientists, Experts, Faith Leaders, or just Keen Readers will be able to now or further Confirm the Events put forth in this book. Only You, dear Readers, can decide whether I succeed in writing the Fire Bible or not.


      Foreword. Message to all women


      Lovely Women! You are the Best that is on this Earth! You are Her Salt! Always be the most Loved, Best, Beautiful and Desired for your Men (who has a big Heart, not only for your own)!

      You are the Spring of Life!

      I hope, together with other Men, to have time during this Life to make for you not only Women’s Day, but every Women’s Year!

With loveHighlander

      Dear Publishers and Producers!

      This book will contain 49 Obligatory and the same number of optional chapters (according to the number of Ossetian toasts).

      All rights to edition and publication of each chapter belong to the one to whom it is dedicated.

      The rights to publish the entire book belong to the Most Beloved Woman (for me) – my Wife.

      The whole book is dedicated to my Parents.

      Blessed Memory for them.

      I look forward to fruitful cooperation.

Yours faithfullyAuthor

      Heavenly Fire Will let them into the New World.

      Therefore, I write in the title of the book – the Fiery Bible, the One that will unite in the Further All Religions of the World in the Initially Unique Faith of the Starry Homeland of Mankind – the Planetary System of the Star Alta-Ir of the Eagle Constellation.

      Everything written here is already in my book or will soon be. Many, at first, consider the book to be the fantasies of a simple country boy. What to take from the Nutty, nevertheless the First of the modern people on Earth to Solve the Development Matrix of the Planet of the HOLY TRINITY.

      The events described in the book can, now or in the future, Confirm Scientists, Experts, Spiritual Leaders and simply Inquisitive Readers.

      How I manage the Fiery Bible – You judge, dear Readers.

Author (Highlander)

      Chapter I. Part one. I know

      “… I Know that I, myself, myself, do not know anything…” I dedicate to the Woman of the Earth herself.


      Chapter 1

      Creation of the Worlds.

      If HIM could be described by the standards of a Man, then He was pretty annoyed. The EXPERIMENT was again unsuccessful. What Time Does He remake the PROGRAM? It seems that I did everything correctly. What Happened This Time? One was comforting. He is Eternal. It didn’t come together now-fold later. Or Is It Chaos Jokes Again? If it were not for the Sexual Energy, they with Chaos would Eternally walk in implacable Enemies. The same one has only to smile at Her – and Everything goes into the category of a Joke. However, at times, Jokes are quite Sad. Like This Time. Their Trinity has always existed.


      Out of Boredom They Invented Time. She is Life and Love. The latter, by the way, is not without their, Noos and Chaos, help. She Kept Them In Reasonable Balance In This Endless Male Competition. As soon as Chaos came up with Cold and Darkness, Noos kindled the Stars, radiating СКАЧАТЬ


NOOS – Universal Mind (“pure” energy)


CHAOS – Antipod of the universal mind (“dark energy”)


SEXUAL ENERGY – A system of cracks and counterbalances between * and here you and Inorganic, and Wave, and Protozoa. And Aquatic, and Aquatic, and “Terrestrial” – Aquatic (this is in the Terrestrial terminology.). And in Other Worlds How many of these Life Forms Have Made – Themselves have already Confused.