The Fire Bible. The Highlander or the notes of a Madman. Dunkin Mach Cloud
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СКАЧАТЬ for these “democrats” everything is Chin-Chin! All Kommunyakov’s offices were occupied – they did not fit. They took twice as much – again they do not fit! There you have a brother, and a matchmaker, and a godfather, and your own relatives, and a stranger! How to feed such a crowd? The head will swell! There is no time to think about the People.

      Until you divide the People’s (that is to say, budget) money for everyone – look, there is left – the cat cried (you will not offend “your own”, Fool!). So they divide what is left. Like Trishkin’s caftan. (You think it is easy to divide the indivisible! Therefore, neither the Doctors, nor the Teachers, nor the Police, nor the roads – but in general, there is not enough for anything! You look at the People’s Deputies! one door does not pass! Cognac and caviar are devoured, tears are shedding and they think – what else would this poor fellow – to help the People (so that he, this People, choke on it! We will then be “elected”? ! But the livestock must be urgently reduced. How much “Our” money is spent on this People – it’s scary to think. And how many good deeds can you do for yourself? Youth to Chechnya, to Tmutarakan! Sell to Ambush Militants! Flight cards – sell! We’ll blame the militants! They are smart! The “turntables” hit at close range. Extrasexes, or what? And even to the “Igloo” this Youth! The old people seem to have calmed down. As a last resort, let’s throw some Bone. Calm down. And for the Youth – eye and eye! You never know what will come to the Madman’s Heads! And suddenly they will come to their senses that you can do without us! Then – Krants!

      Ugh-Ugh. So they spit. Sometimes they even fall into themselves. How not to feel sorry for them, dear ones?! And they have privileges – the commies never dreamed of! Therefore, the “taxes” for the place of the “Chosen One” from the People – Wow! “Lemon green” (why the lemon is green – if it should be yellow, I don’t understand). And where can an honest man get “Lemon” and even “Green”? He was robbed “to the skin”! So they are bargaining among themselves! Moreover, they throw mud at each other. Go figure out who is cleaner! And how is one Thief better than another Thief?! However, it’s me, the old one, thinking to myself. Ivan, the Fool, cannot understand this. And you don’t need to. He will also foolishly break firewood, his head is poor!)

      –So what do you want from your minnows?

      –Proposed to do from the City of New Vasyuki.

      –What kind of Beast is this?

      –Proposed to build a 500 Megawatt pumped storage power plant. “The End of the Fan” is called. Right behind Shapshuga. A penny earns – enough for the entire region. And pensioners and the poor – generally free to release. Moreover, the road to Kabardinka, to the Sea, to start building – a private one. Also deductions to the budget of two districts and the edge-a whole bunch! Not that there will be enough for Teachers and Doctors, even for the education of Youth! And I will finish building the hotel for this occasion. In vain, or what, I bought it back in 1991 from the district? I spent a million of those rubles, and three more – for reconstruction. Until the local “privatizers” have not thought of declaring her “ownerless”. “Forgot” who paid them money and where they were put (you see, in childhood they were often dropped from the bed with their heads down) And the Toad strangles me! He filed a lawsuit against them. I will find the Truth!

      –Duck, you, Fool, I suppose, asked the Pescars for money for your projects?

      –I used to ask. In 1998. In 2000, he only asked for a signature that they agree to the construction – after all, he gathered investors in a bunch.

      – And sho?

      –We do not need “foreign” ones. We’d better breathe our own shit! And what if the overlying do not approve! And those passed! The main cabinet signed. Miller. And the district, well, not in any! Minnows!

      –Did you also ask for money? 2003 in the yard, however.

      –Now I don’t ask anyone about anything. Enough of my money! He invited everyone to participate. Will accept the invitation – I will say thank you. They will not accept it – and okay! I will master it myself. So that later they did not say that they did not invite to the company. And then they got used to it! How to divide and subtract – so here we are the first! How to add and multiply – pipes! Doubles! I generally keep quiet about integrals! Their roof can move out. Enough for the district of me alone, a fool.

      –So you sho, stole pennies, that you have them for Everything, enough?

      –I will earn on modular autonomous treatment units! They replace any sewage treatment plant. You piss and poop, and after my modular unit you can drink this water. It occupies a hole 5x7 meters (underground, however) and does not need electricity or people. Come only once a month – and take the garbage container.

      –Does he, your modular (what word he came up with) already work anywhere?

      –Three years – in Gelendzhik. On the storm sewer. Only a simpler design. All the foolishness toiled – was patented. I wasted a bunch of pennies on it. But now all the patents are with Georgy (my friend). Intellectual property owners.

      –Also me, property! Here are pennies – yes!

      –Dark you, Grandfather. Law on “Copyright” in Russia. And in the World. So the pirates will warm up – it will not seem a little. I’m not lazy myself. Let’s see – on whose … the fly will land. Very much for rent – on Ours!

      –And how many pennies does your modular collect?

      –I think a lot. They piss and poop everywhere. Only in the Arctic and Antarctica do they freeze. I can dispose of the frozen ones. Easier than a steamed turnip.

      –Well, well, Clever. Where are we to you. Fool! And what about the overlying ones?

      –They are silent.

      –Where are the pennies?

      –You are impatient, Grandfather. At the edge – Abrau was flooded. For others, the Official to the Official goes through the chain of command (how else can you explain why there are so many of them?). No matter how much the string twists, it will slip into a whip. Then I’ll take my soul away! So whip – the most terrible!

      –Are you a sadist?

      –I’m not to death.

      –On this occasion, I will tell you a story, to you, the Fool, for your edification. It appears that the Serpent – Gorynovich has got into the habit of playing pranks. Either he burns the hut, then he poison the crops, then he spoils the girls. The people got angry. Goes to the Good fellows.

      –Ilyusha, calm down the Adversary! There is no living!

      Rubbing Ilyush’s beard. The matter, however, is valiant. Why not! Three of us are going. Snake was pulled out.

      –What are we going to do with Gad? – Popovich asks Dobrynya.

      –Duc, the Elder should be asked.

      –Ilyusha! What are we going to do with this Autogen?

      Rubbing Ilyush’s beard. —Well, we are not infidels, shob him to death. So sho, are timid, in the old folk way! Get in line and line up behind!

      Popovich got down to business. СКАЧАТЬ