The New England Cook Book, or Young Housekeeper's Guide. Anonymous
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Название: The New England Cook Book, or Young Housekeeper's Guide

Автор: Anonymous

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Сделай Сам


isbn: 4057664637185


СКАЧАТЬ target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_5675d755-9583-545b-ad6f-0a2e31d7852b">253. Quince Jelly.

       254. Apple Jelly.

       255. Lemon Jelly.

       256. Calf's Foot Jelly.

       257. Coffee.

       258. To make Tea.

       259. Chocolate.

       260. Hop Beer.

       261. Spruce Beer.

       262. Spring Beer.

       263. Ginger Beer.

       264. A good Family Wine.

       265. Currant Wine.

       266. Raspberry Shrub.

       267. Noyeau.

       268. Spring Fruit Sherbet.

       269. Grape Wine.

       270. Smallage Cordial.

       Miscellaneous Receipts, and observations useful to young housekeepers.

       1. To make Essence of Lemon.

       2. Essence of Ginger.

       3. Rose Water.

       4. Spice Brandy.

       5. Barley Water.

       6. Water Gruel.

       7. Wine Whey.

       8. Stomachic Tincture.

       9. Beef Tea.

       10. Carrageen or Irish Moss.

       11. Moss Blanc Mange.

       12. Elderberry Syrup.

       13. New Bread and Cake from old and rusked bread.

       14. To Preserve Cheese from Insects and Mould.

       15. To keep Vegetables and Herbs.

       16. To preserve various kinds of Fruit over winter.

       17. To extract essences from various kinds of flowers.

       18. Indelible Ink for marking linen.

       19. Perfume Bags.

       20. Lip Salve.

       21. Bread Seals.

       22. To loosen the Glass Stopples of Decanters or Smelling Bottles when wedged in tight.

       23. Cement for broken China, Glass and Earthenware.

       24. Japanese Cement or Rice Glue.

       25. Cement for Alabaster.

       26. To Extract Fruit Stains.

       27. To extract spots of paint from Silk, Woolen and Cotton Goods.

       28. To remove black stains on Scarlet Merinos or Broadcloths.

       29. To remove grease spots from Paper, Silk or Woolen.

       30. To extract stains from white Cotton goods and Colored Silks.

       31. Rules for washing Calicoes. СКАЧАТЬ