The New England Cook Book, or Young Housekeeper's Guide. Anonymous
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Название: The New England Cook Book, or Young Housekeeper's Guide

Автор: Anonymous

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Сделай Сам


isbn: 4057664637185




      The New England Cook Book, or Young Housekeeper's Guide

      Published by Good Press, 2021

       [email protected]

      EAN 4057664637185



       1. Meat.

       2. Roast Beef.

       3. Beef Steak.

       4. Alamode Beef.

       5. Beef Liver.

       6. To Corn Beef.

       7. Mutton.

       8. Veal.

       9. Veal Cutlets.

       10. Calf's Head.

       11. Collops.

       12. Plaw.

       13. A Fillet of Veal.

       14. Lamb.

       15. Shoulder of Lamb Grilled.

       16. Lamb's Fry.

       17. Turkey.

       18. Goose.

       19. Chickens.

       20. Fricassee Chickens.

       21. Pigeons.

       22. Ducks.

       23. Baked Pig.

       24. Pressed Head.

       25. Souse.

       26. Tripe.

       27. Ham.

       28. Tongues.

       29. Curries.

       30. Curry Powder.

       31. Chicken Pie.

       32. Beef and Mutton Pie.

       33. Chicken and Veal Pot Pie.

       34. To Frizzle Beef.

       35. Warmed over Meats.

       36. A Ragout of Cold Veal.

       37. Drawn Butter.

       38. Burnt Butter.

       39. Roast Meat Gravy.

       40. Sauce for cold Meat, Fish or Salad.

       41. Wine Sauce for Venison or Mutton.

       42. Rice Sauce.

       43. Oyster Sauce.

       44. Liver Sauce for Fish.

       45. Lobster Sauce.

       46. СКАЧАТЬ