The Rise of the Omarlo Clan. Rosylan McCallum
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Название: The Rise of the Omarlo Clan

Автор: Rosylan McCallum

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Историческая фантастика


isbn: 9781450046701


СКАЧАТЬ fact, he needed time to reacquaint himself with his daughter. She was an awkward thin child, too quiet as far as he could see. But Lord Omir did see an advantage in making Lady Tess wait. Two years was good enough. Any more, he thought, and Lady Tess might look elsewhere.

      Within the two years, Lord Omir thought of getting to know his daughter better, but it was just not in him. Whenever he had a thought of seeking her out, something always interfered, either his wife or a gathering for a hunt. The two years passed quickly, and off Erin went to Racine, put under the care of Lady Tess in preparation for her to become wife to the future Lord Omarlo. Though Erin had found it frightening to be going to another planet, her interest had soon been ensnared. There was all of the fanfare of getting ready for the trip. All of a sudden, everyone was interested in her. Many new clothes and accessories were made or brought for her. She was to represent the wealth that was the House of Omir. She had become the center of attraction, and for the first time, her younger brother noticed her, and there was jealousy in his eyes. Then there was the starship that would take her to Racine. She had never been allowed off planet. The trip in itself had been an adventure.

      When she arrived on Racine, she was astounded by all of the smiling faces of the people welcoming her. For the first time, it hit her that her life had changed for the better. These people actually welcomed her, and she genuinely smiled back. Here, she belonged. She was somebody and had a place. Erin submitted to Lady Tess. She learned on the first day that it was for the best. She was also introduced to her handmaiden, Ursula. A flyer collision killed Omir’s wife and son two years after Erin had left to live on Racine. Erin did not return home for the funeral but sent her regrets.

      Lady Tess was a strict taskmaster who instructed Erin on deportment, dress, and the general running of a Keep. Lady Tess left Erin more than enough free time to pursue her private interest. Erin learned how to ride, something she had not been allowed at home. She loved it as it gave her a way to get out and about. She began to trade clothes with the stable boys and ride about the countryside, stopping and talking with the people. She got to know them, and they got to know her over the six years. She helped bring in crops. She helped deliver baby animals. She also helped in building barns.

      Most in the area knew who she was but pretended otherwise because it was what she wanted. They all knew that she was never alone. Gordon, a guard at the Keep, was visibly present and always within earshot of her. Lately though, it had gotten harder to sneak off for a ride about the country. Lady Tess had begun to demand more of her time.

      Erin therefore, was more than ready for the ride that Rarg had suggested. They both arrived at the stables at the same time from different directions. Rarg instructed their bodyguards to wait at the stables for their return. Neither saw Gordon leave the Keep while they waited for their horses to be saddled. They were silent for the moment with each other, both preferring to hold their thoughts until they had gained the freedom of the outdoors.

      “Where are you two going?” asked Rolag. Rolag Baines had attached himself to Rarg as a friend two years ago on Urus. Rolag was two years Rarg’s senior. When neither chose to speak, he said, “Riding? I am sure you won’t mind if one more joins your group outing. I was about to go for a ride by myself, but that is no longer necessary.”

      “Yes. I do mind,” said Rarg with a yawn. “But then again, I am sure I cannot stop you from joining us.”

      “Why, no you can’t,” laughed Rolag. “Why should you want to? Saddle up a horse for me, boy, and make it one with a good strong temperament.” The stable boy made no move until he caught a look and a nod from Erin. It happened so quick and unobtrusively, but Rarg saw it.

      As they trotted out of the Keep’s gates, Rarg leaned over and whispered to Erin to set the pace and the direction. With that said, Erin grinned and took off, galloping down the road. Rarg, prepared, was soon following her. Rolag’s horse took off after them, catching him totally off guard. In no time, Rolag landed on the hard road as his horse continued on. Those who were watching bent over with laughter, even Gordon who followed at a discreet distance.

      When Rolag’s horse galloped past them, they each pulled in their own mounts to a slower pace. Erin noted that Rarg was an excellent rider. They too burst into laughter as they realized what the horse without its rider meant. Rarg had suspected Rolag had been given the most spirited horse in the stables. That was why he had suggested Erin set the pace. He knew she was a superb rider and would be up to the challenge.

      Erin stopped long enough to say, “I hope your friend was not seriously hurt. I would have given anything to see the look on his face when he hit the ground.” Then she broke out into more laughter. Rarg had no comment. He hoped he was hurt, after all, Rolag was sent by Lord Marlis to keep tabs on him.

      “Where is she? What do you mean they went for a ride?” asked Lady Tess, talking to Ursula. Tess was in a fine state. She had expected the audience between Rarg and Erin to last only a few minutes, ending with him disgusted at her stuttering. She had planned to walk in and save him, dismiss the girl, and then ask him for a moment of his time; instead, she was informed that they have left the Keep.

      “What an unorthodox thing to do. Since his arrival, he has gone out of his way to ignore Erin. Out of the blue, he sends me a message that he wants to meet with her. He then changes his mind and decides to ride off with her, at a gallop, over the countryside and him being a poor rider from what I saw on the day of his arrival.

      “What could the boy be thinking, surely not of Erin’s reputation? He can’t treat a daughter of a ruling house and his future wife like some common girl. Then there is Erin, and where was her mind? She should have known better than to have agreed to go. Has my training all been for naught? Is she so simpleminded and overwhelmed that she believes she has to obey him now, before the vows? Wait until I get my hands on her. I could throttle her. All my plans can be wiped out if my father even thinks she has been compromised. It would be all that he needed to replace her with a girl of his choosing. Lord Omir would have nothing to say as Erin would have to return home in disgrace.”

      Ursula just stood before Lady Tess, listening as she raved. Finally, when Lady Tess seemed to have run out of steam, she said, “Excuse me, Lady Tess, but Erin is not alone with Rarg. Gordon rode out too. Gordon always rides out when Erin rides, and this is common knowledge to all at the Keep.”

      This immediately calmed Lady Tess. Yes, she thought, I had forgotten about Gordon. “He does guard her always. Well, whatever plans my son had if they are not honorable, will be interrupted. Who knows what ways he picked up under my father’s care? As I remember when I lived among them, they were a rather rowdy and raunchy bunch. And there is that Rolag Baines, the fellow who follows Rarg around like a shadow. Surely he went with them.”

      Before Ursula could tell her different, fully reassured, Lady Tess gathered her skirts and left. As Lady Tess was crossing the main floor of the Keep, she ran into Rolag. Annoyed, she asked him to follow her—that she needed to speak to him in private. Rolag was thinking, what does this hag want with me? He was still hurting from the fall.

      Rarg looked at Erin and saw that she rode with confidence and had a glowing expression on her face. It was obvious that she enjoyed riding. He also remembered how the stable staff responded to her quiet authority. She really was a beautiful woman and intelligent too. She had quickly caught his meaning after very underhandedly arranging for a very spirited horse to be given to Rolag. As far as he was concerned from all that he had been told and observed, she was very acceptable as a wife.

      He had thought to get her alone only for the purpose of finding out if there was a brain behind the eyes, which would be an added bonus and make her even more tolerable. She was his mother’s pick and had been under Lady Tess’ tutelage for the last six years. This left a question as to whether she could ever be trusted. Unfortunately for him, there was little time to select someone СКАЧАТЬ