The Rise of the Omarlo Clan. Rosylan McCallum
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Название: The Rise of the Omarlo Clan

Автор: Rosylan McCallum

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Историческая фантастика


isbn: 9781450046701


СКАЧАТЬ learned the truth of what had happened. He told the stunned boy that his mother claimed that there was a device that would threaten the security of COP, which caused Lord Marlis to go to Racine. Sadly he told the boy he had done so but found this rumor years later to be untrue. That his father had died defending his planet. He added that he suspected his ambitious daughter wanted to rule Racine and becoming regent was the only way.

      When Rarg was ten, Lord Marlis confided in him that he suspected that his mother’s greed for control of Racine caused her to remove her other sons. He told Rarg that it occurred from time to time among ruling families, the removal of family members to ensure control of power. Marlis also stressed that there was no proof of this in her case. He told Rarg that she seek to have dominance over the one son, him, when he became of age. That was why when he had asked to go home to Racine for visits, he was always told no. His grandfather said that it was because he was protecting him from his dangerous domineering mother, Lady Tess.

      Rarg was his father’s son. He had learned early the position that he was in. There was no loving nurture shown him from his grandfather or his uncles. They cuffed him every chance they could get. So he outwardly became the quiet, moody boy. He was amazingly quick in aptitude but acted as if things were too difficult. He always showed an interest in self-defense and personal fighting skills but was reluctant to join in any competitive contests. If forced, then he performed poorly. Eventually, his grandfather and uncles, tired of the embarrassment of his performance, left him alone. Other boys continued to tease him. When asked by his grandfather’s trainers, who knew his skill, why the poor performance, he would say it was good to know how to fight. It just was not necessary for him to get dirty or sweaty when others would fight for him when he grew up. They would frown at him and shake their heads, and eventually, they too left him alone, thinking him soft. The boy became known as a loner. His free time and he had a lot of it was not monitored.

      In truth, there were always people working with him during his years of exile in his grandfather’s castle, men and women who swore him to secrecy. They were remnants of Racine’s spy network with a sworn allegiance to his father. They secretly schooled him on his planet’s history, the system’s political history, and the art of warfare and what it meant to be an Omarlo. At no time during his stay on Urus had he not been under the watchful eyes of those loyal to the House of Omarlo.

      He was taught the secret hand language. He was trained over the years to be the best covert spy Racine had to offer. Lord Imir had anticipated that such measures would need to be in place on the chance that the worst happened. He knew Lord Marlis was ruthless enough to take his son and try to mold him into a Marlis puppet, so before his fall, he had sent orders to his agents who were already in place on Urus.

      “Please stand still and stop fidgeting,” said an unusually nervous Lady Tess. “I can see that you are not as slow as you act and that you did understand my orders and took exceptional care in your appearance today. It shows. The color of your dress suits you. Rarg should be very pleased, but then I have no idea of what his personal tastes in women are.”

      Erin wore a mint green Empire chiffon-layered off-the-shoulder dress. She had the look of an ethereal sprite. Erin dropped her head to her chest, looking down at the floor. She had nothing to say. That Lady Tess so intimidated the young woman as to leave her speechless was a good sign of her control. With a last look, Lady Tess felt she had done her best. Rarg would be arriving soon to visit the women’s quarters for his first meeting with his intended bride. All was as ready as it would ever be. He had delayed this meeting for two weeks until he had run out of excuses.

      “Lady Tess, I have seen your son from a distance, and I have asked the servants about him,” said Erin. “It is said that he is frivolous and moody.”

      “Shut up! His temperament is not your concern. You are only the vessel out of which his heir shall be born. How dare you presume to talk to me about what you have heard about my son during idle gossip.” Lady Tess, in a rage, was drawing back to slap the stupid girl but was stopped midway by her son’s voice.

      “Ah, Mother, are you about to hit the future Lady Omarlo? Have I then come at a bad time?” Rarg could have sworn he saw the girl take a defensive stance but no, maybe not, her hand was moving quickly covering her face. She turned toward him, and he saw that her eyes were large and held a frightened look. He could see that her beauty rivaled his mother’s.

      “You may leave, Mother. I wish to get to know my intended,” said Rarg.

      “You may not know it, having been raised on Urus without a gentlewoman’s influence, but it is not proper for the two of you to be alone. She may go. I thought that you and I—,” Lady Tess got no further as she was cut off.

      “Go. Now!” snapped Rarg.

      Lady Tess was stunned into movement. For a second, he sounded so like his father. She bowed and turned toward the door. She was humiliated and in front of the girl. Well, later, she would have her revenge later. She reached the door and as she was about to leave, she smiled and said, “As you wish.”

      The door closed silently behind her. Erin watched Rarg as intently as he looked at her. Neither spoke, they just stood taking in each other’s measure. Erin saw that Rarg seemed to come to a decision.

      “Do you like riding?”

      “Yes, I ride every morning,” said Erin.

      “Good, then I will meet you at the stables in thirty minutes.”

      “Make that fifteen,” said Erin with a challenging smile.

      “Done,” said Rarg, already heading for the door.

      Erin was surprised and encouraged by the unexpected dismissal of Lady Tess followed by the invitation to go horseback riding. She thought she had heard that he did not sit a horse well. As she dressed for riding, she knew that this would be her one chance to determine, if even to a small degree, she would be able to have any influence with this future lord. Had it not been for his timely arrival, she would have given away her carefully built timid persona.

      She could act the role of a cowering female but never would she have allowed Lady Tess to strike her. Erin had been training in the art of self-defense for the last three years. The trainer was Erin’s handmaiden Ursula’s brother Gordon who was conveniently Erin’s personal guard. Ursula had been assigned to Erin when she arrived on Racine. Ursula from the beginning was very protective of Erin.

      Erin had been schooled and trained as any young girl of her rank. However, Ursula secretly gave Erin lessons covering diplomacy and the political history of the COP government. Special attention was given to the history of Racine. Erin received an education equal to any male of her time. One thing was missing, self-defense skills. Ursula suggested that she learn how to defend her honor. Erin liked the idea, so Ursula said that she could get her brother to become her trainer. Erin from the start was made to understand that Ursula’s help had to remain a secret between them. She was told and understood that none of the secret teaching or training was what her father, Lord Omir, or Lady Tess would have wanted for her.

      Her mother died at her birth, and her father was pleased to give her care over to amahs. Lord Omir remarried and subsequently had a son, Karl. As Karl grew, there was concern for his health as he was thought to have a weak constitution. Most attributed this to his mother who stifled his every move and devoted her existence to that of her son. Erin grew up a lonely child brought out on special official occasions but was, for the most part, ignored. Her value increased overnight when Lady Tess approached her father with the proposal for a marriage contract between the two families.

      This happened when Erin was ten, and Lady Tess had wanted to take her to Racine then, but her father said СКАЧАТЬ