The Rise of the Omarlo Clan. Rosylan McCallum
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Название: The Rise of the Omarlo Clan

Автор: Rosylan McCallum

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Историческая фантастика


isbn: 9781450046701


СКАЧАТЬ said Drak, “evidently, I am not getting this right. Let me explain by starting at the beginning with no interruptions. I can see that you need to concentrate on listening so you don’t go off on wild-goose thinking. You do not call me ‘Father’ because I am not your biological father. We resemble each other in looks because I am a relative, your cousin, more specifically, your father’s first cousin. Our fathers were brothers.”

      And so Drak quietly told the twins about all of the events that happened in the past that landed them here literally on Base II. The twins were stunned. They just sat looking at nothing in particular, each caught up in coming to terms with what had been said. Drak felt awful seeing the looks of confusion on their faces. He had not thought it would be as bad as this. He had tried the best he could. He could not help having loved these boys as if they were his own. He thought that he now saw disappointment and lack of understanding on their faces.

      Johan was the first to speak. “As long as I can remember, calling you Drak was my substitute word for ‘Father.’ Nothing that you have said has caused that to change.”

      Collin added, “Same goes for me. I understand now why you preferred we call you by your first name even when it was evident that we shared the same genes. I was also beginning to resent that we trained so hard and were good, yet you would not allow us to join the planet patrol. I see the sense in that now.”

      Drak looked at the twins and smiled. It seemed the worst was over. He had laid all the cards on the table and had survived. They had survived. “I have raised you as any father would. I have pride in all that you have accomplished. You are and have always been my family. I would be proud to have you call me ‘Father,’ but the truth is I am not, and he may still be alive. For political reasons, he had me become the father he could not continue to be. I want you to know that he had no less of a love for you than I.” Drak watched as the boys nodded their understanding.

      “I am speaking out now because our peaceful existence may be about to change. The time has come. You need to acknowledge your true heritage as the younger sons of the House of Omarlo, ruling lord on the planet Racine. Depending on the outcome of the long ago invasion, your father is Lord Imir Omarlo. Your mother is the Lady Tess Omarlo, daughter of the House of Marlis. Your father’s heir is your older brother, Prince Rarg Omarlo. You are Prince Johan and Prince Collin Omarlo of the planet Racine. I am General Drakar Omarlo, supreme warrior protector of the House of Omarlo.”

      All of a sudden, the brothers burst into laughter. They couldn’t talk and explain why they were laughing, and it left Drak stunned and worried. They finally managed in between bouts of laughter to get over to Drak that it was the way he said their names with so much pretentiousness. They couldn’t help themselves. The laughter became infectious, and soon Drak too broke down and joined them. Most of the names they remembered from their studies, but to hear Drak as he called out the names struck their funny bone.

      When at last they had quieted down, the twins then questioned Drak about the older brother. They were used to each other but curious about him. Having an older brother seemed such a foreign idea to them. They did not remember him. He explained that Rarg would be turning twenty-one soon. He had remained on Racine, as was his duty as heir, with their parents. It was hoped it would allay suspicion and delay an immediate hunt, giving them time to escape. The plan was to ensure sovereignty remained with the House of Omarlo, but if that was not to be, their father wanted to guarantee the survival of his family name.

      “There is more,” said Drak. “Racine developed a device, which in the right hands would control tyranny in the system. However, it could also be used as a means to cause absolute chaos in the wrong hands. With it installed on every ship in a star fleet, one could invade a planet in stealth—unseen and appear positioned to demand total surrender or cause maximum destruction. Since COP was unstable at the time of its invention, Lord Imir chose to send the prototype and specs with us. When we left, the existence of such a device was a rumor. Naturally, the device could not be found to exist after the invasion. It was hoped that as the years passed, interest in the device would fade as an unconfirmed rumor. That part of the plan worked according to the last transmission sent before we got out of range.”

      Collin said, “Drak, you fear the sightings concern us. You think we have been found after all of this time?”

      “No, not found, but still being looked for,” said Drak. “I think that the search for our whereabouts began when it was discovered that you and I were gone. I think the assumption has been to find us means finding the device. I believe the ongoing search has finally reached Base II. If that is the case, we need to leave before we are discovered.”

      Suddenly a blinding flash erupted near the window. The emotional level had been running on high, which caused all three to be caught off guard. Another blast took the door off its hinges, and a pandemonium erupted in the form of armed men and smoke. The twins and Drak were blown across the room with the second blast and lay still. The intruders, wearing green and maroon jumpsuits with the insignia of the Group of 3, charged through the house. Shouts of “All clear!” were heard periodically. The men checked the three bodies for life. No pulses could be detected. The leader stationed two of his men to guard the bodies and two more to stand outside while the remaining four ransacked the house. Radio contact confirmed that this was indeed the home of a cheese farmer and his family.

      The four were then sent outside to check on the teams that were searching the surrounding farm property. The leader of the teams reported to the Star Cruiser orbiting the planet that the Hawks farm was secured. According to the papers found, there were three males who unfortunately were killed. A housekeeper left a note saying that she was visiting her cousin, and the farm’s manager lived in town. With the manager safely out of the way during this attack, the farm could still be productive for them when he returns.

      Strike teams were simultaneously occurring all over the planet. The Group of 3 had decided to expand to the neutral planet, Base II, and add its agricultural resources to its coffers. The leader gathered his men and moved on to the next farm, intending to return later to dispose of the bodies.

      Collin was the first to become aware. He stayed where he had fallen and listened intently for any movement that would give away the presence of intruders still in the house. This was done exactly as Drak had them practice—slow the heart rate and remain inert. Using the mind link, he knew exactly when Johan began to do the same thing. However, nothing was coming from Drak. This almost caused him to break the training, which called for either one-hour to pass or quicker determination beyond a doubt that it was safe to move.

      The one exception to the rule was move if the place was on fire. Suddenly, footsteps, just barely audible, were heard moving toward them from the sleeping quarters. Ever so slowly crouched over was old man Talcot who creped silently into the room. He moved over to where Drak was. He bent down to him in an attempt to listen for a heartbeat.

      “Johan, Collin, get over here and give me a hand. We need to move quickly, Drakar is badly hurt. Our time is limited. We must hurry.”

      Living with Drak had taught them to respond instantly to certain tones of authority, and there could be no doubt that they heard those tones coming from old man Talcot. They got up and looked around as they moved to help lift Drak. They saw that the house was a wreck. They knew that Anya was going to be furious. They also saw that Drak had suffered serious injuries. They had been drilled to expect the unexpected and to act without emotional involvement during an emergency. Their training kicked in, and they left unnecessary talk for later.

      “Come this way to the fireplace.” Talcot pressed a stone, and a doorway appeared. “Come on quickly, watch your steps.”

      The entryway closed once everyone had passed through. Talcot turned on a light and led them down a tunnel. Turning right, they came to a small four-wheel vehicle. They laid Drak in СКАЧАТЬ