The Epistle of Forgiveness. Abu l-'Ala al-Ma'arri
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Название: The Epistle of Forgiveness

Автор: Abu l-'Ala al-Ma'arri

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Историческая литература

Серия: Library of Arabic Literature

isbn: 9780814771976


СКАЧАТЬ for me,

      and carrying two heads would be a heavy load!

      Let others call for worshipping two Lords:

      One is enough to keep me busy!


      وأحضر صالح بن عبد القدّوسِ وأحضر النطع والسيّاف، فقال: عَلامَ تقتلني؟ قال: على قولك:

رُبَّ سِرٍّ كتمتُه فكأَني أَخرسٌ أَو ثَنَى لسانِيَ عَقْلُ
وَلَو ٱنّي أَظهرتُ للناسِ ديني لم يكنْ لي في غير حَبْسِيَ أَكْلُ

      ياعُدَيَّ الله وعُدَيَّ نَفسِه:

السِتْرُ دون الفاحشاتِ ولا يَلْقَاكَ دونَ الخيْرِ من سِتْرِ

      فقال: قد كنت زنديقًا وقد تُبت عن الزندقة. قال: كيف وأنت القائل

والشيخُ لا يَتركُ عاداتهِ حتى يُوَارَى في ثَرى رمْسِه
إذا ارْعَوى عاد إلى غَيِّه كذِي الضنَى عاد إلى نكْسِه

      وأخذ غَفلتَه السيّافُ، فإذا رأَسه يَتَدَهدأُ على النطع.

      Al-Mahdī also summoned Ṣāliḥ ibn ʿAbd al-Quddūs. He called for the execution mat and the executioner. Ṣāliḥ asked, “Why are you sentencing me to death?” The caliph replied, “Because you said:

      Many a secret I have hidden, as if I

      were dumb, or my tongue were tied.

      If I had exposed my religion to the people

      the rest of my meals would be taken in prison.

      “Enemy of God, and enemy of yourself!

      A fine reputation veils scandalous deeds;

      but you’ll find no veil that covers good deeds.”33

      Then Ṣāliḥ said, “I was a heretic but I have repented and renounced heresy!” But al-Mahdī said, “How can that be! You yourself said:

      An old man will not abandon his habits

      until he is buried in the earth of his grave.

      Though he may mend his ways, he will return to his error,

      just as a someone chronically ill will relapse.”

      The executioner struck before he knew what was happening, and his head rolled on the mat!


      وظهر في أيامه في بلد خلف بخارى وراء النهر رجل قصّار أَعور، عمل له وجهاً من ذهب وخوطِبَ بربّ العِزَّة، وعمل لهم قمراً فوق جبلٍ ارتفاعُهُ فراسخُ فأنفذ المهديّ إليه فأُحيط به وبقلعته، فحرق كل شيء فيها، وجمع كل مَن في البلد وسقاهم شرابًا مسمومًا، فماتوا بأَجمعهم، وشرب فلَحِق بهم، وعجَّل الله بروحه إلى النار.

      In his reign, in a town beyond Bukhārā in Transoxania, there lived a one-eyed man, a fuller, who made himself a gold mask and who was addressed as Lord Almighty.34 He also erected a moon on a mountain several parasangs high for his followers.35 Al-Mahdī dispatched an army to him, which laid siege to him in his fortified town. Then the heretic burned everything in it, gathered all the townspeople and gave them poisoned wine to drink; they all died. He too drank and joined them; and God hastened his spirit to Hell.


      والصناديقيّ في اليمن كانت جيوشه بالمُدَيْخِرَةِ وسَفْهَنَةَ وخوطب برب العِزَّة، وكوتِبَ بها، فكانت له دار إفاضة يَجْمَعُ إليها نساء البلدة كلها ويُدْخِلُ الرجالَ١ عليهنّ ليلاً. قال مَن يُوثَقُ بخبره: دخلت إليها لأَنظُر، فسمعتُ امرأةً تقول: يا بُنيَّ! فقال: يا أُمَّهْ، نريد أن نمضي أمر وليّ الله فينا!

      وكان يقول: إذا فعلتم هذا لم يتميّز مال من مال ولا ولد من ولد، فتكونوا كنفس واحدة. فغزاه الحَسَنيّ من صنعاء فهزمه، وتحصّن منه في حِصْنٍ هناك، فأنفذ إليه الحسنيّ طبيباً بمِبْضع مسمومٍ ففصده به فقتله.

      ١ ب: (ويُدْخِلُ عليهن ليلاً). د: (ويَدخُل الرجالُ). وفي ق و إف ما أثبتناه.

      Al-Ṣanādīqī, in Yemen, had his troops in al-Mudaykhirah and Safhanah. He was addressed as Lord Almighty, also in writing. He had a “House of Abundance,” to which he brought all the women of the town, and he would let the men come and sleep with the women36 at night. A trustworthy souce said: “I entered that place, to have a look. I heard a woman say, ‘My dear son!’ and he said, ‘Mummy, we want to perform what God’s Friend has commanded us!’”

      He would say, “If you do this, private possessions will cease, and child will no longer be distinct from child. Thus you will become like one soul.” Al-Ḥasanī conducted a campaign against him, from Sanaa, and routed him; he then entrenched himself in a citadel in that region. Then al-Ḥasanī sent to him a physician with a poisoned lancet. He used it to let his blood and thus killed him.


      والوليد بن يزيد أقام في المُلكِ سنةً وشهرين وأياماً وهو القائل:

إِذا متُّ يا أُمَّ الحُنَيْكِل فانْكِحي ولا تأْملي بعدَ الفراقِ تلاقِيا
فإنّ الذي حُدِّثْتِه من لقائِنا أَحاديثُ СКАЧАТЬ