The Montessori Elementary Material. Maria Montessori Montessori
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Название: The Montessori Elementary Material

Автор: Maria Montessori Montessori

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Документальная литература


isbn: 4057664650467


СКАЧАТЬ modern modernness good goodness sad sadness aloof aloofness

      The child's exercise with the two alphabets will be as follows:

frutto frutteto
canna canneto
oliva oliveto
quercia querceto

      For English:

song songster songstress
art artist artless artful

      List III


      nodo (knot): annodare, snodare, risnodare

      scrivere (write): riscrivere, trascrivere, sottoscrivere, descrivere

      coprire (cover): scoprire, riscoprire

      gancio (hook): agganciare, sganciare, riagganciare

      legare (bind): collegare, rilegare, allegare, slegare

      bottone (button): abbottonare, sbottonare, riabbottonare

      macchiare (spot): smacchiare, rismacchiare

      chiudere (close): socchiudere, schiudere, richiudere, rinchiudere

      guardare (look at): riguardare, traguardare, sogguardare

      vedere (see): travedere, rivedere, intravedere

      perdere (lose): disperdere, sperdere, riperdere

      mettere (put, place): smettere, emettere, rimettere, permettere, commettere, promettere, sottomettere

      vincere (overcome): rivincere, avvincere, convincere, stravincere

      For English:

      cover: uncover, discover, recover

      pose: impose, compose, dispose, repose, transpose

      do: undo, overdo

      place: displace, replace, misplace

      submit: remit, commit, omit, permit

      close: disclose, foreclose, reclose

      arrange: rearrange, disarrange

      The child's exercise with the two alphabets will be as follows:


      For English:


      List IV


      cartapecora (parchment)

       cartapesta (papier maché)

       falsariga (guide)

       madreperla (mother-of-pearl)

       melagrana (pomegranate)

       melarancia (orange)

       biancospino (hawthorn)

       ficcanaso (busybody)

       lavamano (wash-stand)

       mezzogiorno (noon)

       passatempo (pastime)

       ragnatela (cobweb)

       madrevite (vine)

       guardaportone (doorkeeper)

       capoluogo (capital)

       capomaestro ("boss")

       capofila (pivot-soldier)

       capopopolo (demagogue)

       caposquadra (commodore)

       capogiro (dizziness)

       capolavoro (masterpiece)

       giravolta (whirl)

       mezzaluna (half-moon)

       mezzanotte (midnight)

       palcoscenico (stage)

       acchiappacani (dog-catcher)

       cantastorie (story-teller)

       guardaboschi (forester)

       lustrascarpe (boot-black)

       portalettere (letter-carrier)

       portamonete (pocketbook)

       portasigari (cigar-case)

       portalapis (pencil-case)

       portabandiera (standard bearer)

       guardaroba (wardrobe)

       asciugamano (towel)

       cassapanca (wooden bench)

       arcobaleno (rainbow)

       terrapieno (rampart, terrace)

       bassorilievo (bas-relief)

       granduca (grand-duke)

       pianoforte (piano)

       spazzacamino (chimney-sweep)

       pettorosso (redbreast)