Count Drake pretended to yawn and fall asleep. He sneaked a wink at Amelia, who tried very hard not to giggle.
‘Oh. That is very exciting to hear, sister,’ said Countess Frivoleeta flatly. ‘We’re all fine, by the way, in case you were wondering . . .’ But then she spotted the caticorns and gasped. ‘Goodness me, is that Gerrard, Butler and Mo?’ The countess leaned in a little closer and smiled sweetly. ‘It’s so lovely to finally meet you!’
‘They’re divine, aren’t they?’ said Aunt Lavitora absent-mindedly, pulling out a notebook from her top pocket and scribbling down some big numbers.
Butler tapped Aunt Lavitora on the elbow, trying to get her attention.
‘Not now, snookipoop,’ said Lavitora. ‘Mummy has important business to attend to.’
Countess Frivoleeta cleared her throat. ‘Well, would you like to stay for a cup of scream tea before you go?’
Not taking her eyes off her notebook, Aunt Lavitora held up a hand and carried on counting. Mo meowed and pulled on her frills.
‘Not yet, floofy!’ snapped Aunt Lavitora.
Monroe the crow squawked twice. ‘SQUAAAAWK! SQUAAAAWK!’
‘Oh, really?’ replied Lavitora. Then she looked at her sister and smiled. ‘I’d love to stay, but I must dash!’ Count Drake let out a sigh of relief. ‘Gerrard, Butler, Mo . . . be good little caticorns, won’t you?’ said Aunt Lavitora.
The caticorns nodded in unison.
‘Well, Amelia is going to help look after Gerrard, Butler and Mo,’ said Countess Frivoleeta proudly. ‘And she’ll show them what a FANGTASTIC big sister she’s going to be for this little one!’ She patted her tummy pointedly.
‘Oh, of course!’ gushed Aunt Lavitora. ‘How could I forget that you have a new little vampire on the way? I did wonder why you were looking more tired than usual.’
Countess Frivoleeta’s left eyeball twitched, but she smiled stiffly. ‘Well, you probably won’t have time to stay for a scream tea when you come to collect the caticorns at moonset, will you?’
Aunt Lavitora laughed. ‘Ha! Probably not, darkling sister of mine. I’m a very busy woman after all!’ She then whispered, not very quietly, ‘Plus, I do find your Drakey terribly drab . . .’
The count spluttered indignantly.
Aunt Lavitora opened the door. ‘Monroe!’ she said to her crow. ‘Please fly ahead and tell Professor McShady I’m on my way.’
‘I’ll see you later then! ’ called Countess Frivoleeta, but Lavitora was already at the end of the path. The countess sighed. Amelia thought she looked a little bit relieved but decided not to say anything. Count Drake, on the other hand, made his feelings quite clear as he fist-pumped the air.
‘Right, your father and I have a list as long as a bogeyman’s snot trail to get through before the new baby arrives!’ said the countess. She placed a hand on Amelia’s shoulder and smiled. ‘Are you sure you don’t mind taking care of the caticorns, my little pimple-popper?’
‘Not a problem!’ said Amelia.
‘AN’ WE’RE ’ERE TO ’ELP TOO!’ said Florence with a salute.
‘Yup!’ said Grimaldi, spinning his scythe and almost knocking a picture off the wall.
‘You’re all disastrously delightful. Thank you!’ said Countess Frivoleeta, tears welling up in her eyes. Then she turned to Count Drake and cleared her throat. ‘Before I start crying again, you grab the orange paint for the baby’s room, and the Foot Fudge.’
‘Why do we need the Foot Fudge?’ asked Count Drake.
‘For me to eat whilst I watch you paint, of course!’
Amelia’s mum and dad headed out of the hall, leaving Amelia, Florence and Grimaldi with the caticorns. Squashy waggled his stalk and squeaked at the three little guests to say hello, but the caticorns didn’t react.
‘THEY’RE WEIRDLY QUIET,’ said Florence. Then she leaned towards Amelia and lowered her voice, unsuccessfully. ‘ALSO, ’OW COME YOU’VE NEVER MET ’EM TIL NOW?’ she asked.
‘Well, we’ve not actually seen Aunt Lavitora since I was a baby,’ said Amelia. ‘She is very busy and important apparently.’
‘SOUNDS WELL BORIN’,’ said Florence.
‘I agree,’ said Amelia. ‘But boring is NOT on our agenda! We’re going to have fun !’ She knelt down so that she was level with the little caticorns. ‘Want to go play zombie tag in the back graveyard?’
The caticorns looked at each other and nodded enthusiastically.
But they were suddenly interrupted by an almighty cry from upstairs.
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