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Название: Collins Gem

Автор: Collins Dictionaries

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы


isbn: 9780008163464


СКАЧАТЬ a loh-tel?Where can I park the car?Où est-ce que je peux garer la voiture? oo es kuh zhuh puh ga-ray la vwa-tewr?What time is…?À quelle heure est…? a kel ur eh…?dinnerle dîner luh dee-naybreakfastle petit-déjeuner luh puh-tee day-zhuh-nayThe key, pleaseLa clé/clef, s’il vous plaît la klay, seel voo plehRoom number…Chambre numéro… shahñbr new-may-ro…I’m leaving tomorrowJe pars demain zhuh par duh-mañWhere is the lift?Où est l’ascenseur? oo eh la-sahñ-sur?

ordures or-dewrrubbish
eau potable oh po-tabldrinking water
bloc sanitaire blok sa-nee-tehrwashing facilities

Is there a restaurant on the campsite?Y a-t-il un restaurant dans le camping? ee a-teel uñ re-sto-rahñ dahñ luh kahñ-peeng?
Do you have any vacancies?Vous avez des emplacements de libres? Voo za-vay day zahñ-plas-mahñ duh leebr?
Are there any toilets for disabled people?Est-ce qu’il y a des toilettes pour handicapés? es keel ya day twa-let poorahñ-dee-ka-pay
Does the price include…?Est-ce que le prix comprend…? es kuh luh pree koñ-prahñ…?
hot waterl’eau chaude loh shohd
electricityl’électricité lay-lek-tree-see-tay
We’d like to stay for … nightsNous voudrions rester … nuits noo voo-dree-yoñ res-tay … nwee
How much is it per night…?C’est combien la nuit…? say koñ-byañ la nwee…?
for a tentpour une tente poor ewn tahñt
for a caravanpour une caravane poor ewn ka-ra-van

      You can find a variety of self-catering accommodation on, the website of the national Gîtes de France federation. Another popular website for private accommodation is

Who do we contact if there are problems?Qui devons-nous contacter en cas de problème? kee duh-voñ noo koñ-tak-tay ahñ ka duh prob-lehm?
How does the heating work?Comment marche le chauffage? ko-mahñ marsh luh shoh-fazh?
Is there always hot water?Est-ce qu’il y a de l’eau chaude en permanence? es keel ya duh loh shohd ahñ per-ma-nahñs?
Where is the nearest supermarket?Où est le supermarché le plus proche? oo ay luh sew-pehr-mar-shay luh plew prosh?
Where do we leave the rubbish?Où est-ce qu’il faut mettre les ordures? oo es keel foh metr lay zor-dewr?
recyclingle recyclage ruh-see-klazh

      French shop opening hours are approximately 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., but many shops (except those in Paris) close between 12 and 2 p.m. Most are closed on Sundays and some also on Mondays.

Qu’est-ce que vous désirez? kes kuh voo day-zee-ray? What would you like?
Est-ce que vous avez…? es kuh voo za-vay…? Do you have…?
Oui, bien sûr. Voilà. Et avec ceci? wee, byañ sewr. vwa-la. ay a-vek suh-see? Yes, certainly. Here you are. Anything else?

Where is…?Où est…? oo ay…?
Where can I buy…?Où est-ce qu’on peut acheter…? oo es koñ puh ash-tay…?
toysdes jouets day zhoo-ay
giftsdes cadeaux day ka-doh
Where is the … department?Où se trouve le rayon…? oo suh troov luh ray-yoñ…?
perfumeparfumerie par-few-mree
jewellerybijouterie bee-zhoo-tree

magasin ma-ga-zañshop
soldes soldsale
un acheté, un gratuit uñ nash-tay, uñ gra-tweebuy one, get one free

baker’sla boulangerieboo-lahñzh-ree
bookshopla librairielee-breh-ree
butcher’sla boucherieboo-shree
cake shopla pâtisseriepa-tee-sree
cheese shopla fromageriefro-mazh-ree
clothes shopla boutique de vêtementsboo-teek duh vetmahñ
dry-cleaner’sle pressingpres-eeng
gift shopla boutique de cadeauxboo-teek duh ka-doh
hairdresser’schez le coiffeur/la coiffeuseshay luh kwa-fur/la kwa-fuz
jeweller’sla bijouteriebee-zhoot-ree
marketle marchémar-shay
pharmacy/chemist’sla pharmaciefar-ma-see
self-servicele libre-serviceleebr-sehr-vees
shoe shople magasin de chaussuresma-ga-zañ duh shoh-sewr
souvenir shopla boutique de souvenirsboo-teek duh soov-neer
supermarketle supermarchésew-pehr-mar-shay
tobacconist’sle tabacta-ba

baguettela baguetteba-get
breadle painpañ
bread rollle petit painpuh-tee pañ
butterle beurrebur
cheesele fromagefro-mazh
chickenle pouletpoo-leh
coffee(instant)le café(instantané)ka-fay(añ-stahñ-ta-nay)
creamla crèmekrem
crispsles chipssheeps
eggsles œufsuh
fishle poissonpwa-soñ
flourla farinefa-reen
ham(cooked)le jambon cuitzhahñ-boñ kwee
ham (cured)le jambon cruzhahñ-boñ kru
honeyle mielmyel
hot chocolatele chocolat en poudresho-ko-la ahñ poodr
jamla confiturekoñ-fee-tewr
margarinela margarinemar-ga-reen
marmaladela confiture d’orangekoñ-fee-tewr do-rahñzh
milkle laitleh
orange СКАЧАТЬ