Special Handball Practice 2 - Step-by-step training of successful offense strategies against the 6-0 defense system. Jörg Madinger
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each have a ball and start the course in parallel.

      - They pass the ball to the left.


Make sure the players perform the piston movement in a dynamic manner.


They should play normal passes; underarm passes are not allowed. The players should rotate their trunk and do a shooting feint when passing the ball.

      TU 1-4 Offense/Team (10/40)



starts from the wing position and runs a curve around the cone (A), approaches the goal, and passes the ball into the running path of




does a dynamic piston movement towards the left side of the cone and passes the ball into the running path of


on the wing position (E).


starts from the wing position and runs a curve around the cone (F).


into his running path (G).

      - Now the players repeat the piston movements towards the right side of the cone until

has received the ball again.

       Instructions for


      - They both perform two actions: They do a piston movement and pass the ball to

) on the wing position (E), immediately move back in a dynamic manner, and then do a piston movement towards the other side (G).

      - Afterwards, it is the next back position player’s turn.

       Instructions for



does two piston movements (coming from the left and coming from the right).

      - Afterwards, it is the next center back position player’s turn.

       Instructions for



) performs two actions; afterwards it is the next player’s turn (E and F).


The players should increase the piston movement and passing speed gradually.


Make sure the players do the piston movement correctly (towards the left/right side of the cone), depending on the passing/piston movement direction.

      TU 1-5 Goalkeeper warm-up shooting (10/50)



has a ball and does a dynamic piston movement towards the cone in the center (A).


into his running path, and eventually shoots at the right side of the goal, as instructed (top, middle, bottom) (B).

      - Immediately after the pass (A),

moves back and to the side and runs around the cone (C).


into his running path, who eventually shoots at the left side of the goal, as instructed (middle, top, bottom) (E).

      - And so on.


should move back immediately after his shot (B), pick up a new ball (F), and feed the last player.


The players should do the piston movement towards the cone in the center and the backward move after the pass in a highly dynamic manner.