Название: Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary
Автор: Katherine Davidsen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях
isbn: 9781462919673
apakah, apa (question marker) → apa
apalagi ADV, CONJ especially, moreover
apartemén N apartment, flat
apel N apple
api N fire, flame; berapi V to produce fire; perapian N fireplace, oven
apik ADJ neat, tidy
apoték N pharmacy, chemist (shop), dispensary; apotéker N pharmacist
April bulan ~ April
apung float; mengapung V to float, be suspended
Arab bahasa ~ Arabic; orang ~ an Arab
arah N direction; satu ~ one way; same direction
arak N alcoholic drink
arang N charcoal
arca N statue
arén N areca palm
argo, argométér N taxi meter
arit N sickle
arogan ADJ arrogant
arsip N archive, file
arti N meaning; ~ nya it means, that is to say; berarti V to mean; ADJ meaningful
artikel N article (in print media)
artis N celebrity; actor, actress or singer
arung ~ jeram white water rafting
arus N stream, current, flow; ~ listrik electric current
AS ABBREV Amerika Serikat the United States
asal N origin; ~-usul origins; berasal V to come from
asal, asalkan CONJ as long as, providing that
asam, asem sour, tamarind; acid; ~ manis sweet and sour
asap N smoke, exhaust, pollution; vapor; berasap ADJ smoky
asar N, ISL the afternoon prayer
asas, azas: asasi, asazi ADJ basic
asbak N ashtray
ASI ABBREV air susu ibu breast milk
Asia N Asia; ~ Tenggara Southeast Asia
asin ADJ salty, salted; asinan N sour vegetable and fruit dish
asing ADJ strange, alien, foreign; orang ~ stranger; foreigner
asli ADJ original, indigenous; orang ~, penduduk ~ indigenous person, native
asma N asthma
asong: asongan N street vendor; goods sold on the street (cigarettes, magazines, drinking water etc.)
aspal N asphalt
asrama N boarding house, dormitory; MIL barracks
asri ADJ beautiful, scenic (of a view)
assalamualaikum, assalamu alaikum salam alaikum GR, ISL peace be upon you
asuh care; orang tua ~ foster parents; pengasuh N carer; ~ anak nursemaid, babysitter
asuransi N insurance
asyik ADJ fun; ADV absorbed, engrossed; eager
atap N roof; beratap V to have a roof
atas PREP up; N upper part; di ~ on (top of), upon, above, over; upstairs; atasan N superior, boss; mengatasi V to overcome
atau CONJ or
ati ampela N liver and gizzards
atlét, atlit N athlete
atur arrange; aturan N rule, regulation; mengatur V to arrange, organize, regulate; peraturan N rule, regulation; teratur ADJ organized, regular
aula N hall (at school), auditorium
AU(RI) ABBREV Angkatan Udara (Republik Indonesia) (Indonesian) Air Force
Australia N Australia; orang ~ Australian
awak N person; ~ pesawat cabin crew
awal beginning, early; awalan N prefix; berawal V to begin with
awan N cloud; berawan ADJ cloudy, overcast
awas EJAC be careful, beware; mengawasi V to supervise
awét ADJ durable, long-lasting
ayah, Ayah N, PRON father; ~ bunda parents
ayam N chicken, hen; ~ kampung free-range chicken; ~ negeri battery hen
ayat N verse (of a religious text)
ayo come on, let’s go
ayu ADJ beautiful
ayun: ayunan N swings
azan, adzan N call to prayer
bab N chapter
babi N pig, boar (also as an insult); ~ hutan wild boar; daging ~ pork
baca V to read; bacaan N reading material; membaca V to read; pembaca N reader
badai N hurricane, storm; ~ topan typhoon
badak N rhino, rhinoceros
badan N body; board, committee
badut N clown
bagai CONJ like, as; berbagai ADJ various, several; sebagai CONJ like, as
bagaimana INTERROG, CONJ how, in what way
bagasi N baggage; boot (of vehicle); hold (of ship or aircraft)
bagi V divide; bagian N part, share, section; berbagi V to share; membagi V to divide, distribute; sebagian N some, a section of
bagi PREP for
bagus ADJ good, fine, excellent (external qualities of concrete objects)
bahagia ADJ happy, joyous; berbahagia V to be happy
bahan N materials, ingredients; cloth, fabric; ~ bakar fuel
bahas V to discuss; membahas СКАЧАТЬ