Название: Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary
Автор: Katherine Davidsen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях
isbn: 9781462919673
alhamdulillah EJAC, ISL thanks be to God; bless you! (when sneezing)
alih V to shift, change position
alir flow aliran N stream, current; ideology, school, sect; mengalir V to flow
alis N eyebrow; mengangkat ~ to raise your eyebrows
aljabar N algebra
Alkitab N the Bible
alkohol N alcohol; beralkohol V containing alcohol
Allah N God, Allah
almarhum ADJ, M, ISL the late; almarhumah ADJ, F, ISL the late
alpukat, apokat, avokat N avocado; jus ~ avocado drink
Alqur’an, Al-quran, Alquran N the Koran
AL(RI) ABBREV Angkatan Laut (Republik Indonesia) (Indonesian) Navy
alu N pestle; ~ lumpang mortar and pestle
alun-alun N town square
amal N charity
aman ADJ safe, in peace; keamanan N safety, security; mengamankan V to make safe, restore order; place in custody
amat ADV very, extremely
amat: mengamati V to watch closely, keep an eye on; pengamat N observer; pengamatan N observation, monitoring
ambeien N hemorrhoids, piles
ambil V to take; to subtract; to bring; ~ saja help yourself; mengambil V to take, get, fetch
ambisi N ambition
ambruk V to collapse, break, crash
ambulans N ambulance
amén: (me)ngamén V to sing in the street for money, busk; pengamén N street singer, busker
Amérika N America; ~ Serikat United States of America
amin EJAC amen
amis ADJ putrid, smelling fishy
amplop N envelope; COLL bribe
ampuh ADJ powerful, potent
ampun N mercy, forgiveness, pardon; EJAC Mercy! (expression of astonishment or disapproval); minta ~ beg for mercy
amuk: mengamuk V to run amok, go berserk
anak N child; young (of an animal); member of a group; small part of a whole; ~ angkat adopted child; ~ buah assistants, staff; ~ bungsu youngest child; ~ cucu descendants; ~ emas favorite; ~ haram illegitimate child; ~ jalanan street kid; ~ kunci key; ~ perempuan daughter; ~ sulung eldest child; ~ tiri stepchild; ~ tunggal only child; ~ yatim orphan; anak-anak N, PL children; beranak V (of animals) to give birth to, have offspring; peranakan ADJ of mixed Chinese and Indonesian blood, Straits Chinese
analisa, analisis N analysis
ancam V to threaten; ancaman N threat; mengancam V to threaten, intimidate; terancam ADJ threatened
anda, Anda PRON you (neutral, without status)
andai, andaikan, andainya, seandainya CONJ if, supposing that
andal ADJ reliable; mengandalkan V to rely on, trust
andong N four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage in Jogja and Solo
anéh ADJ strange, peculiar; ~nya the strange thing is...
anéka ADJ all kinds of, various; ~ jenis all sorts; ~ macam, ~ ragam varied
anggap V to consider; menganggap V to consider, regard
anggaran N budget, estimate
anggota N member; ~ badan limb; ~ DPR Member of Parliament; ~ keluarga family member; keanggotaan N membership; kartu ~ membership card
anggrék N orchid
angguk, mengangguk V to nod
anggun ADJ elegant, stylish, graceful
anggur N wine, grapes; ~ putih white wine; buah ~ grapes
anggur: pengangguran N unemployment, unemployed person
angin N wind, breeze
angka N figure, numeral, digit; score, mark; ~ Romawi Roman numeral
angkasa N space, sky
angkat V to lift; ~ besi weight-lifting; ~ tangan give up; raise your hand; ~ telepon to pick up, answer the phone; angkatan N generation, year level (at school or university); force; ~ darat (AD) army; berangkat V to depart, leave; keberangkatan N departure; pintu ~ departure gate; mengangkat V to lift or pick up, raise; appoint; to remove, amputate
angkét N survey (form)
angklung N bamboo instrument, played in an orchestra
angkot N, COLL public minibus → angkutan kota
angkut V to carry, lift, transport; angkutan N transport, transportation; ~ kota (angkot) city transportation; ~ umum public transport
angpao, angpau N a red envelope containing money, given at Chinese New Year
angsa N goose
anjing N dog (also insult)
anjlok V to derail; kereta api ~ derailed train
anjung: anjungan N gallery, upper level, ship’s bridge
anjur: menganjurkan V to suggest, propose
anoa N dwarf buffalo of Sulawesi
antar take, escort; ~ jemput pick up and take home, door-to-door; mengantar V to take, escort, accompany; mengantarkan V to take someone or something
antara CONJ between; among them; perantara N broker, intermediary, go-between
antarpropinsi ADJ interprovincial
antem: berantem V, COLL to fight, scuffle → hantam
anti- PREF, ADJ against, resistant to; ~ perang anti-war
anting N earring
antré, antri queue; antréan N queue; mengantri V to queue
anut, menganut V to follow; penganut N follower, believer
anyam, menganyam V to weave, plait, braid; anyaman N plait, braid
apa INTERROG, N what; ~ lagi what else; ~ saja anything; ~ kabar? how are you?; apa-apa N something; tidak ~ it doesn’t matter; apabila CONJ if, when; berapa INTERROG how many? what number?; СКАЧАТЬ