Название: Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary
Автор: Katherine Davidsen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях
isbn: 9781462919673
abad N century; age, era; ~ keemasan golden age
abadi eternal, everlasting; cinta ~ endless love
abang N, PRON elder brother; ~ None Mr and Miss Jakarta → bang
abis COLL → habis
abjad N alphabet
abon N shredded dry meat, eaten as a side-dish
ABRI ABBREV Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia Indonesian Armed Forces
abu N ash; ~ rokok cigarette ash
abu-abu ADJ gray
AC ABBREV air-conditioner, air-conditioning
acar N finely-cut pickles, eaten with fried rice, satay etc
acara agenda, program, event; pengacara N lawyer, solicitor
acung: acungan N ~ jempol thumbs-up
AD ABBREV Angkatan Darat Army
ada V to be (present); to have, exist; ~ Firman? Is Firman here?; ~ apa? What’s up? What’s wrong?; tidak ~ there isn’t, there aren’t; not here; adalah V is, are (followed by a noun); adanya N the existence of; apa ~ as it is, without any pretensions; berada V to be somewhere; ADJ well-to-do, well-off; keadaan N situation, condition; ~ darurat emergency situation; mengadakan V to create, organize, make available; seadanya ADJ what’s there; makan ~ eat what’s there
adalah V is, are (followed by a noun) → ada
adanya apa ~ as it is, without any pretensions → ada
adat N tradition, custom, customary law, esp. of an ethnic group; ~ istiadat customs and traditions; ~ Sunda Sundanese traditions
adegan N scene
adik N younger brother or sister; ~ ipar (younger) brother- or sister-in-law; ~ laki-laki (younger) brother; kakak-ber ~ siblings; ~ kandung (younger) blood brother or sister; ~ sepupu cousin (of lower status)
adil ADJ just, righteous; keadilan N justice; pengadilan N court of justice or law, trial
administrasi N administration, management
adon: adonan N batter, dough, mixture
adu: mengadu V to complain, report; ~ domba to play two parties against each other; pengaduan N complaint; surat ~ letter of complaint
aduh EJAC ouch! ow! (expression of pain); EXCL oh! (expression of sorrow); wow!
aduk campur ~ mixed up; mengaduk V to stir, mix
adzan → azan
Afrika N Africa; orang ~ African; ~ Selatan (Afsel) South Africa
agak ADV rather, somewhat; ~ gemuk rather fat
agama N religion; ~ Budha Buddhism; beragama V to have a religion; ADJ religious
agar CONJ in order that/to
agar, agar-agar N a kind of jelly made from seaweed
agén N agent, agency, distributor
agénda N agenda; appointment diary
agrowisata N agricultural tourism
agung ADJ high, supreme
Agustus bulan ~ August
ah EXCL oh (showing mild annoyance)
Ahad → Minggu
ahli N expert, specialist; member; ~ bedah surgeon; ~ waris heir
air N water; juice; ~ jeruk orange juice; ~ ledeng reticulated water; ~ mata tears; ~ minum, ~ putih drinking water; ~ pasang incoming tide; ~ terjun waterfall; buang ~ to go to the toilet
ajaib ADJ miraculous, strange
ajak: mengajak V to invite, ask out; to urge; ~ jalan-jalan to ask out
ajar: ajaran N teaching; belajar V to learn, study; mempelajari V to study something in depth; mengajar V to teach; pelajar N pupil, student; pelajaran N lesson; terpelajar ADJ educated; pengajar N teacher
akad N contract, agreement; ~ nikah Muslim marriage contract
akal N mind, intellect; mencari ~ to find a way
akan V will, going to (marks future time); minggu yang ~ datang next week; PREP about, concerning, regarding; ~ tetapi however
akar N root
akhir N end; ~nya finally; berakhir V to end; mengakhiri V to end, finish something; terakhir ADJ last, final, latest
aki N vehicle battery
akibat N result, consequence; CONJ due to, consequently; ~nya as a result
akrab ADJ close, intimate, friendly
aksén N accent
aksi N action, demonstration; beraksi V to take action, do something
akta, akte N official document, certificate; ~ lahir, ~ kelahiran birth certificate; ~ nikah, ~ pernikahan marriage certificate
aktif ADJ activated, active, on, working; aktivitas N activity
aktual ADJ latest, up-to-date; berita ~ current affairs
aku PRON I, me; mengaku V to admit, confess, acknowledge; to claim; ~ salah to admit guilt
akuntan N accountant; akuntansi N accounting
AL ABBREV Angkatan Laut Navy
ala ADJ in the style of, à la
alam N nature, world; ~ (ter-)buka open-air
alam: mengalami V to experience; pengalaman N experience
alamat N address; sign, omen
alangkah ADV how ...! what a ...!
alas N foundation, basis, base; ~ kaki footwear; alasan N cause, reason, motive
alat N tool, instrument, means; ~ kontrasepsi, ~ KB form of contraception; ~ tulis stationery; peralatan N equipment
album N album; ~ foto photo album
alérgi СКАЧАТЬ