Название: Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary
Автор: Katherine Davidsen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях
isbn: 9781462919673
kerbau, kebo N buffalo
kerén ADJ, COLL great, cool; trendy
keréta N train; carriage; ~ api train
kericuhan N chaos → ricuh
kerikil N gravel, pebble
kerinduan N longing, craving → rindu
kering ADJ dry; kekeringan N dryness, aridity; mengeringkan V to dry something
keringat N sweat, perspiration; keringatan ADJ sweaty, sweating; berkeringat V to sweat
keripik, kripik N small chip or crisp
keris, kris N traditional dagger, creese
keriting curl, curly
kerja work; job, occupation; ~ sama co-operation; kerjaan N work, job, things to do; bekerja V to work; ~ sama to co-operate, work together; mengerjakan V to do, carry out; pekerja N worker, laborer; pekerjaan N work, profession
kernét, kenék N assistant on a bus or truck
kerok traditional treatment for minor illnesses by rubbing the back with a coin; kerokan V to be massaged in this way
keroncong, kroncong N traditional songs and music of Portuguese origin
kerongkongan N throat
keropos ADJ eroded, eaten away; tulang ~ osteoporosis
keroyok, mengeroyok V to beat savagely in a mob
kertas N paper
kerucut, cerucut N cone
kerudung, kudungan N, ISL veil
kerugian N loss; damage → rugi
keruk dredge; mengeruk V to dredge, scrape out
kerupuk, krupuk N large cracker, crisp, chip
kerusakan N damage → rusak
kerusuhan N riot, disturbance → rusuh
kesabaran N patience → sabar
kesadaran N consciousness, awareness → sadar
kesakitan ADJ in pain → sakit
kesaksian N evidence, testimony → saksi
kesal ADJ kesel COLL annoyed, in a bad mood
kesalahan N mistake → salah
kesampaian ADJ achieved, reached, realized → sampai
kesan N impression; berkesan, mengesankan ADJ impressive; terkesan ADJ impressed; seemed
kesasar COLL to lose your way, (get) lost → sasar
kesayangan favorite, pet → sayang
kesedihan N sadness, sorrow → sedih
keséhatan N health → séhat
keseimbangan N balance → imbang
kesejahteraan N welfare → sejahtera
keselamatan N safety; salvation → selamat
keseléo sprain; sprained
keseluruhan secara ~ totally, completely → seluruh
kesempatan N opportunity → sempat
kesemutan V to have pins and needles → semut
kesenangan N amusement, hobby → senang
kesenian N art (form) → seni
kesepakatan N agreement → pakat
kesepian N loneliness, solitude → sepi
kesenangan N frequency; too often
kését N door mat
kesetrum V, COLL to receive an electric shock → setrum
kesiangan ADJ late, too late in the day → siang
kesibukan N activity, fuss, bustle, business → sibuk
kesimpulan N conclusion → simpul
kesopanan N manners, politeness → sopan
kesoréan ADV too late → soré
kesukaan N hobby; enjoyment → suka
kesukaran N difficulty → sukar
kesulitan N difficulty, trouble → sulit
kesusahan N trouble, difficulty → susah
ketagihan ADJ addicted to → tagih
ketahuan to be found out → tahu
ketakutan ADJ frightened, terrified, scared → takut
ketan N sticky rice; ~ bakar grilled slices of sticky rice
ketapél N catapult
ketat ADJ tight, strict
ketawa V, COLL to laugh → tawa
ketéla N yam
ketemu V, COLL to meet → temu
ketentuan N condition, stipulation → tentu
keterangan N explanation → terang
keterlaluan N excess, too much → lalu
keterlambatan N delay → lambat
keterlibatan N involvement, association → libat
kétiak, kéték N armpit
ketiduran V to fall asleep → tidur
ketiga ADJ the third → tiga
ketik V type; mengetik V to type
ketika CONJ when (in past)
ketimbang CONJ, COLL than; instead of → timbang
ketimun → mentimun