Название: Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary
Автор: Katherine Davidsen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях
isbn: 9781462919673
kehausan to be thirsty; thirst → haus
kehendak N will, wish; mengehendaki V to wish, want → hendak
kehidupan N life, existence → hidup
kehilangan (feeling of) loss → hilang
kehormatan N respect → hormat
kehujanan ADJ caught in the rain → hujan
kehutanan N forestry → hutan
keindahan N beauty → indah
keinginan N desire, wish → ingin
kejadian N event, happening; creation → jadi
kejahatan N crime → jahat
kejam ADJ cruel, merciless
kejang N spasm, convulsion
kejap: sekejap N moment, flash, blink
kejar V to chase; kejar-kejaran V chase each other; mengejar V to chase
kejauhan ADJ too far → jauh
kejawén N Javanese traditional mysticism
kéju N cheese
kejuaraan N championship → juara
kejujuran N honesty → jujur
kejut ADJ surprised, startled; mengejutkan ADJ surprising, startling; V to surprise or startle; terkejut ADJ surprised
kekacauan N chaos → kacau
kekasaran N coarseness, roughness → kasar
kekasih N sweetheart, beloved, darling → kasih
kekayaan N wealth, riches → kaya
kekebalan N immunity
kekecéwaan N disappointment → kecéwa
kekecilan ADJ too small → kecil
kekeliruan N mistake, error → keliru
kekerasan N violence
kekeringan N dryness, aridity → kering
kekosongan N emptiness → kosong
kekuasaan N power; authority → kuasa
kekuatan N strength, power → kuat
kekuatiran N worry, fear → kuatir
kekurangan N shortcoming (of a person), lack; flaw, mistake, defect → kurang
kelab, klab N club; ~ malam nightclub
kelabu ADJ gray, cloudy
kelahi: berkelahi V to quarrel, fight, fall out; perkelahian N fight, scuffle
kelahiran N birth; ADJ born → lahir
kelakuan N act, behavior → laku
kelalaian N forgetfulness, negligence → lalai
kelamaan ADJ too long (a time) → lama
kelambu N mosquito net
kelamin jenis ~ sex, gender
kelapa N coconut; ~ muda young coconut; ~ sawit oil-palm; air ~ coconut milk; coconut juice
kelaparan N hunger, famine, starvation → lapar
kelas N class; ~ kakap big-time
keledai N donkey
kelelawar, kelalawar N bat
kelemahan N weakness → lemah
kelembaban N humidity → lembab
keléngkéng buah ~ small lychee → léngkéng
kelenjar N gland
kelénténg, klénténg N Chinese temple, pagoda
keléréng N marble; main ~ to play marbles
kelihatan ADJ visible; ~nya apparently, it seems → lihat
keliling around; edge, perimeter; berkeliling V to go around; mengelilingi V to circle, go around
kelinci N rabbit; ~ percobaan guinea-pig
kelingking N little or baby finger
kelipatan N multiple → lipat
keliru ADJ wrong, mistaken; kekeliruan N mistake, error
kélok N bend, curve
kelola: mengelola V to manage, run; pengelolaan N management
kelom, klompen N clogs
kelompok N group
kelontong toko ~ shop selling cheap goods
kelopak ~ mata eyelid
keluar go out; be issued; PREP out, outside; mengeluarkan V to issue, send out, release, publish → ke luar
keluarga N family; berkeluarga V to have a family, be married
keluh sigh; keluhan N complaint; mengeluh V to complain
kelupaan N something forgotten → lupa
kelupas, mengelupas V to peel, come off (of a skin)
kelurahan N administrative unit, village → lurah
kemacetan N (traffic) jam → macet
kémah N tent; berkémah V to camp, go camping; perkémahan N camping, camp
kemajuan N progress, advance → maju
kemalaman ADV too late (at night); after dark → malam
kemaluan N genital, sex organ → malu
kemampuan N ability, capability → mampu
kemangi N Indonesian mint
kemarahan N anger → marah
kemarau musim ~ dry season
kemari here, in this direction
kemarin ADV yesterday; the other day; last; ~ dulu the day before yesterday
kemas: kemasan N packaging
kemasyarakatan ADJ social
kematian СКАЧАТЬ