Название: Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary
Автор: Katherine Davidsen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях
isbn: 9781462919673
kalian PRON, PL you; anda se~ all of you
Kalimantan N Kalimantan, Borneo; ~ Timur (Kaltim) East Kalimantan
kalimat N sentence
kalkun N turkey
Kalsél N South Kalimantan → Kalimantan Selatan
Kalteng N Central Kalimantan → Kalimantan Tengah
Kaltim N East Kalimantan → Kalimantan Timur
kalung N necklace
kamar N room; SL bedroom; ~ kecil toilet, lavatory; ~ mandi bathroom; ~ pas fitting room
kambing N goat, sheep
kamboja bunga ~ frangipani
Kamboja N Cambodia
kami PRON, EXCL we, us, our; (very polite) I
Kamis hari ~ Thursday
kampanye N campaign
kampung, kampong N village, hometown; ~ pulang to go home to the village; kampungan ADJ uneducated, backward, provincial
kampus N university, campus
kamu PRON S you (to children and familiars)
kamus N dictionary; ~ saku pocket dictionary
kan, ’kan you know; isn’t it? → bukan
Kanada N Canada
kanan ADJ right; ke ~ to the right; tangan ~ right hand
kancil N mousedeer
kancing N button, stud
kandang N stable, pen
kandung N uterus; bladder; kandungan N fetus, unborn child; contents; mengandung V to contain, carry; to be pregnant
kangen ADJ long for, miss
kangguru, kanguru N kangaroo
kangkung N water spinach
kanker N cancer; ~ payudara breast cancer
kano N canoe
kantin N canteen
kantong, kantung N pocket, pouch
kantor N office; ~ pos post office; ~ pusat head office; pergi ke ~ go to work; perkantoran N office block
kantuk: mengantuk, ngantuk ADJ sleepy
kantung → kantong
kaos → kaus
kapak N ax
kapal N ship, vessel; ~ terbang aeroplane, airplane; awak ~ crew; perkapalan N shipping
kapan INTERROG when; ~ saja whenever, any time; kapan-kapan ADV one day, some time in the future
kapas N cotton, cotton wool
kapasitas N capacity; berkapasitas V with a capacity of
kapsul N capsule
kapuk, kapok N kapok
kapur N lime(stone), chalk
karamél N caramel pudding
karang N coral reef; batu ~ coral reef
karang: karangan N essay; mengarang V to write, compose; pengarang N author, writer, composer
karantina N quarantine
karapan ~ sapi Madurese bull races
karat N rust; karatan, berkarat ADJ rusty
karat N carat
karburétor, karburator N carburettor
karcis N ticket (of small value); ~ bis bus ticket; ~ masuk entrance ticket; loket ~ ticket office
kardus N cardboard (box)
karé → kari
karédok N Sundanese fresh salad with peanut sauce
karena CONJ because, since
karét N rubber; rubber band; ~ gelang rubber band; kebun ~ rubber plantation; permen ~ chewing gum
kari, karé N curry
karton N cardboard
kartu N card; ~ nama name card; ~ pos postcard; main ~ play cards
kartun N cartoon, anime; kartunis N cartoonist
karung N sack
karya N works; karyawan N (salaried) employee; karyawati N, F (salaried) employee
kasar ADJ rough, rude, vulgar; kekasaran N coarseness, roughness
kasét N cassette
kasih, kasi V, COLL give; ~ lihat show; ~ pinjam lend; ~ tahu inform, tell
kasih N affection, love; ~ sayang love; kasihan pity, feel sorry for; ~ dia poor thing!; kekasih N darling, sweetheart, beloved
kasir, kassa N cashier
kasuari burung ~ cassowary
kasur N mattress
kasus N case
kata N word; ~nya, ~ orang people say; ~ sandi password; berkata V to say, speak; mengatakan V to say
katak N frog, toad
katédral N cathedral
Katolik Catholic
katrol N pulley
katulistiwa, khatulistiwa N the Equator
katun N cotton
katup N valve
kau PRON, S you (to equals or inferiors) → engkau
kaum N people, community
kaus, kaos N stocking, sock; garment; ~ kaki sock; stocking; ~ tangan glove, mitten
kawah N crater
kawal guard; pengawal N (body)guard, sentry
kawan N friend; berkawan V to have or be friends with
kawas: kawasan N area, region