Название: Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary
Автор: Katherine Davidsen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях
isbn: 9781462919673
bernafsu ADJ passionate, lusty → nafsu
bernama ADJ named → nama
berniat V to intend → niat
bernyanyi V to sing → nyanyi
berobat V to go to the doctor, seek medical advice → obat
beroda ADJ wheeled → roda
berolahraga V to do or play sport → olahraga
berombak ADJ wavy → ombak
berontak, memberontak V to rebel, revolt; pemberontakan N rebellion, revolt, mutiny
berotot ADJ muscular → otot
berpakaian ADJ dressed in → pakai
berpangkat V to have the rank of → pangkat
berpegang V to hold onto → pegang
berpendapat V to have an opinion, believe → dapat
berpendidikan ADJ educated; V to have an education
berpengaruh ADJ influential → pengaruh
berperan V to play the role or part → peran
berperang V to wage war, go to war → perang
berpésta V to (have a) party → pésta
berpidato V to make a speech, give an address → pidato
berpihak V to take sides → pihak
berpikir V to think → pikir
berpindah V to move → pindah
berpisah V to part, separate → pisah
berpose V to pose for a photograph → pose
berpréstasi ADJ prestigious; successful → préstasi
berpuasa V to fast → puasa
berpusar N to revolve, whirl → pusar
berpusat ~ pada to focus or center on → pusat
berputar V to rotate, turn → putar
bersabar V to be patient → sabar
bersahabat ADJ to be friends → sahabat
bersaing V to compete; harga ~ competitive price → saing
bersalah ADJ guilty → salah
bersalin V to give birth → salin
bersalju ADJ snowy, snow-covered → salju
bersama ADV together; jointly → sama
bersambung ADJ in parts; to be continued → sambung
bersampingan ADJ next to each other → samping
bersandar V to lean → sandar
bersangka V to suspect or think → sangka
bersangkutan ADJ concerned, involved → sangkut
bersatu V to unite → satu
bersaudara V to be related; to have brothers and sisters; ~ enam to be one of six (children) → saudara
bersayap ADJ winged → sayap
bersedia V to be prepared or willing → sedia
bersedih V to be or feel sad → sedih
bersejarah ADJ historic, historical → sejarah
bersekolah V to go to school → sekolah
berselancar V to surf, go surfing → lancar
berselingkuh V to have an affair → selingkuh
bersemangat ADJ spirited, enthusiastic → semangat
bersembahyang V to pray, perform a prayer → sembahyang
bersembunyi V to hide (yourself) → sembunyi
bersenang-senang V to enjoy yourself, have fun → senang
bersenda ~ gurau to joke around → senda
bersendawa V to burp, belch → sendawa
bersenjata ADJ armed → senjata
bersepatu ADJ in shoes → sepatu
bersepéda V to ride a bicycle → sepéda
bersiap V to get ready; bersiap-siap V to make preparations → siap
bersifat V to have the quality of → sifat
bersih ADJ clean, neat; kebersihan N cleanliness, hygiene; membersihkan V to clean; wipe out (eg. disease); pembersih N cleaning agent
bersikap V to display an attitude → sikap
bersikeras V to maintain, stick to, be obstinate → keras
bersilaturahmi V to maintain good relations, visit or meet friends → silaturahmi
bersin V to sneeze
bersinar V to shine, gleam → sinar
bersiul V to whistle → siul
berskala V to be on a scale; ~ besar large-scale → skala
bersoda ADJ carbonated; minuman ~ carbonated drink → soda
bersolék V to put on make-up, dress up → solék
bersorak V to cheer, shout → sorak
bersuami ADJ, F married
bersuara V to sound, have a voice → suara
bersulang V to toast, drink to → sulang
bersumpah V to swear → sumpah
bersyarat ADJ conditional → syarat
bersyukur ADJ grateful → syukur
bertaburan ADJ scattered over → tabur
bertahap ADJ in stages → tahap
bertahun-tahun ADV for years and years → tahun
bertambah V to increase → tambah
bertanda ADJ marked → tanda
bertanding СКАЧАТЬ