bertanya V to ask; bertanya-tanya V to wonder, ask yourself → tanya
bertaruh V to bet → taruh
berteduh V to take shelter → teduh
berteman V to be friends → teman
bertempat V to take place or happen → tempat
bertemu V to meet; sampai ~ lagi see you later, so long → temu
bertengkar V to quarrel → tengkar
bertentangan ADJ contradictory, contrary, opposing → tentang
bertepuk tangan V to clap, applaud → tepuk tangan
berteriak V to scream or shout → teriak
berterima kasih V to be grateful or thankful → terima kasih
bertiga ADJ in threes → tiga
bertingkat ADJ having different levels → tingkat
bertinju V to box → tinju
bertumpuk V to be in piles → tumpuk
berturut-turut ADJ consecutive, successive → turut
beruang N bear; ~ putih polar bear
berubah V to change → ubah
berulang V to happen again, recur; berulang-ulang ADV again and again, repeatedly → ulang
berumur ADJ aged → umur
beruntung ADJ lucky, fortunate → untung
berupa ADJ in the shape or form of → rupa
berurusan V to have dealings with, deal with → urus
berusaha V to try, make an effort → usaha
berusia V to be (aged) → usia
berutang V to owe; ~ budi to have a debt of gratitude → utang
berwarna ADJ colored → warna
berziarah V to make a pilgrimage, visit a holy place → ziarah
bésan N relationship between two couples whose children have married
besar ADJ big, large, great; ~ kepala big-headed, arrogant; besar-besaran ADJ large-scale; kebesaran ADJ too big; membesarkan V to bring up, raise (children); memperbesar V to enlarge something; terbesar ADJ largest, biggest
beserta CONJ along with, and → serta
besi N iron
bésok ADV tomorrow; COLL in the future → ésok
besuk V to visit someone in hospital
betah V to settle in, feel at home
betapa ADV how (very); ~ cantiknya! How pretty she is! → alangkah
Betawi N original inhabitants of Jakarta (since 1527)
betina ADJ female (of animals); anjing ~ bitch
betis N calf, lower part of leg
beton N concrete
betul ADJ true, correct, right; betul-betul ADV truly, completely; kebetulan ADV by chance, accidentally; N coincidence; membetulkan V to correct, repair; sebetulnya ADV in fact, actually
bi PRON aunt; term of address for older housemaid → bibi
biar let, no matter if; ~lah! Never mind!; membiarkan V to let, allow, permit
biasa ADJ normal, usual, common, ordinary; ~nya usually; kebiasaan N habit, custom; terbiasa ADJ used to, accustomed
biaya N cost, expense (for a service)
bibi N, PRON aunt, sister of parent; mother’s female cousin → bi
bibir N lips
bibit N seedling
bicara V speak; berbicara V to speak; membicarakan V to discuss; pembicaraan N discussion
bidan N midwife
bidang ADJ spacious, wide; N area, field
bihun N vermicelli noodles
bijak ADJ wise; kebijakan N policy
biji N seed, grain; counter for very small objects; SL counter
bikin V, COLL to make; ~ marah make angry; bikinan N product; dibikin V to be made → buat
biksu N Buddhist monk
bila CONJ if
bilang V, SL to say; dibilang V to be said
bilas, membilas V to rinse
biliar, bilyar N billiards
biliun, bilyun N billion (1 000 000 000)
bimbing V to lead, guide; membimbing V to lead, guide, coach
bina V to build up; membina V to build up, found
binatang N animal
binatu N (commercial) laundry
bincang: berbincang(-bincang) V to chat, discuss
bingkai N frame(s)
bingkis: bingkisan N wrapped or free gift
bingung ADJ confused; membingungkan ADJ confusing
bintang N star; berbintang V to have a star; membintangi V to star (in)
bintik N spot, stain, freckle
biodata N personal profile (name, address, date of birth, hobbies etc)
biola N violin, fiddle
bioskop N cinema, movie theater
bir N beer
biro N office, center; ~ perjalanan travel agent
biru ADJ blue; ~ tua dark blue
bis ~ surat letter box, mailbox (for posting)
bis, bus N bus
bisa V, AUX can, be able; sebisanya, sebisa-bisanya ADV as well as you can, to the best of your ability
bisa N poison (of animals), venom; berbisa ADJ poisonous; ular ~ poisonous snake
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