Lifespan Development. Tara L. Kuther
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Название: Lifespan Development

Автор: Tara L. Kuther

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Зарубежная психология


isbn: 9781544332253


СКАЧАТЬ coverage and evaluation of Freud’s Psychosexual Theory

       Updated Operant Conditioning, Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory, and Information Processing Theory

       Updated and expanded coverage of Ethology and Evolutionary Developmental Theory

       New Applying Developmental Science: The Real-World Significance of Developmental Research, highlighting the ethical issues that arise in developmental science and its implications for international policy

       New coverage of Physiological Measures

       New feature on Brain and Biological Influences on Development: Methods of Studying the Brain

       Added new research examples of Experimental Research

      Chapter 2

       Updated coverage and streamlined Cell Reproduction

       Updated coverage of Ethical and Policy Applications of Life Span Development: Prenatal Sex Selection and retitled as Applying Developmental Science: Prenatal Sex Selection

       Updated coverage of Genes Shared by Twins

       Updated and extended coverage of Dominant–Recessive Inheritance to include additional information about sickle cell trait

       Updated and expanded coverage of Genomic Imprinting

       Updated coverage of Dominant–Recessive Disorders

       Updated and reorganized coverage of X-Linked Disorders

       Updated and expanded coverage of Chromosomal Abnormalities

       Updated coverage of Mutation

       New section: Genetic Counseling with new subsections on Reproductive Technology and Adoption

       Updated and expanded coverage of Prenatal Testing to include fetal MRI

       Updated and expanded coverage of Prenatal Treatment of Genetic Disorders to include fetoscopy

       Updated coverage of Behavioral Genetics, including Genetic Influences on Personal Characteristics, Gene–Environment Interactions, Canalization, and Gene–Environment Correlations

       Updated coverage of Epigenetic Influences on Development replaces Epigenetic Framework

       Updated Applying Developmental Science: Altering the Epigenome retitled as Brain and Biological Influences on Development: Altering the Epigenome

      Chapter 3

       Updated coverage of Prenatal Development

       New coverage of Contextual and Cultural Influences on Prenatal Care

       New feature on Brain and Biological Influences on Development: Pregnancy and the Maternal Brain

       Updated coverage and reorganized Principles of Teratology section to combine Developmental Delays and Sleeper Effects as Complicated Effects

       Updated and reorganized Types of Teratogens

       Updated and retitled Ethical and Policy Applications of Lifespan Development: Maternal Drug Use While Pregnant as Applying Developmental Science: Maternal Drug Use While Pregnant

       Divided and expanded Childbirth and the Newborn into two sections

       New Childbirth section includes new coverage of Medication During Delivery, Cesarean Delivery, Natural Childbirth, and Home Birth

      Chapter 4

       Updated coverage and streamlined presentation of Growth Norms, Breastfeeding, Solid Food, and Malnutrition

       Updated coverage and retitled Ethical and Policy Applications of Life Span Development

       Updated and streamlined coverage of Failure to Thrive

       Updated coverage of Processes of Neural Development

       New coverage of The Cerebral Cortex

       Updated coverage of Experience and Brain Development

       New coverage of Sleep and Brain Development

       Updated coverage of Imitation to address recent criticism

       Updated Lives in Context: Pain and Neonatal Circumcision

       Updated coverage of Intermodal Perception and expanded to include discussion of affordances

       Updated coverage and added new examples to Motor Development During Infancy and Toddlerhood

       New feature on Brain and Biological Influences on Development: Hand Preference and Language Development in Infancy

       Updated and expanded Motor Development as a Dynamic System

      Chapter 5

       Updated and expanded coverage of Deferred Imitation Tasks

       Updated and expanded coverage of Core Knowledge Theory: An Alternative Perspective

       Updated coverage of Organization of the Information Processing System, Attention, and Memory

       Updated coverage of Categorization and retitled as Infants’ Thinking

       New feature: Brain and Biological Influences on Development: Poverty and Development

       Updated Information Processing Approach to Intelligence with new examples and retitled as Intelligence as Information Processing

       Updated and expanded coverage of Prelinguistic Communication and First Words and Learning Words: Semantic Growth

       Updated coverage of Learning Theory and Language Development and Nativist Theory and Language Development

       Updated, reorganized, and expanded coverage of Interactionist Perspective on Language Development, including Biological Contributions to Language Development and Contextual Contributions to Language Development

       New feature: Cultural Influences on Development: Culture and Language Development in Infancy

      Chapter 6

       Updated Cultural Influences on Development: Father–Infant Interactions, retitled from Lives in Context: Attachment to Fathers, and moved from later in the chapter

       Reorganized Infants’ Emotional Experiences, creating sections with new coverage of Basic Emotions and Self-Conscious СКАЧАТЬ