Outrageous Advertising That's Outrageously Successful. Bill Glazer
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Название: Outrageous Advertising That's Outrageously Successful

Автор: Bill Glazer

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Маркетинг, PR, реклама


isbn: 9780982379394


СКАЧАТЬ Successful. I’d now like to take a moment to define what it means to be successful.

      In this chapter, I showed you my five-page handwritten sales letter written on a yellow legal pad and I told you that of over 180 campaigns that I created for my menswear stores over a ten-year period, the handwritten letter received the highest response.

      But achieving the highest response doesn’t necessarily mean it was the most successful campaign I’ve ever created. In fact, as of the writing of this book, I’ve written nineteen sales letters that have generated more than $1 million in sales for my clients or one of my companies.

      Certainly, the five-page handwritten sales letter was very … very … very successful for my menswear stores, but it didn’t generate $1 million in sales for them.

      So this brings me to how you need to define and measure what OUTRAGEOUSLY successful means. The way you define success is not by the percentage of response you receive. The way you define success is by the amount of money the advertisement generated versus the amount you spent to get it out.

      This is what we call ROI (return on investment), and it is the only way I measure success—how much did you spend, and how much did you get back?


       Sizzling Outrageous Summation

      1) Always be on the lookout for OUTRAGEOUS opportunities to use in your advertising.

      2) The more you tell, the more you sell. Don’t be afraid of long copy to tell your entire story and pertinent information.

      3) Successful OUTRAGEOUS advertising can typically be moved from one media to the next.

      4) Everyone responds to OUTRAGEOUS advertising. Don’t make the mistake of thinking your customers are too sophisticated for OUTRAGEOUS advertising.

      5) Study what’s working outside your industry. OUTRAGEOUS advertising can often be moved from one industry to the next with terrific results.

      6) Join Mastermind groups to share ideas and network with other smart and open-minded entrepreneurs.

      7) OUTRAGEOUS advertising is fun, and it lets you make your business fun.

      2) Defining Advertising And The Three Possible Responses


      Most advertising stinks.

      For instance, this has probably happened to you: some hotshot salesperson comes walking into your place of business and tells you that you’ve got to get your name out there.

      Get your name out there? Um, what exactly does that mean?

      “You know, get your name out there. Like Pepsi and Chevrolet or maybe Goodyear with their blimp.”

      It makes me want to scream, “Go away!”

      See, here’s the thing. If you’re reading this book, you are most likely not like Pepsi or Chevrolet with unlimited resources to just get your name out there—and you probably don’t have easy access to a blimp. That’s not the way you run your business, or at least it shouldn’t be. If the big esoteric task of brand building is your game, this is definitely not your book. Go away. I mean it.

      On the other hand, if you are like the 99 percent of small business owners who are dissatisfied with the results they are currently getting from their advertising, then this IS the book for you.

      The only type of advertising that you should be doing is what we call “direct-response advertising.” This is advertising that is measurable and accountable. In other words, this is advertising that works.

      So, if you are looking for advertising that produces real results, this is absolutely the book for you. I mean it.

      My friend and business partner Dan Kennedy put it best: “The kind of advertising that you want to do is the kind where you pay for it with a check on Monday and it generates enough money so that you can cover the check by Thursday.”

      this is direct response, NOT BRANDING

      Direct-response advertising asks the customer to respond and allows you to track that response. Brand building, on the other hand, is advertising that gets the name of your business, products, or services out there but you have no earthly idea whether or not it is paying for itself.

      It’s that simple.

      Ninety-nine percent of all businesses cannot even think about brand building. Brand building will simply make you go broke. You may be told it will multiply your profits, but I contend that you can’t multiply zeroes.

      The kind of advertising I advocate does more than just get your name out there. It gets your message, your offer, and your deadline out there. Here it is; come and get it. Direct-response advertising does three specific things that I will discuss in detail in chapter 5:

      • It makes an offer.

      • It gives a deadline.

      • It allows you to track response.

Images OUTRAGEOUS exercise Go back one year and assemble all of the advertising you spent your hard-earned money on to promote your business and put them into three piles: Pile #1: Brand-building advertising that promoted your company, but you have no idea whether it paid for itself or not. Pile #2: Direct-response advertising that promoted your company, and you were able to track a good return on your investment. Pile #3: Direct-response advertising that promoted your company and you know for a fact that you did NOT get a good return on your investment. Now … I want you to throw out all of your advertising that’s in piles #1 and #3. Finally, I want you to look at pile #2 after you finish reading this book and decide how you can take the lessons you’ve learned from OUTRAGEOUS Advertising and apply them to pile #2 to make the results even better … OUTRAGEOUSLY better!!!

       GOOD NEWS!!! often direct response leads to branding

      If you do want to get your name out there, then I have some very good news for you. When you do direct-response advertising, and especially if you do OUTRAGEOUS direct-response advertising, you often get the byproduct benefit of branding.

      People start to know who you are while they are being urged to take direct action.

      For instance, I sent out eighteen pieces of direct mail a year for my business at Gage Menswear. Because of this exposure, I knew that if I stopped advertising to my customers for a while they would still keep coming in the store.

      Plus, СКАЧАТЬ