Transform Your Life: 10 Steps to Real Results. Carole Gaskell
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Название: Transform Your Life: 10 Steps to Real Results

Автор: Carole Gaskell

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Общая психология


isbn: 9780007485468


СКАЧАТЬ thoughts and you change your world.

      Norman Vincent Peale


      The perfect place to start your life transformation is with you. Who you are on the inside has a clear correlation with what your life is like on the outside. The more you understand yourself and the more you’re aware of the key dynamics in your life, the easier you’ll find it to implement the insights you gain from the lifecoaching process.

      In Step 1 you’ll start by confirming your commitment to transforming your life and putting things into context by looking at your life from a broader perspective. You’ll establish where you are now and be encouraged to look at your own attitudes and behaviour and the characteristics you need to develop to get the most out of your transformation process. You will become more aware of how your own thoughts and actions shape your life. The more willing you are to develop a positive way of thinking, the smoother you’ll find the ride of your life becomes.

      The final element in this step is to picture the results you want to achieve. Once you’re clear about what you want, you can determine the most effective way of making it happen.

       When you’ve completed this step:


You’ll have confirmed your commitment to transform your life.


You’ll have stepped back from your immediate life and addressed some ‘bigger picture’ issues which we’ll revisit later in the book.


You’ll have established what your life looks like now.


You’ll be clearer about the qualities you need to develop to make your transformation easier.


You’ll have started to clarify the results you want to achieve in the next phase of your life.

      Personal Reward for Completing Step 1


Write down here how you will reward yourself when you have completed Step 1:

      Quick Transformation Quiz

       Answer the questions below by ticking the appropriate box and calculating your score as follows: 2 points = Yes/Agree/Not Applicable, 1 point = Agree sometimes, 0 point = No/Disagree

      Initial Score

Score on Completion of Step 1

      Final Score on Completion of Book


Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

      Dale E. Turner


Confirm your Commitment

      As you begin the 10-step process, it’s important to acknowledge that whilst ideas, dreams and goals have a valuable place in your life, they’re only as good as your commitment to achieving them. Are you ready to start taking the steps required to turn your ideas into reality?


How committed are you to transforming your life? Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not particularly committed at all and 10 being totally committed: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


How committed are you to actively participating in the exercises in this book? Again, 1 is not particularly committed and 10 totally committed: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


How will you keep yourself disciplined to follow this process?

      You may think that it will be hard to keep to your commitment, that you will not have enough time to do it. But when you take charge of your life, you can find sufficient time to work on yourself. Your day can include time to go for a jog or to the gym, to meditate, catch up with friends or family, develop a business plan, write a book or plan a holiday … It’s a matter of making a choice and taking action! When you start a process like this, you’ll find your life is not just changing during the time you read the book but during the 10,000 minutes of every week!

      State your commitment to transformation by making a written agreement with yourself. Either use the following outline or develop your own wording to make your commitment more personal to you:

      My Agreement to Transform my Life

      I …………………… am committed to transforming my life. I understand I will get as much out of the process as I put into it and that it’s up to me to create my own value from each of the steps. I acknowledge that a lot will be asked of me. I am willing to experiment with changing my behaviour, trying new things, reassessing the assumptions and perceptions I hold, setting goals that are bigger, removing sources of stress in my life and starting to redesign the way I spend my time. I agree to complete the assignments to the best of my ability and to take action on the plans I write.

      I commit to devoting …… hours/days/weeks to transforming my life

      I will be honest with myself when the going gets tough and will ask for support when I realize I need it. Above all else I will relax, take time, progress at my own pace and enjoy the process.

      Your signature here …………………………………………

      Date ……………………………………………………


Gain Perspective from the Bigger Picture

      The first СКАЧАТЬ