Transform Your Life: 10 Steps to Real Results. Carole Gaskell
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Название: Transform Your Life: 10 Steps to Real Results

Автор: Carole Gaskell

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Общая психология


isbn: 9780007485468


СКАЧАТЬ live is my own choice. The more choices I make, the freer I become and ultimately the more fulfilled I am. That’s what I want for myself – and that’s what I want for you, too.

      Transforming your life can take as long as you want. If you have specific objectives you’d like to achieve quickly, let’s rise to the challenge! Equally, if you see transformation as a lifelong process, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy the steps along the path. It’s your life, so design it the way you want it to be! Acknowledge your dreams, take some simple steps to start yourself off and then keep going! As the saying goes, even a journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step. Here’s to transforming your life! Enjoy it!

       Carole Gaskell

       For easy reference the 10-step process is in two parts:


Part 1: Preparing your Launch Pad, Steps 1–5, focuses on helping you to build firm foundations from which you can lift off and transform your life. You’ll be looking at who you are, who you want to be and what’s important to you.


Part 2: Real Results, Steps 6–10, will take you through an effective action plan, enabling you to achieve the real results you want in your life.

       Part 1: Preparing your Launch Pad


Step 1: See the Bigger Picture will set you up for success by helping you to see your life from a new perspective, encouraging you to develop invaluable qualities to take your life to the next level and reminding you of the importance of picturing the results you want at the beginning.


Step 2: Build the Right Foundations will ensure you establish a strong power base from which to launch the next phase of your life. You’ll be inspired to take good care of yourself, create an inspiring environment and develop a powerful framework of support around you.


Step 3: Spring Clean your Life will empower you to de-sludge and de-clutter, streamlining your life so that you gain more energy, space and clarity. You’ll be encouraged to remove any distractions and obstacles likely to block your way ahead.


Step 4: Value your True Essence will get you to focus on your achievements and strengths, delegate your weaknesses and connect with your own special essence.


Step 5: Focus on What Really Matters is the final element of your launch pad. Here you’ll learn how to identify your values, be encouraged to set well-defined boundaries and high personal standards and clarify what is truly important to you.

       Part 2: Real Results


Step 6: Clarify your Vision and Goals will encourage you to ‘think big’ as you create your vision, connect with your dreams, clarify your intentions and define your goals.


Step 7: Make Time Work for You will see you starting to plan ahead. You’ll learn how to manage yourself superbly so you achieve more in less time.


Step 8: Shape Up your Finances gets you to look at your money situation, strengthen your financial foundations and establish ways of propel ling yourself forward financially.


Step 9: Attract the Relationships You Want will help you to determine what relationships you want, understand your needs and how to get them met, improve your powers of communication and become more attractive to yourself and others so that you can harness the power of synergy in your life.


Step 10: Get into the Flow inspires you to pull the whole process together and gives you the confidence to live in the land of opportunity. Connecting your powerful foundations with your big vision and your small steps will enable you to take action to bring your plans into reality, create momentum and get into the flow of transforming your life!

      There is a huge difference between understanding the theory and putting it into practice. The real value in coaching is the role it plays in empowering you to take action to do what you say you want to do. But once you’ve taken the first few steps you’ll find that you (and your life) will start to gather momentum. It may take time to fully integrate all the elements of transformation, but the more steps you take, the more you’ll find yourself ‘in the flow’ and the sooner you’ll start enjoying the life you really want.

      The Format of Each Step

      For ease of reference, each step follows the same pattern. Every chapter begins with a brief Overview of the step and a clear indication of the results you’re likely to achieve when you’ve completed it. If you can picture the end result at the beginning, you’ll have a greater chance of bringing it into reality!

      Next comes the Personal Reward section where I ask you to write down how you’ll reward yourself when you’ve finished the step. The completion of each step is a significant milestone along your path of transformation and I want you to recognize it as such. Acknowledging your progress to date is a valuable lesson in itself! As you go through a process of change it’s very easy to drive yourself forward, focus on what’s next and overlook what you’ve already achieved. It’s important to give yourself rewards as you go. Treats could include a night out with friends, a massage, a box of chocolates, a long walk, a trip to a health club – you decide. Celebrate the little wins as well as the big ones and enjoy your transformation process.

      This is followed by a Quick Transformation Quiz of 20 questions. Note your score as you begin each step and again when you’ve completed it. The maximum score on each quiz is 40 points. My challenge is for you to score a minimum of 32 points on every quiz once you’ve completed the book!

      Each step then features Five Sections, each represented by a star. These include a combination of information, quotes, questions and assignments. As you complete each section, colour in your step by step progress tracker.

      Then there are Key Insights Gained from the Step, where you can list the five most valuable СКАЧАТЬ