Self Esteem Bible: Build Your Confidence Day by Day. Gael Lindenfield
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Название: Self Esteem Bible: Build Your Confidence Day by Day

Автор: Gael Lindenfield

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Общая психология


isbn: 9780007383610


СКАЧАТЬ and energize you. Treat yourself to an extravagant extra such as a seaweed scrub to draw out toxins, or simply give yourself a massage using moisturizing lotion with a few drops of essential oil added. Select some CDs for relaxation sessions and make sure you have lots of large fluffy towels and comfortable clothing washed and ready to wear.

       2 Beat the exercise excuses

      Perhaps you don’t enjoy the gym or that early morning run you never have the time to do. Don’t give in – you deserve and need a fit body. Find alternatives. Booking in for a regular class is a good way of committing. Try taking your own music, or a language course or motivational tape, to listen to during your workout at the gym. Alternatively, team up with a friend or colleague you never see enough, and make a weekly date for a walk and talk. Until the habit sticks, reward yourself each time you complete an exercise routine. Your aim is to programme your brain to associate exercise with pleasure instead of pain.

       3 Take de-stressing action before you become stressed

      Release tension from your body by doing a few quick stretches and gentle head rolls at least every hour. Concentrate on the muscles you know your particular work or lifestyle strains. At the very least, clench your fingers and toes and then gently release them several times.

       4 Use meditation to clear your mind at least once a day

      Sit or lie in a comfortable supported position. Release tension from your face and head by tightening and releasing your muscles in that region a few times. Close your eyes and focus your whole awareness on your breathing. Visualize your breath as it enters and leaves your body. Continue doing this for a minute or so.

      While still following your breathing, centre your attention either on your heart or at a point inside your head in the direct line of the central point between your eyes (where your brain controls your ‘fight or flight’ response). In time to your breathing, in your mind start saying a mantra. This is a word or short phrase of your choosing. (For example, ‘calm’, ‘at peace’ or ‘I am being’.) Keep repeating your mantra for as long a time as you can spare. When a thought enters your mind, gently refocus your attention on the meditation point you have chosen and continue saying your mantra in time to your breathing.

       5 Cut down your intake of stimulants and depressants

      Limit yourself to one caffeine drink a day, cut down on the alcohol and give up cigarettes. Experiment with healthier alternatives until your palate begins to crave them. You’ll be surprised at how quickly this can happen. (I would never have believed I could teach myself to enjoy camomile tea – my stomach used to turn at its very smell!)

       6 Aim for quality sleep, not just the proverbial eight hours

      Avoid watching action thrillers and late-night news broadcasts. Instead, feed your mind with peaceful and positive images. Use the last hour of the day to watch or read uplifting and calming programmes or stories. Before going to bed, de-stress your body with a candle-lit warm bath and an all-over self-massage with sandalwood or lavender lotion.

      Ensure your bedroom is well aired, as a good supply of oxygen is necessary for body repair work. If you live in a polluted area, treat yourself to an air purifier for your bedroom. Invest in heavy curtains or blackout blinds. The sleep inducing hormone melatonin starts taking effect when darkness descends. Use earplugs or very quiet rhythmic music to block out any distracting noise.

       7 Clear your kitchen of temptation

      A short-term costly clean up of the contents of your cupboard and fridge will pay long-term dividends to your health. Have the courage to waste some food you know you shouldn’t eat.

       8 Get marching!

      It’s good for your heart and your brain. The left – right action stimulates the connections between the brain’s two hemispheres. You only need to march on the spot for a minute or two to feel an instant uplift.

       9 Prescribe yourself more fun

      Fun encourages healing and builds up resistance to disease. This happens because laughter counters the effects of physical stress and the endorphins that it produces boost the immune system.

       10 Buy or pick yourself fresh flowers once a week

      Don’t wait for someone else to do you this honour or wait for an excuse to give some to your beloved. You deserve to feast on the uplifting and luxurious qualities of natural beauty – all day and every day. Even one or two blooms will do the trick if a bunch is not possible.

       11 Get dancing!

      This must be one of the most enticing ways to exercise. Freeing up your body as you move to music – whether in public or the privacy of your home – is an enjoyable, liberating and energizing experience.

       12 Timetable 45 minutes of deep relaxation into every week

      This is the kind of relaxation that makes you feel as though you’re detached from your body and floating in the air. When you are in this deeply tranquil physical state, your body will rebalance itself and carry out any necessary repair work. Experiment with different ways to achieve this state until you find the one that suits you. You could use one of the techniques in this book (for instance, tips 28, 98, and 277) or you may find a particular brand of yoga or meditation works well for you. If this is the case, then stick with this method for as long as you can, because if you do you will find that it takes less and less time to reach the point of deep relaxation.

       13 Release pent-up emotions

      It may not always be possible to do this at the time your feelings were aroused, but you can do it later. As soon as possible, try to find a private space where you can laugh, cry, scream or thump a cushion. Alternatively, СКАЧАТЬ