Self Esteem Bible: Build Your Confidence Day by Day. Gael Lindenfield
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Название: Self Esteem Bible: Build Your Confidence Day by Day

Автор: Gael Lindenfield

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Общая психология


isbn: 9780007383610



       42 Keep a worry-pad by your bed

      If you cannot sleep because your head is spinning with worries, put the light back on and quickly jot these down. Sounds too simple a solution but it usually works. You may find your concerns look quite different in the light of the morning. If they don’t, at least you’ll be in better shape to deal with them after a night’s sleep.

       43 Get to know your genes

      Find out your family’s disease and death history. This may sound like a dangerously depressing thing to do. But it is also self-caring and sensible. If you know which particular illnesses you are pre-disposed to develop, there is almost always some preventative step you can now take to reduce your chances of becoming ill in that way.

       44 Clean up the air around you

      You wouldn’t expose a child you loved to poisonous air, but you may be doing just that to yourself. Check your immediate environment – both at home and at work. For example, some household cleaning substances are much more dangerous than others and some ‘fresh’ air coming through open windows is far from enervating. You could treat yourself to an air purifier instead of simply worrying about the pollution.

       45 Ensure that your furniture and equipment is taking care of you

      You deserve seats and mattresses that support your back; computers that don’t strain your eyes; cars that are built with safety in mind and smoke detectors that work. Don’t settle for anything less.

       46 Test out alternative therapies and trust the ones that work for you

      In spite of all the scare stories and cynicism from traditional sources of medical help in the West, complementary therapies are increasing in popularity. This is partly because consumers are becoming more assertive and more willing and able to research and experiment with options. Taking this kind of responsibility for your own health care is very good for your self-esteem and it rarely endangers your body. A good way to find out more about what is available is to read alternative health magazines; or even better, try to sample it for yourself. You can usually do this at mind/body/spirit festivals and fairs. They are advertised in the press, in local libraries and on the internet. If you find something that works, or a practitioner you trust, stick by your right to decide what is good for you. Don’t forget to tell your doctor – the best ones are only too pleased to learn from their patients.

       47 Keep a list of favourite re-energizing activities

      When we are overtired and listless, we think negatively. We are inclined to feel powerless and are likely to blame anyone but ourselves for causing our current state. This is when it helps to have some reminders of what we can do almost immediately to revitalize our bodies and spirits – in spite of the pressures from our external world.

      Your list should not include anything that would be difficult to do or to afford. (Otherwise, your negative side will argue you out of action!) Examples of suitable activities could be:


A walk or run in the park;


A long hot bath;


A fast bracing shower;


Half-hour of leisurely gardening;


A swimming race with a fun friend;


A take-away dinner eaten by candle light;


A very early night with a great book or a great person!

       48 Beware of treats with a health sting in their tail

      Some rewards and cheer-up treats can leave us feeling worse about ourselves. This is because we know they are bad for us. Obviously, we can all have such treats once in a while, but if we overuse them they will inevitably do us more harm than good. So think twice before giving yourself the following kinds of ‘treats’:


The big ‘waster booze-up’ that leaves you nauseous the next day;


The cigarette that you know is clogging up your lungs;


The double portion of chocolate cake that tanks up cholesterol and calories;


The violent film that deprives you of a good night’s sleep;


The retail therapy that leaves you with just enough cash for a junk-food supper.


       49 Don’t stay too serious

      It is very easy to become over-intense about yourself and life when you are engaged in personal development. In order to change, we have to become highly self-aware and seriously reflective about the life we have given ourselves. At the beginning, as you honestly confront some of the bad decisions you have made and the apparent inadequacies of your character, you may find your self-esteem decreasing rather than increasing. To counter this, you need fun – lots of it. If you are wondering why, just test it out. Try worrying about being good enough while you are laughing uncontrollably, dancing wildly or singing your heart out!

      So don’t hold back because you have been invited to do something just because it seems frivolous or superficial. It might be just the kind of ‘waste СКАЧАТЬ