Название: The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie. The Ring of the Niblung, part 1
Автор: Рихард Вагнер
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр: Зарубежная классика
That built were the towering walls
Wouldst thou, O Wife!
In the castle confine me,
To me, the god, must be granted,
Faithful at home,
The right to wage war
And conquer the world from without.
Ranging and changing
All men love:
That sport at least thou must leave me.
Cold, hard-hearted,
Merciless man!
For the idle baubles,
Empire and sway,
Thou stakest in insolent scorn
Love and a woman's worth!
When I went wooing, to win thee
I staked ungrudging,
Gladly one of my eyes:
What folly now then to scold!
Women I honour
Beyond thy desire!
I will not abandon
Frei, the fair:
Such never was my intent.
[ Anxiously looking towards a point not on the stage.
Then succour her now:
Defenceless, in fear,
Hither she hastens for help!
[Enters as if flying from someone.
Help me, sister!
Shield me, o brother!
From yonder mountain
Menaces Fasolt:
He comes to bear me off captive.
Let him come!
Sawest thou Loge?
To this tricky deceiver
O why wilt thou trust?
He always snares thee anew,
Though from his snares thou hast suffered.
I ask for no aid
Where simple truth suffices;
But to turn the spite
Of foes to profit,
Craft and cunning alone
Can teach, as by Loge employed.
He whose advice I obeyed
Has promised ransom for Freia:
On him my faith I have fixed.
And art left in the lurch.
The giants come.
Lo! hither they stride:
Where lingers now thine ally?
Where tarry ye, my brothers,
When help ye should bring me,
Weak and bartered away by my kin?
O help me, Donner!
Hither! Hither!
Rescue Freia, my Froh!
Now the knaves who plotted and tricked thee
Abandon thee in thy need.
[Fasolt and Fafner, both of gigantic stature, enter, armed with stout clubs.
Soft sleep
Sealed thine eyes
While we, both sleepless,
Built the castle walls:
Working hard
Wearied not,
Heaping, heaving
Heavy stones.
Tower steep,
Door and gate
Keep and guard
Thy goodly castle halls.
[Pointing to the castle.
There stands
What we builded,
Shining fair
Beneath the sun.
Enter in
And pay the price!
Name, Workers, your wage.
What payment will appease you?
We made the terms
That seemed to us meet.
Hast thou forgot so soon?
Freia, the fair one,
Holda, the free one—
The bargain is
We bear her away.
WOTAN [Quickly.
Ye must be mad
To moot such a thing!
Ask some other wage;
Freia I will not grant.
Stands for a space speechless with angry surprise.
What is this? Ha!
Wouldest deceive?—
Go back on thy bond?
What thy spear wards
Are they but sport,
All the runes of solemn bargain?
O trusty brother!
Fool, dost now see the trick?
Son of light,
Light, unstable,
Hearken! Have a care!
In treaties keep thou troth!
What thou art
Thou art only by treaties,
For, built on bonds,
There are bounds to thy might.
Though cunning thou,
More clever than we:
Though we once freemen,